Cervantes - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • DC = Dread Charge

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Soul Swing :A: :h: 13 12 -13 -8 2 2
    :G: cancel
    Soul Swing :A::A: :h::h: 13 12, 14 -13 -6 6 6
    Pirate's Cross :aB: :h::m: 11,18 10, 30 -25 -18 -4 -4
    Gentle Wave :6::A: :h: 15 14 -9 -2 8 8
    Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Scissor Wave :3::A: :m::m: 15 16,16 -25 -15 STN STN
    NC / iRV[i15-17] / gRV[-15~16]
    Laser Wave :2::A: :sl: 14 12 -11 -6 8 8
    TC[9~] / ~FC
    Scissor Lifter :1::A: :l: 17 10 -27 -22 -12 -12
    Scissor Lifter :1::A::B: :l::m: 17,38 10,14 -29 -24 -6 STN
    Scissor Lifter :1::A::B: :l::m::m: {{{imp}}} 10,14,21 :UA: KND KND
    NCC / STN on ground hit
    Merciless Wave :4::A: :h: 29 36 -18 -3 KND KND 10
    Merciless Needle :4::aB: :m: 36 10 -21 -16 STN STN
    Merciless Needle :4::aB::B: :m::m: 36 10,14 -22 -16 2 2 8
    Laser Wave FC :A: :sl: 13 12 -11 -6 8 8
    TC[8-12] / ~FC
    Full Sail Anchoring WR :A: :m: 18 18 -22 -14 2 2
    Full Sail Anchoring WR :A::B: :m::m: 18,41 18,36 -25 -15 KND KND
    NCC / Opp. FrC (block)
    Soul Wipe Riptide :7:*:8:*:9::A: :h: 25 22*24*26 -13 -2 8 8
    TJ / Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Aft Soul Wipe BT :A: :h: 15 16 -13 -6 6 6
    Sub Laser Wave BT :2::A: :sl: 17 14 -6 8 8

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Wild Storm :B: :m: 16 12 -19 -14 -6 -6
    :G: cancel
    Wild Storm :B::B: :m::m: 16,35 12,10 -18 -13 -3 -3
    Wild Storm :B::B::B: :m::m::m: 16,35,? 12,10,36 -27 -16 KND KND 8
    NCC / Opp. FrC (block) / Clean Hit: C
    Surprise Wave :bA: :h: 18 20 -19 -16 STN STN 15
    :GI::m:[All F38-51]
    Head Snap Kick :bK: :m: 26 28 -12 1 KND KND
    Storm Generate :B::2: :sm: 14 8 -13 -8 2 2
    Storm Generate :B::2: :at: 8,30 n/a n/a KND KND n/a
    Against midair opponent
    Sail Nautilus :6::B: :m: 19 14 -20 -12 7 7
    Sail Nautilus :6::B::B: :m::m: 19,48 14,30 -27 -14 KND KND 8
    NCC / Delayable up to 12F
    Cannonball Lifter :3::B: :m: 20 28 -18 -13 LNC LNC
    Slay Storm :2::B: :m: 16 18 -15 -8 2 2
    Gale Slash :1::B: :m: 20 16 -16 -13 -3 -3
    Gale Slash :1::B::B: :m::m::m: 20 16,18,18 -26 -12 KND KND 10
    Bloody Hilt Kick :4::B: :m: 15 14 -18 -13 -3 -3
    Bloody Hilt Kick :4::B::K: :m::h: 15 14, 18 -25 -14 KND KND
    Slay Storm FC :B: :m: 15 18 -15 -8 2 2
    Devastator WR :B: :m: 20 30 -21 -12 LNC LNC 11
    Spike Anchor Riptide :7:*:8:*:9::B: :m: 34 24*27*30 -19 -12 4 4 11
    Aft Blade Storm BT :B: :m: 16 18 -13 -6 4 4
    Sub Slay Storm BT :2::B: :m: 17 18 -14 -8 2 2

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Anchor Kick :K: :h: 13 14 -15 -8 2 2
    :G: cancel
    Anchor Knee Kick :6::K: :m: 13 12 -21 -16 0 0
    Anchor Middle Kick :3::K: :m: 15 14 -11 -4 6 6
    Anchor Middle Kick ~ Pressure Astern :3::K:::B+K: :m::m: 15 14,20 -11 -4 STN STN
    Anchor Bow Kick :2::K: :l: 15 16 -15 -14 -2 -2 (31)
    TC / ~FC
    Anchor Whirlpool :1::K: :l: 29 26 -25 -21 KND KND
    Anchor Steep Kick :4::K: :h: 15 16 -17 -10 -2 -2
    Anchor Steep Kick :4::K::K: :h::m: 15 16,20 -17 -12 0 KND
    Anchor Steep Kick ~ Pressure Astern :4::K::K:::B+K: :h::m::m: 15 16,20,20 -11 -4 STN STN
    Anchor Bow Kick FC :K: :l: 14 16 -15 -14 -2 -2 (31)
    TC[3-9] / ~FC
    Anchor Revive Kick WR :K: :m: 14 16 -19 -12 6 6
    Cannon Launch Kick :7:*:8:*:9::K: :m: 21 20*22*24 -13 -8 2 2
    Aft Anchor Kick BT :K: :h: 17 16 -15 -9 2 2
    Sub Anchor Bow Kick BT :2::K: :l: 17 16 -17 -14 -2 -2

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Pirate's Scheme :A+B: :SS: n/a 40 n/a n/a KND KND n/a
    :GI::h::m::l:[Hori. F3-15]
    41F duration
    Night Raid :6::A+B: :m::m::m: 27 16x3 -17 -8 STN STN 9
    NC / 68F duration
    Shattering Man of War :3::A+B: :m::m: 21 14,14 -21 -16 STN STN
    NCC / STN[16]
    Killer X :2::A+B: :m: 19 20 -22 -11 KND LNC 12
    ~FC / Opp. FrC (block)
    Dark Geo Da Ray :4::A+B: :m: 61 30 -22 LNC LNC 5
    Invincible[15~] / 117F duration
    Iceberg Circular ~ Dread Charge :8::A+B: :m::SS: 27 21 -37 1 LNC LNC 8
    TC[6~] / ~DC / Clean Hit: B
    Flying Dutchman WR :A+B: :m:x6 19 10,5x4,20 -27 -16 STN STN 6
    NC / 110F duration / Clean Hit: C
    Pirate's Tactics :B+K: :SS: n/a 40 n/a n/a KND KND n/a
    :GI::h::m::l:[Vert., Thrusts F3-16]
    50F duration
    Genocidal Culverin :6::B+K: :h: 40 60 -15 :UA: KND KND n/a
    High Tide Anchoring :2::B+K: :m: 21 30 -26 -15 KND KND 12
    Opp. FrC (block)
    High Tide Anchoring :2::B+Kh: :sm::l: 36 40 -26 -15 KND KND 8
    Opp. FrC (block) / Quake stun[23]
    Eternal Curse :1::B+K: :m: 69 50 -23 :UA: LNC LNC n/a
    :G: cancel
    Eternal Curse ~ Pressure Astern :1::B+K:::B+K: :m: 20 -11 -4 LNC LNC -
    :UA: :G: cancel
    Bloody Hoist :4::B+K: :m: 24 24 -19 -14 6 6 10
    TC[8~] / TS / Opp. FrC (hit)
    Killer X Crawler :9::B+K: :m: 36 36 -19 -14 KND KND 8
    Pressure Astern :9::B+Kh: :m: 36 20 -11 -4 STN STN
    TJ[13~] / Clean hit: A
    Bloody Culverin :8::B+K: :h: 16 20 -15 :UA: LNC LNC n/a
    Clean Hit: A
    Tornado Swell WR :B+K: :m::m::m: 24 16,16,58(77) -74 -58 SLNC SLNC 10
    TC / TJ / NC / 112F duration / Clean Hit: C
    Pressure Astern BT :B+K: :m: 15 20 -11 -4 STN STN

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Lagging Wave :6h::A: :h: 19 30 -23 -12 KND KND 13
    Dishonest Wave :3h:*:9h::A: :h: 29 34 -23 -12 KND KND 10
    :GI::m:[Horizontals, Verticals F5-12]
    Gibbering Torpedo :2h:*:8h::A: :l: 25 14 -21 -18 -5 -5
    Gibbering Torpedo :2h:*:8h::A::A: :l::l: 25,42 14,28 -19 -14 KND KND
    TC / NCC
    Tornado Slice :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :h::m: 30 14, 30 -21 -6 KND KND 10
    Bile Lunges :6h::B: :m: 17 30,20 -21 -14 KND KND 12
    :at: (TIP HIT=+8 CH=KND)
    Riot Storm :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 28 52 -20 -3 KND KND 8
    Clean Hit: C / Opp. FrC (block)
    Dread Pressure :2h:*:8h::B: :m: 25 30 -21 -12 STN STN 10
    Clean Hit: A
    Dread Pressure :2h:*:8h::Bh: :m: 61 40 -21 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Clean Hit: A
    Submerged Harpoon :1h:*:7h::B: :l: 28 22 -22 -20 4 KND
    Bow Breaker :4h::B: :m: 25 34 -30 -16 KND KND 10
    Head Scratch Kick :6h::K: :m: 17 18 -13 -6 5 5
    Head Scratch Kick :3h:*:9h::K: :m: 17 16 -13 -6 5 KND
    Anchor Side Kick :2h:*:8h::K: :m: 24 22 -17 -10 6 KND
    :GI::h::m:[Hori., Body F4-13]
    Anchor Swirl Kick :1h:*:7h::K: :l: 25 18 -21 -16 4 4
    TC / ~FC
    Galleon Sinker :4h::K: :m: 25 32 -30 -5 KND KND 10
    Opp. FrC (block)
    Cross Bone Divider :4h::A+B: :m: 44 48 -23 -12 LNC LNC 6
    Cross Bone Divider :4h::A+Bh: :m: 64 78 -23 :UA: LNC LNC n/a
    Sliding RUN :K: :l: 21 26 -25 -22 KND KND (22)

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Storm Geo Da Ray :6::bs::A+B+K: :m::m: 19 14, 37 -16 LNC SLNC 8
    :be: NC / Clean Hit: C
    Flash Geo Da Ray :4::bs::A+B+K: :m: 21 30 -55 6 SLNC LNC 10
    :be::gc: Clean Hit: C / ~BT (guard)
    Gibbering Pressure :2h:*:8h::as::A+B+K: :l::m: 24 14, 20 -11 14 STN STN 7
    :be::gc: Clean Hit: A
    Fata Morgana WR :a-small::+::bs::A+B+K: :m:x9 19 10,5x7,20 -20 13 KND KND 6
    :be::gc: NC
    Curse of the Ancient Mariner :a-small::+::gs::A+B+K: :h: 17 70 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A: break
    Cursed Roman Fire :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :h: 10 50 -16 :UA: KND KND -
    :CE: Invincible [8~] / 40F duration

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Sadistic Cross :A+G: :h: 17 50 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A: break / RO
    Cannonball Split :B+G: :h: 17 35 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :B: break
    Figurehead Break Left :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Jolly Roger Hoist Right :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 55 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Flush Flood Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only) / RO/W!

    Special Stances​

    Dread Charge​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Dread Charge :2::1::4: :SS: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    30F before stance attack can be performed
    55F duration
    Marshal Wave DC :A: :h: 29 34 -23 12 KND KND 11
    :GI::m:[Hori., Vert.]
    Geo Da Ray DC :B: :m: 11 50 -16 LNC LNC 9
    Clean Hit: B
    Geo Da Ray Conclusion DC::B: :m: 16* 30 -45 -21 LNC LNC 9
    * Move occurs after input, fastest allowed input of 1F results in i17.
    Clean Hit: C
    Geo Da Ray DC :2:*:8::B: :m: 38 50 -16 LNC LNC 9
    Clean Hit: B
    Vile Tornado DC :K: :l: 29 18 -27 -22 KND KND
    Vile Tornado DC :K::B: :l::h: 29 18,7 - - LNC LNC
    Vile Tornado DC :K::B:::B: :l::h::h: 29 18,7,40 - - LNC LNC
    NC / Clean Hit: B
    Vile Tornado BT DC :K: :h: - 60 - :UA: KND KND
    Shadow Flare DC :B+K: :m: 56 55 -18 -10 KND KND 11
    Opp. FrC (block)
    Shadow Flare DC :B+Kh: :m: 56 55 -18 -10 KND KND 13
    Dread Dash DC :6: :SS: - - - - - - -
    55F duration