Which company should leave the hardware business?

Which company deserves to stop making hardware the most?

  • Sony

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Premium Member
I feel that Microsoft deserves to leave the most (despite me not wanting them to), and that Nintendo deserves to go the least.
How about you add a "none" option? I feel like Sony and Microsoft pretty much rule the console market and Nintendo stands a bit aside, but I don't think any of them ahould go. In fact, I think there could be more console manufacturers. In our fantasises Atari and Sege could return.

But anyway, I definitely don't say Nintendo should stop, but I feel like they'd have the smallest impact. If Sony or Microsoft would stop making consoles, the other would take over and there would be no competition, I think having both is the minimum.

Anyway that's just my shit opinion.
Consoles are trash, they should all die.

Maybe not Nintendo. The Switch is a cool idea. Too bad it only has a few games, but it is new to be fair.
I think Microsoft had its heyday back in the Halo 3 / CoD4 era. Halo hasn't been made by Bungie for 7 years now, so it's really not even Halo anymore. The xbone is getting killed in terms of sales by the ps4, too. The xbone can't even get half the console sales of the ps4, even with the new version and Microsoft's aggressive ad campaign. I think Microsoft will cut their losses after this gen.