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  • Maxi
    View attachment 50630
    Debut: Soulcalibur
    Voice (E): Doug Boyd (SC2)
    Steve Van Wormer (SC3-6)
    Voice (J): Nobutoshi Canna (SC1-3)
    Kenjirō Tsuda (SC4)
    Shigeo Kiyama (SC5-6)
    Age: 24 (SC1)
    28 (SC2-4)
    Older than he looks, 45 chronologically (SC5)
    Birthplace: Shuri, Ryūkyū Kingdom
    Birthday: May 1, 1562
    Blood: O
    Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
    Weight: 126 lbs (57 kg) (SC4)
    168 lbs (76 kg (SC5–SC6)
    Family: Parents / Deceased
    His crew, who were like his family, were slain by Astaroth
    Fighting Style
    Type: Nunchaku
    Weapon: Fatibal (SC1, SC6)
    Soryuju (SC2–SC5)
    Discipline: Shissen Karihadi
    Maxi (マキシ, Makishi, also written as 真喜志) made his first appearance in Soulcalibur and has returned for all mainline games since.


    Bio: Soulcalibur​

    Maxi was a carefree wandering pirate from the Ryukyu Kingdom. One day, while docked in an Indian port town, his ship came under attack by a hoard of monsters led by Astaroth. By chance, Kilik happened to be there, too, so they joined forces in battle against the monsters. Eventually, they repelled the monsters, but not before Astaroth snatched Dvapara-Yuga away from Kilik. Kilik lost his sense of reason, and attacked Maxi. Eventually, Maxi suppressed Kilik, but by then Maxi's sworn brother Kyam was dead, and most of the crew was missing... Having lost everything, Maxi decided to travel with Kilik, and swore an oath of Revenge on Astaroth.

    Bio: Soulcalibur II

    When the group made their way to Maxi's stronghold, the creatures that had killed Maxi's crew were waiting for them. Maxi stayed behind to fight Astaroth. After Astaroth was dead, the god Ares commanded the ground to open up and swallow Maxi. When Maxi woke up, he was on a riverbed. Luckily, a person from a nearby village rescued him. He quickly became popular with the residents. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his wounds, Maxi's traveling days were over.

    Four peaceful years passed, until a rumour of a large man with a giant ax reached the village. Maxi had a horrible feeling that the man was Astaroth. He wanted to chase after him, but his body was too weak. Maxi went to see the village medicine man, who performed a secret ritual using a strange metal fragment... Several days later, Maxi left the village, promising to return some day. He did not realize that he had lost his memory of his traveling companions, as a result of the ritual...

    Bio: Soulcalibur III

    In order to avenge his comrades, Maxi continued in pursuit of Astaroth. "I'm coming for you, you freak!" Maxi followed rumours of a giant wielding and ax to a ruin, half-buried in the desert sands. From a distance, it seemed like an ancient ruin, but it was actually some sort of temple that had been destroyed quite recently. In various places throughout the rubble were signs that an enormous power was the cause. It was almost certainly the handiwork of the one Maxi sought. Though he had reaffirmed the danger of Astaroth's power, he could not allow himself to falter.

    Continuing his search for clues, Maxi came across a man in tattered clothing, mumbling something incoherent. He was clutching his knees, holding something in his hand. Maxi cursed the pitiful sight of the man and continued searching. It was quiet. The sky stretched to the ends of the desert. There wasn't a cloud in sight. It seemed that his sworn enemy had already left this place. Any clue would help his search. Not expecting much, he asked the man about the catastrophe, and if he knew where the monster had gone. Until then, the man had completely ignored Maxi, but he jumped up when he was asked about Astaroth. From his mouth came a scream of curses.

    "A cursed failure. Useless piece of junk. Damned clay puppet..." A cold shock ran through Maxi's body. "A failure?" As he looked at the disheveled man, Maxi felt the urge to kill rising within him... "You made.... that thing?" Maxi felt a cold, calm emotion. Well beyond anger. The man did not answer. When Maxi drew his weapon, the object the man held began to change. It was a small metal fragment that glowed with a faint, red light. Noticing the light, the man looked at Maxi for the first time. Madness shone in his eyes.

    "You have Soul Edge within your body? Marvelous! What a marvelous specimen. My--" Two thuds echoed in place of the end of his sentence. The fragment held by the man fell from the dead man's body and landed noisily on the stone floor. Maxi looked at the fragment and murmured to himself. "I have Soul Edge in my body?" It was true that he felt some sort of impulse, a resonance within his body. It was then that he felt an uneasy throbbing inside his heart. It was a dark, evil emotion, born when he felt the desire to kill the man responsible for creating Astaroth. A terrifying emotion surrounded him, as if trying to steep his entire self in darkness.

    Feeling an unidentifiable sense of dread, Maxi kicked the fragment that lay on the floor. The fragment slipped into a crack in the rubble, and disappeared into the earth. A regretful echo sounded thought the sky. Cold sweat poured from his entire body (eew), and he began shuddering in fear. He felt like he was about to let go of his own will. A certain figure flashed though his mind. There was someone who had lost himself, and then turned to darkness when he had lost everything. Maxi remembered the suffering figure of the man, after the man had returned to his senses. But now, Maxi couldn't remember who it was.

    It wasn't someone fro his family, but it was definitely someone important to him... Only that memory was missing. It was a frustrating feeling. No matter how hard he thought, it was just beyond reach. Had he forgotten someone very important? He felt a tinge of uneasiness, but soon he raised his head. Right now, he knew what he needed to do. Setting out again in search of Astaroth, he put the silent ruin behind him and soon disappeared over the horizon.

    Bio: Soulcalibur IV

    Maxi had come to a trading port in India to pay his respects to his friends who had been murdered by grotesque creatures, and renew his vow to avenge them. There he reunited with Kilik and Xianghua, and long-forgotten memories came flooding back. But while Maxi's body was a host to a fragment of the cursed sword and Kilik held a piece of the Dvapara-Yuga, they could not journey together. Thus, Maxi had to make a painful decision to turn his back on his friends and their entreaties, and leave them behind.

    Maxi went to the woods to take shelter from a squall, and as he brooded there in the darkness, he was visited by a disciple of the cursed sword. A girl who had fallen into darkness. "I know about him, you know," she whispered eerily. "That mud puppet you're chasing." The enemy against whom he had sword revenge was growing stronger, she continued. Maxi's current strength was no match for that monster; there was only one way, Soul Edge. Only with the power of the cursed sword could he win.

    Maxi continued to stare her down in silent malice, but she had him now. In parting, she told him of Ostrheinsburg, the cursed land. That was where he could find both Soul Edge and his revenge. The rain had stopped, but the menacing dark clouds lingered in the sky, blocking the rays of the sun. (It's so dark.) Maxi noticed now that the path leading deeper into the forest was covered by folded curtains of shadows. It was darker than anything he had ever seen, but he would brave the darkness. Each step Maxi took was heavy and slow, and his legs seemed to creak with pain, but he did not stop.

    Bio: Soulcalibur V

    Maxi drew power from the fragment of the cursed sword Soul Edge still lodged in his body, but it came with a price. Even after defeating Astaroth and avenging his crewmates, he remained consumed with an insatiable lust for revenge.
    Not wanting to drag his friends down with him, Maxi left Kilik and Xianghua to walk a dark and lonely path. Living in the shadows, his humanity gradually slipped away-- until he found salvation at the hands of Edge Master, Kilik's former teacher. The old man taught Maxi how to live with the shard of the cursed sword he carried within him, and in time, Maxi managed to suppress its foul influence.

    Over the course of the next eight years, Maxi's jovial temperament returned. He even started to joke about the unusually slow rate at which his body was aging, and how easy it was to pass as a young man. Perhaps sensing the time had come, Edge Master bade Maxi to listen well. Kilik's life was in danger, he said, and there was only one way to save him: Kilik must bequeath his weapon, the Kali-Yuga, to a boy named Xiba. But alas, Xiba was still so young and innocent...

    Realizing what his teacher was asking, Maxi volunteered to mentor Xiba, and led his young disciple west, on a quest to save a dear friend...

    Character Artwork​

    Art: Soulcalibur​

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    Art: Soulcalibur II​

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    Art: Soulcalibur III (+UFS)​

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    Art: Soulcalibur IV (+BD)​

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    Art: Soulcalibur V​

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    Art: Soulcalibur VI

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    Art: Outcast Odyssey​

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