Street Fighter EX (Kind of an april fools joke?)


[12] Conqueror
Wonderful trailer, really but oh so cruel. Everyone is going crazy over this one (including me) whether this is a joke or not. Apparently it isn't a joke though but a draft they made that capcom didn't want to support, or so i heard so far.

But Arika streamed the game to prove that it was real so i think it's safe to bet that there's going to be a kickstarter of some sort. More info in the vid below.

10/10 would buy.
It looks mesmerizing. Day 1 purchase for me.
If they can't afford a worldwide release, i hope they do a kickstarter or something. The buzz its getting is pretty high and i think they can reach a certain goal. I know i'll support it as much as i can if that was the case.
Overall this is pretty hype, can't wait to see how it turns out.
The buzz its getting is pretty high and i think they can reach a certain goal. I know i'll support it as much as i can if that was the case.
Overall this is pretty hype, can't wait to see how it turns out.
Spot on, dude. I'll be there to support this as well, rain or shine.
This game looks like a non disgusting version of Killer Instinct. I really hate killer instinct but that waifu is on point so I'd probably try it.