Astaroth - Frame Data - SC2

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  • Character Notations​

    • None

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    8-Way Run Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Maelstrom Divide :A+G: :H:
    Hades Destroyer :B+G: :H:
    Beat Down Left :A+G:*:B+G: :H:
    On Silent Wings Right :A+G:*:B+G: :H:
    The Rack Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :H:
    Flood of Lava :3::A+G:*:B+G: :H: :TH: Against crouching opponent; :A:*:B: break
    Drop of Lava :2::A+G:*:B+G: :H: :TH: Against crouching opponent; :A:*:B: break
    Titan Bomb :B+G::6h: :H:
    Flight of the Wicked :B+G::4h: :H:
    Hades Destroyer :B+Gh: :H:
    Wrath of the Damned :B+G: :H: Against airborne opponent