Maxi - Frame Data - SC2

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  • Character Notations​

    • BL = Behind Lower
    • LI = Left Inner
    • LO = Left Outer
    • RC = Right Cross
    • RO = Right Outer

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Falling Heaven Dragon :A+G: :h: 16 60 - KND KND :TH: :A: break
    Lynching :B+G: :h: 16 60 - KND KND :TH: :B: break
    Dragon Destroyer Left :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 16 60 - KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Leaving the Dragon Nest ~ Behind Lower Right :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 16 60 - KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Parting the Waves Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 16 60 - KND KND :TH:

    Special Stances​

    Behind Lower​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Inverted Moon BL :A: :h:
    Lunging Biting Upper ~ Left Outer BL :B: :m:
    Lunging Biting Upper ~ Left Outer BL :Bh: :m:
    Fury Kicks BL :K: :l:
    Fury Kicks BL :K::K: :l::h: KND KND
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Right Cross BL :6: :SS: - - - - -
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Right Outer BL :4: :SS: - - - - -

    Left Inner​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Purity Cross LI :A: :h: KND KND
    Purity Cross ~ Right Cross LI :a-small::A: :h: KND KND
    Canyon Carve ~ Behind Lower LI :B: :m: LNC LNC
    Canyon Carve ~ Right Outer LI :B::G: :SS: - - - - -
    Wheel Kick LI :K: :m:
    Wheel Kick LI :K::K: :m::h: KND KND
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Left Outer LI :6: :SS: - - - - -
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Right Cross LI :4: :SS: - - - - -

    Left Outer​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Bloody Cross LO :A: :l:
    Bloody Cross LO :A::K: :l::m:
    Wing Slice ~ Right Cross LO :B: :m:
    Wing Slice ~ Right Cross LO :Bh: :m:
    Wing Sobat LO :B::K: :m::m: KND KND
    Sing Sobat LO :B::K::G: :m:
    Wing Sobat LO :Bh::K: :m::m: KND KND
    Wing Sobat LO :Bh::K::G: :m:
    Circle Kick LO :K: :l:
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Behind Lower LO :6: :SS:
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Left Inner LO :4: :SS:

    Right Cross​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Tiger Pounce RC :A: :m::m: KND KND
    Tiger Pounce RC :A::G: :SS: - - - - -
    Striking Snake RC :a-small::g-small::A: :h: KND KND
    Cobra Fangs RC :a-small::g-small::8::B: :m: KND KND
    Mark of the Beast RC :B: :m::m::m::m: KND KND
    Side Movement ~ Right Outer RC :B::2::A+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Side Movement ~ Left Inner RC :B::8::A+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Water Slice RC :K: :l: KND KND
    Water Slice RC :K::K: :l::m: LNC LNC
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Right Outer RC :6: :SS: - - - - -
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Behind Lower RC :4: :SS: - - - - -

    Right Outer​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH Notes
    Dragon Bite RO :A: :h:
    Dragon Bite RO :A::K: :h::m: KND KND
    Dragon Bite RO :A::Kh: :h::m: KND KND
    Dragon Wing Sobat RO :B: :m:
    Dragon Wing Sobat RO :B::B: :m::m:
    Dragon Wing Sobat RO :B::B::K: :m::m::m: KND KND
    Dragon Wing Sobat RO :B::B::K::G: :m::m:
    Dragon Pounce RO :K: :m: KND KND
    Falling Dragon RO :K::A: :m::l: KND KND
    Dragon Pounce RO :K::K: :m::m: LNC LNC
    Dragon Pounce RO :K::Kh: :m::m: LNC LNC
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Behind Lower RO :6: :SS: - - - - -
    Pure Soul Loop ~ Right Cross RO :4: :SS: - - - - -