why metal and rock is talentless, and gives you an IQ of
Well, Rap isn't the best also. Why do we have all of these gang my friend? Both Rap and Rock music have there bad points. The kid is just dumb.
Edit: I'm lovin' this video. He making good points, and has a good opinion about both rap and rock. I play the bass, and msot of the metal songs are sooooooooo the same god damn thing!!!! Rock can be label as just play fast. He state people listren too much mainstream rap music. And don't care about lsitren to real rap music. The kid earn my respect. I like both rap and rock.
double edit: He actually made some good points!!!! Some were BS like the way they dress and worshiping the devil. All rock isn't worshiping the devil my friend. There is all of song about god, and other things in life.