Times Expensive Shit Got Broken


Premium Member
Can you believe my household has had at least 3 monitors broken?

The first time, my mother and older brother were wagering money at Wii Sports, only for my mother to whack the monitor of my laptop with the Wii Remote.

The second time, my brother complained to me about my music being too loud, which eventually lead to him throwing a Tic-Tac container at me...

...I ducked...

...and the empty container hit the monitor of my laptop, leaving a crack in it...

The third time, I was bored and decided to a shoot an empty styrofoam cup with a BB gun...

...I missed entirely...

...and the plastic pellet ricochet off the metal beams of my desk bed, and into my LED TV...
Man, that sucks, I feel for ya when shit gets cracked/broken/etc. Just lately, I had to get a new (but affordable) phone that still goes with my current prepaid provider. There is but a small crack on the old phone, but nothing too serious, it still works, however.

But now moved on to the new one and its getting use.
I accidentally broke the original Xbox One I had by dropping it on the concrete as I was trying to set it down in my backpack.
A long time a go I let my brother borrow my DS and he dropped it on the concrete. It broke the little plastic thing that holds the top screen on. It still works, but barely. Nowadays the top screen hardly ever works at all, and only displays rainbow colored lines.