Ivy - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • None

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Doomed Mark :A: :H: 13 10 -13 -8 +2 +2 (31)
    :G: cancel
    Doomed Mark :A::A: :H::H: 13 22 -13 -6 +6 +6 (20)
    Biting Raven :Ah: :H::H: 13,38 24 -30 -15 -6 -6 (20)
    NC / Opp. ~BT
    Dashing Wind :6::A: :H: 17 14 -19 -12 +2 +2 (22)
    Dashing Wind :6::A::K: :H::H: 17,43 14,16 -13 +2 +10 +10 (10.5)
    Tempting Tezhas :6::Ah: :H: 21 12 -30+ -17 -8 - 15
    Tempting Tezhas :6::Ah: Counter Hit :H: 21 34 n/a n/a n/a KND n/a
    :AT: on CH
    Raven Gash :3::A: :M: 19 26 -15 -8 STN STN (19)
    Dancing Tezhas :3::Ah: :M: 22 14 -25 -18 +2 STN (22)
    Cursed Mark :2::A: :SL: 13 10 -11 -6 +8 +8 (31)
    Ancient Wheel :1::A: :L: 27 14 -24+ -17 -3 - (22)
    Ancient Wheel :1::A: Counter Hit :L::L: 27 14,10 n/a n/a n/a -2 n/a
    NCC / ~FC
    Menace Slice :4::A: :H: 21 30 -23 -8 +2 STN 13
    Serpent's Venom :2::1::4::A: :H: 56 100 -26 KND KND KND n/a
    :UA: / :G: cancel / TC / RO
    Pecking Raven FC :A: :SL: 12 10 -11 -6 +8 +8 (31)
    Menace WR :A: :M: 17 18 -14 -8 +3 +3 (31)
    Hunting Raven WR :Ah: :M: 25 14 -23 -16 +2 +2 15
    Lacks hitbox up close.
    Rising Raven :7:*:8:*:9::A: :M: 29 20*22*24 -17 -12 +4 +4 (31)
    TJ / RO capable
    Reverse Raven BT :A: :H: 15 12 -12 -6 +8 +8
    Deep Curse BT :2::A: :SL: 15 10 -6 +8 +8

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Carving Strike :B: :M: 15 14 -8 +2 +2 (19)
    :G: cancel
    Carving Strike :B::B: :M::M: 15 14,16 -13 -6 +4 +4 (12.5)
    Poisoned Destiny :Bh: :M::M: 17,48 34 -35 -20 -10 -10 8
    NC / Opp. ~FC
    Queen's Pleasure :bK: :L: 18 5 -17 -16 -2 STN (31)
    CH STN[13]
    Queen's Pleasure :bK: :L: 18 35 -16 - -
    :AT: Against downed opponent
    Ivy Thrust :6::B: :M: 18 24 -15 -6 +4 +4 14
    Ivy Lick :6::B::8: :H: 11* 28 -25 -19 -9 -9 (22)
    Late Hit: 28 Damage, -2 Blocked, +9 Hit, 50F duration
    * Attack occurs after completion of input
    Fastest input 1F results in i12
    Ivy Lick :6::B::8: :H: 11* 28,35 -25 -19 KND KND
    :AT: Against midair opponent / Clean Hit: C
    Silhouette :6::B::8::K: :H::L: 12,38 28,12 (40) -16 -12 +2 +2 (16.5)
    Ivy Lash :6::Bh: :M: 24 14 -15 -5 -5 13
    Biting Ivy Inner :6::Bh::2:*:8: :M::M: 24,41 28 -39 -29 -14 -16 10.5
    TC / NCC
    Cursed Heavens :3::B: :M: 18 26 -19 -10 LNC SLNC 13
    TC / TS / i19 at tip range / -18 on JG at tip range
    Twisted Dominance :2::B: :M: 16 16 -15 -8 +2 +2 (19)*15
    ~FC / Only breaks from WL or FC
    Ivy Sting :1::B: :M: 16 16 -19 -8 +2 +2 (19)*15
    Only breaks from WL or FC
    Ivy Bite :4::B: :H: 12 14 -11 -6 +4 +4 (22)
    Venom Lash :2::1::4::B: :M::M: 20,36 14,16 -21 -14 -4 -4 (22)
    TC / TS / NC
    Immortal Flow FC :B: :M: 15 16 -15 -8 +2 +2 (19)
    Twilight Flow FC :1::B: :M: 17 28 -19 -12 LNC LNC 12
    LNC Behind / RO / STN at tip
    Cagemaster FC :1::Bh: :M: 20 16 -23 -14 LNC LNC 13
    Cagemaster FC :1::Bh::B: :M::H::H: 20 30 -24 -18 LNC LNC 8.5
    Shameless WR :B: :M: 19 22 -8 +10 +10 12
    Rising Ivy :7:*:8:*:9::B: :SM: 18 22*24*26 -18 -15 -3 -3 (31)
    Reverse Immortal BT :B: :M: 17 16 -6 +4 +4
    Deep Immortal BT :2::B: :M: 19 18 -8 +2 +2

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Night Swallow :K: :H: 13 14 -15 -8 +2 +2 (31)
    :G: cancel
    Dark Cage :6::K: :M: 14 12 -12 +4 +4 (31)
    Dark Cage :6::K::B: :M::H: 14,31 12,18 -22 -18 -6 -
    Dark Cage :6::K::B:(Counter Hit) :M::H: 14 12,18,30 - - KND
    :AT: Against midair opponent
    Lover :6::K::B::K: :M::H::L: 14,31,56 44 -22 -12 +2 +2
    Rage Kick :3::K: :M: 14 16 -10 -5 +5 +5
    Rage Kick :3::Kh: :M: 33 32 -10 +3 STN STN 9
    Charmer Silhouette :2::K: :L: 15 14 -15 -14 -2 -2
    Royal Huntress :1::K: :L: 26 18 -25 -22 KND KND
    TC[7-15] / STC[16~] / ~FC
    Evil Sparrow :4::K: :M: 18 22 -20 -11 +3 STN 14
    Charmer Silhouette FC :K: :L: 14 14 -15 -14 -2 -2
    Rising Cross WR :K: :M: 14 14 -6 +6 +6
    Rising Mind Shatter :7::K: :M: 26 18 -13 -6 KND KND
    TJ / RO
    Rising Mind Shatter :8::K: :M: 26 20 -13 -6 KND KND
    TJ / RO
    Rising Mind Shatter :9::K: :M: 26 22 -13 -6 KND KND
    TJ / RO
    Reverse Night Swallow BT :K: :H: 15 14 -8 +2 +2
    Deep Silhouette BT :2::K: :L: 17 18 -14 -4 -4

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    God Whisper :A+B: :M: 20 16 -25 -18 -2 -2
    TJ / ~FC
    God Whisper :A+B::A: :M::L: 20,44 16,14 -22 -10 +4 +4
    NC / TJ
    Released Souls :6::A+B: :M: 75 60 -22 KND KND KND
    :UA: / RO
    Suppressed Exile :3::A+B: :M: 78 75 -25 LNC LNC LNC
    :UA: / :G: cancel
    Suppressed Exile ~ Leaping Gnome :3::A+B::B: :M: 37 30 -25 -10 LNC LNC
    :G: cancel
    Suppressed Exile ~ Leaping Gnome :3::A+B::B: :M: 30 -25 -10 LNC LNC
    Slightly Charged / :G: cancel
    Dominance :2::A+B: :M: 19 22 -19 -10 KND LNC 12
    Clean Hit: C / Opp. ~FC
    Razor's Bite :1::A+B: :L: 31 20 -16 -12 STN STN
    Spiral Punishment :4::A+B: :M::M::M: 28 18 -1 +8 +8
    NC / :GI::M:[Horizontals F9~]
    Spiral Punishment :4::A+B::B: :M:x7 28 32 -29 -24 KND KND 6
    Second B Cannot Combo / RO
    Piercing Bolt :8::A+B: :M: 22 20 -25 -16 LNC LNC
    TC / TJ / RO
    Piercing Bolt :8::A+B::B: :M::M: 22 20,25(40) -30 -20 KND KND 12
    TC / TJ / RO
    Piercing Bolt :8::A+B::Bh: :M::M: 22 48 -30 -29 LNC LNC 9
    TC / TJ / RO
    Danger Range WR :A+B: :M: 19 20 -9 +1 +1
    Danger Range WR :A+B::A: :M::M::H: 19,46,69 20,16,16 -17 -2 KND KND
    NCC / RO
    Raging Gnome :B+K: :M::M::M: 35,54,81 37 -68,-59,-22 -7 LNC LNC 7
    Embrace of Guilt :6::B+K: :M: 29 28 -17 -2 KND KND 9
    KND at Far Range
    Embrace of Guilt :6::B+K: :M: 29 48 -17 -2 +10 +10 9
    :AT: Opp. ~BT
    Embrace of Guilt :6::B+Kh: :M: 29 38 -27 -12 +11 +11 9
    Fear's Void :1:*:2:*:3::B+K: :SM: 26 30 -29 -7 STN STN 9
    RO / hRV[+1]
    Heel Explosion :4::B+K: :M: 75 80 -22 KND KND KND
    :UA: / :G: cancel ~FC
    Stinging Souls :7:*:8:*:9::B+K: :M::M: 27 26 -39 -29 LNC LNC 11
    Asylum WR :B+K: :M::M: 20 20,20 -19 -14 -4 -4
    :GI:[:H::M::L: All] / NC
    Asylum BT :B+K: :M::M: 32 20,20 -5 0 12 12 13
    :GI:[:H::M::L: All] / NC / -18 if 2nd hit whiffs
    Viper Tail BT :2::B+K: :SM: 26 30 -6 KND KND 10

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Raven's Egg :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :H: 18 30 -21 -8 KND KND 13
    Eclipse Raven :6h:*:3h:*:9h::Ah: :H::M: 23,58 24 -27 -16 +11 +11 10
    Wolf Sign :2h::A: :H: 26 18 -17 -2 +8 STN 11
    Wolf Lash :8h::A: :H: 26 18 -2 +8 STN 11
    Lamenting Tail :1h:*:7h::A: :L: 29 41 -25 -19 KND KND 13
    Cursed Soul :4h::A: :M: 24 24 -20 -7 +3 +3 15
    Insanity Light :4h::Ah: :M: 29 14 -29 -23 -6 -6 16
    Insanity Light :4h::Ah: :M: 29 14,20 -23 +8 +8 16
    :AT: Opp. ~BT
    Insanity Feast :4h::Ah::6: :M: 29 14,30 -23 KND KND 16
    Force Pledge :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B: :M: 17 24 -17 -6 +8 STN 13
    Midnight Requiem :2h:*:8h::B: :M: 16 30 -18 -5 KNC KNC 12
    Mistress' Justice :2h:*:8h::Bh: :M: 25 26 -32 -16 LNC LNC
    Mistress' Justice :2h:*:8h::Bh::B: :M::M: 25 35 -23 -16 -6 -6
    Mistress' Justice :2h:*:8h::Bh::B::B: :M::M::M: 25 41 -23 -16 -6 -6
    Mistress' Justice :2h:*:8h::Bh::B::B::B: :M:x4 25 50 -23 -16 -6 -6 5
    NC / Opp ~FC (block)
    Tezhas' Flood :2h:*:8h::Bh::B:::B:::B:::B:::B: :M:x6 25 81 -23 +12 KND KND 5
    NC / Opp. ~FC on block / Clean Hit: A
    Poison Leaf :1h:*:7h::B: :L: 28 21 -13 -6 KND KND
    Akasha's Cage :4h::B: :M: 42 28 -6 STN STN 6
    Akasha's Cage :4h::B::B: :M::M::H: 42 26,16 -14 LNC LNC 6
    NC / TJ / 10F hit confirm window
    Akasha's Cage :4h::B::B::B: :M::M::H::H: 42 26,16,6,4,7 -14 LNC LNC 6
    :AT: Against midair opponent / NC / TJ
    Mind Shatter :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :H: 16 22 -14 -5 KND KND
    Royal Huntress :2h:*:8h::K: :H: 25 18 -22 KND KND
    TC[7-15] / STC[16~] / ~FC
    Diving Raven :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :M: 28 26 -18 KND KND
    Crucifixion :4h::A+B: :M: 47 30 -27 -14 KND KND 10
    Crucifixion :4h::A+Bh: :M: 71 70 -27 :UA: KND KND n/a
    Exile :4h::B+K: :M::M: 38 20,75 LNC LNC LNC 8
    :UA: / G Cancel
    Exile ~ Leaping Gnome :4h::B+K::B: :M::M: 38,67 20,30 -14 LNC LNC 8
    :G: cancel
    Exile ~ Leaping Gnome :4h::B+K::B: :M::M: 38 20,30 -14 SLNC SLNC 8
    Slightly Charged / :G: cancel
    Sliding RUN :K: :L: 21 26 -22 KND KND
    TJ / RO

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Prophecy's Pledge :1::bA+B+K: :M::M: 16,44 26 -21 +12 STN STN
    :BE::GC: NC
    Arch Cage :6::bs::8::A+B+K: :H: 11* 28 -24+ -19 -8 -8
    :BE: *Attack occurs after completion of input
    Fastest input 1F results in i12
    Arch Cage :6::bs::8::A+B+K: :H: 11* 79 n/a n/a KND KND n/a
    :BE::AT: Against Midair Opponent
    W!/RO capable / Clean Hit: C
    Elder Gnome :6h:*:3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: :M::M: 16,45 24,20 -16 -2 +10 LNC
    :BE: NC
    Nocturnal Sylph :2h:*:8h::bA+B+K: :M::M: 17,56 30,20(45) -27 +11 KND LNC 9
    :BE::GC: NC
    Summon Suffering :as::+::gA::+::B+K: :H: 17 65 - - KND KND
    :TH: / Clean Hit: B
    Acausal Paradox :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :H: 22 100 :TH: :TH: KND KND :TH:
    :CE: Invincible [17]

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Primal Dominance :A+G: :H: 17 50 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A: break / reverse RO
    Dominion Throw :B+G: :H: 17 55 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :B: break
    Heartless Guide Left :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 55 - - KND KND -
    :TH::a:*:B: break
    Sunset Cradle Right :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :a:*:B: break
    Sweet Dominance Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 70 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only)
    Calamity Symphony :2::8::2::8::4::6::6::6::B+G: :H: 18 75 - - KND KND -
    :TH: / Clean Hit: A / :B: break / 62F duration
    Calamity Symphony :2::8::2::8::4::6::6::6:::B+G: :H: 18 85 - - KND KND -
    :TH: / Clean Hit: A / :B:break / 62F duration