Ivy - Frame Data - SC2

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  • Character Notations​

    • SW = Sword State
    • WP = Whip State
    • SR = Spiral Serenade
    • ST = Spiral Tribute
    • SL = Spiral Lust
    • SE = Serpent's Embrace

    Note that Ivy's recovery frames after being blocked or on hit may fluctuate.

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Biting Raven :A: :H: 13 -5 +6
    Biting Raven :A::A: :H::H: 13 -8 +3
    Biting Raven :A::Ah: :H::H: 13 -15 +4 ~ WP
    Biting Raven :A::Ah::6:*:3:*:2:*:1:*:4:*:7:*:8:*:9: :H::H: 13 -11 +3 ~ SR
    Raven Butt :6::A: :M: 19 -7 +6
    Cross Madness :3::A: :M: 17 -9 +4
    Cursed Mark :2::A: :SL: 13 -4 +8 ~ FC
    Ancient Wheels :1::A: :L: 26 -17 +2 ~ WP
    Ancient Wheels :1::A::A: :L::L: 26 -12 +2
    Menace Slice :4::A: :H: 21 -1 +8
    Serpent's Venom :2::1::4::A: :H: 51 KND KND KND :UA:/ :G: Cancel-able / TC / RO
    Serpent's Venom (Cancel) :2::1::4::A: :G:
    Menace WR :A: :M:

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Immortal Gale :B: :M: 15
    Immortal Gale :B::B: :M::M: 15
    Immortal Gale :B::Bh: :M::M: 15 ~ WP
    Immortal Gale :B::Bh::6:*:3:*:2:*:1:*:4:*:7:*:8:*:9: :M::M: 15 ~ SR
    Squire's Cage :B::6::B: :M::H: :AT:
    Caged Silhouette :B::6::B::K: :M::H::L: ~ WP / :AT:
    Ivy Lash :6::B: :M: 18
    Ivy Lash :6::Bh: :M:
    Biting Ivy Innor :6::Bh::2:*:8: :M::M:
    Cursed Heavens :3::B: :M: 18 LNC SLNC
    Cursed Brand :2::B: :M: 13 ~ FC
    Poison Ivy :1::B: :L: 29 KND KND
    Poison Ivy :1::Bh: :L: KND KND
    Ivy Bite :4::B: :H: 11
    Venom Lash :2::1::4::B: :M::M: 21 -13 -7 TC / TS / NC
    Venom Lash :2::1::4::Bh: :M::M: 21 -20 -12 ~ SE / TC / TS / NC
    Ivy Brambler :2::3::6::B: :M: 40 -4 KND Up to +3 on GRD at max range. / TJ
    Shameless WR :B:
    Ivy Masquerade FC :3::B: :L: 20
    Ivy Masquerade FC :3::Bh: :L: 25
    Pride FC :1::B: :M: 17 SLNC When close enough, it will SLNC over your head on hit/on CH.

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Night Swallow :K: :H: 12
    Ivy Sweep :K::2: :L: 17 -8 +2 STN
    Ivy Sweep :K::2: :L: 17 -8 - - :AT: Against downed opponent.
    Raven Knee :6::K: :M: 13 -5 +5
    Evil Sparrow :3::K: :M: 18
    Charmer Silhouette :2::K: :L: 14
    Serpent Silhouette :2::3::K: :L: 14
    Rage Kick :1::K: :M: 14
    Rage Kick :1::Kh: :M: 27 KND KND
    Raven Catcher :4::K: :H: 16 KND KND
    Rising Cross WR :K: :M:
    Nail Cross FC :3::K: :M:

    (Sword State) Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Spiral Serenade :A::+::B: ~ SR
    Freeze Gaze :6::A::+::B: :M::M: 19
    Eye of Madness :3::A::+::B: :SM: LNC SLNC ~ WP
    Eye of Madness :3::Ah::+::Bh: :SM: 106 - SLNC SLNC :UA: / ~ WP
    Dominance :2::A::+::B: :M: 19 KND LNC FRC
    Razor's Bite :1::A::+::B: :L: 23 KND KND
    Spiral Punishment :4::A::+::B: :M::M::M: 23 :GI:
    Spiral Punishment (Cancel) :4::A::+::B: :G: :GI: / ~ WP
    Spiral Punishment :4::A::+::B: :B: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M: KND KND :GI: / GRD Breaker
    Spiral Punishment :4::A::+::B: :Bh: :M::M::M::M::M: KND KND KND :GI: / :UA:
    God Whisper :7: * :8: *:9::A::+::B: :M: 20
    God Whisper :7: * :8: * :9::A::+::B: :A: :M::L::SM: LNC TS
    Masquerade FC :3::A::+::B: :L::SM: 40 LNC STN TC / ~ WP
    Masquerade FC :3::Ah::+::Bh: :L::SM: SLNC SLNC STN :UA: / TC / ~ WP
    Demented Loop WR :A::+::B: :M:
    Demented Loop WR :A::+::B: :A: * :B: :M::M::H: KND KND NCC
    Royal Huntress :2::A::+::K: :L: 25 KND KND TC
    Embrace of Lust :6::B::+::K: :M: 28 STN STN
    Embrace of Lust :6::Bh::+::Kh: :M: 29 Short Range :AT: / Leaves Opponent BT.
    Embrace of Lust :6::Bh::+::Kh: :M: Long Range :AT: / Pulls opponent to you.
    Fear's Void :1: * :2: * :3::B::+::K: :M: 27 STN STN Knocks back opponent on GRD / TC.
    Fear's Void (Cancel) :1: * :2: * :3::B::+::K: :G: 32 ~ WP / TC
    Gnome Huntress :3::Bh::+::Kh: :H: Short range only / :UA:
    Heel Explosion :4::B::+::K: :M: 72 :UA:
    Heel Explosion (Cancel) :4::B::+::K: :G: Slight TC after cancelling.
    Ivy Lick :8::B::+::K: * :6::B::8: :H: :AT: on airborne opponent / ~ WP
    Silhouette :8::B::+::K::K: * :6::B::8::K: :H::L:
    Asylum WR :B::+::K: :M::M::M::M: :GI:

    (Whip State) Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Venom Strike :A::+::B: :H: ~ SE
    Lamenting Tail :A::+::K: :L: KND KND :AT:
    Eye of Madness :3::Ah::+::Bh: :SM: SLNC SLNC :UA: / ~ SL
    Spiral Serenade :3::Ah::+::Bh::+: Any direction From SL ~ SR

    8-Way Run Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Raven's Egg :6::6::A: :H: 18 STN STN
    Dancing Insanity :4::4::A: :H: 18
    Dancing Insanity :4::4::Ah: :H: ~ WP
    Wolf Lash :3::3: * :9::9::A: :H: 22 STN STN
    Insanity Light :2::2: * :8::8: :M: 28 :AT: / Opponent left BT
    Insanity Light (Cancel) :2::2: * :8::8::A: :G: - 30 - - - - ~ WP
    Ancient Wheels :1::1: * :7::7::A: :L: 26 TC
    Ancient Wheels :1::1: * :7::7::A::A: :L::L: TC
    Insanity Light :6::6::A::+::B: :M: 28 :AT: / Opponent left BT
    Insanity Light :6::6::A::+::B::4h: :M: :AT:
    Insanity Light (Cancel) :6::6::A::+::B: :G: - - - - - - ~ WP
    Crucifixion :4::4::A::+::B: :M: 45 KND KND RO potential
    Crucifixion :4::4::Ah::+::Bh: :M: 74 KND KND KND :UA: / RO potential
    Serpent's Breath :6::6::B: :M: 16 SLNC
    Serpent's Breath :6::6::Bh: 16 SLNC ~ ST
    Darkside :4::4::B: :M: 31 ~ WP
    Darkside :4::4::Bh: :M: ~ SR
    Darkside :4::4: * :3::3: * :9::9::B: :M: 31 ~ WP
    Darkside :4::4: * :3::3: * :9::9::Bh: :M: ~ SR
    Drowning Madness :2::2: * :8::8::B: :M: 20 SLNC SLNC
    Drowning Madness :2::2: * :8::8::Bh: :M: SLNC SLNC ~ ST
    Poison Ivy :1::1: * :7::7::B: :L: 29 KND KND
    Poison Ivy :1::1: * :8::8::Bh: :L: KND KND
    Exile :4::4::B::+::K: :M::SM: 37 ~ WP
    Exile :4::4::Bh::+::Kh: :M::SM: ~ SL / :UA:
    Mind Shatter :6::6::K: :H: 16 KND KND RO Potential
    Mind Shatter :6::6::Kh: :H: 22 KND KND RO Potential
    Evil Sparrow :3::3: * :9::9::K: :M: 18
    Royal Huntress :2::2: * :8::8::K: :L: 25 KND KND
    Ramble Sobat :1::1: * :7::7::K: :M: 26 KND KND RO Potential
    Diving Raven :4::4::K: :M: 25 KND KND

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Primal Dominance :A::+::G: :H: 16 KND KND
    Dominion Throw :B::+::G: :H: 16 KND KND
    Heartless Guide Left :A::+::G: * :B::+::G: :H: 16 KND KND
    Sunset Cradle Right :A::+::G: * :B::+::G: :H: 16 KND KND
    Sweet Dominance Back :A::+::G: * :B::+::G: :H: 16 KND KND
    Ivy Lick :6::B::8: :H: 11 :AT: Against airborne opponent.
    Ivy Lick :8::B::+::K: :H: 13 :AT: Against airborne opponent.
    Summon Suffering :3::7::6::2::3::1::A::+::B: :H: 21
    Calamity Symphony During WP :3::7::6::2::3::1::A::+::K: :H: 18

    Stance Transitions​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Punishment Change :2::1::4: ~ WP
    Pleasure Change :B::+::K: :GI: / ~ WP
    Punishment Change During WP :2::1::4: ~ SW
    Pleasure Change During WP :B::+::K: :GI: / ~ SW
    Spiral Serenade :A::+::B: ~ SR

    Spiral Serenade Stance Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Serpent Slash :A: :H: ~ ST
    Serpent Whip :B::B: :M::M: ~ WP
    Cross Kick :K: :H:
    Reeling Mind :A::+::B: * :B::+::K: - - - :AT: / Opponent left BT

    Spiral Tribute Stance Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Raging Flames :A: :H: ~ SE
    Lost Soul :2::A: :L: ~ WP
    Mistress' Justice :B::B::B: :M::M::M:
    Mistress' Justice :B::6::B::4::B::6::B::4::B: :M::M::M::M::M: GRD Breaker

    Spiral Tribute Stance Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Violent Spirits :A::A: :H::M::H: KND KND
    Lamenting Tail :2::A: :L: :AT:
    Whirling Exile :B: :M::M::M: STN STN GRD Breaker
    Whirling Exile :Bh: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M::M: STN STN STN :UA:
    Cross Knee :K: :M:
    Fencing with Flames :A::+::B: GRD Breaker / ~ WP

    Serpent's Embrace Stance Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Charging Serpent :K: :M:
    Charging Serpent :6::6::K: :M: SLNC SLNC
    Released Souls :A::+::B: :M: KND KND KND :UA:
    Stinging Souls (Short range) :4::B::+::K: :M: KND
    Stinging Souls (Mid range) :B::+::K: :M: KND
    Stinging Souls (Long range) :6::B::+::K: :M: