Xbox One S


Premium Member
Have you guys heard of the Xbox One S?

Do you think it is worth buying if you already have the original model?
Well for various reasons like...
  • I wish to share and play my games with my older brother. We already own two Playstation 4 consoles so we could share and play each other's games.
  • I am very intrigued by the XBO S' new features.
If that's the case, perhaps you would recommend that I wait for Scorpio instead?
In my opinion the Xbox One S is reasonable priced from $300-$400, but the Xbox One family including Scorpio won't have new exclusive games. Especially after Microsoft's E3 2016 conference because every game is going to be on a Windows 10 PC making it a multiplat. Thae last real exclusive was Halo 5: Guardians, but it may come to PC at a later date. This reminds me of the PS4.5 not being at E3, but it could still released this year.