Maxi - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

    • BL=Behind Lower
    • LI=Left Inner
    • LO=Left Outer
    • RC=Right Cross
    • RO=Right Outer
    • WL=Wavering Light

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Snake Lash :A: :h: 14 10 -8 -2 -1 (?) :G: cancel
    Twin Snakes ~ Right Cross :A::A: :h::h: 14 28 -4 +5 +5 (?) NC :st:
    Stone Wall ~ Left Outer :aK: :h::m: 21 28 +3 +10 +10 (?) :st:
    Lunging Snake ~ Right Outer :6::A: :h: 15 14 -3 +4 +14 (?) :st:
    Lotus ~ Behind Lower :3::A: :m: 19 18 -8 +4 SHK (?) :st:
    Lotus Cancel :3::aG: :m: 19 18 -9 +1 +1 (?) :st:
    Tongue :2::A: :sl: 14 10 -6 +4 +8 (?) TC [10-]
    Snake Scythe :1::A: :l: 30 18 -10 +8 +8 16
    Nunchaku Slap ~ Behind Lower :4::A: :h: 22 18 -4 +5 +5 (?) :st:
    Nunchaku Slap to Steel Dragon ~ Left Outer :4::A::B: :h::m: 22 50 -8 KND KND 15 NC :st:
    Nunchaku Slap to Steel Dragon Cancel :4::A::bG: :h::m: 22 50 -14 KND KND 9 NC :st:
    Dandy Surprise ~ Behind Lower :2::3::6::A: :l::l::l::l::l: 27 40 -20 -7 -7 (?) TJ [6-16] :st:
    Tongue FC :A: :sl: 13 10 -6 +4 +8 (?)
    Rope Dancer ~ Right Outer (1 hit) FC :3::A: :l: 27 6 -20 +4 +4 (?) :st:
    Rope Dancer (1 hit -> cancel) FC :3::A::G: :l: 27 6 -28 -11 -11 (?)
    Rope Dancer ~ Right Outer (2 hits) FC :3::A::A: :l::l: 27 12 -20 +4 +4 (?) NC :st:
    Rope Dancer ~ Right Outer (3 hits) FC :3::A::A::A: :l::l::l: 27 18 -20 +4 +4 (?) NC :st:
    Snake Scythe FC :1::A: :l: 30 18 -12 +2 +3 16
    Scythe Fang ~ Left Outer FC :1::A::B: :l::m: 30 44 -2 KND KND 8 TJ :st:
    Purity Cross ~ Right Cross WR :A: :h: 17 36 -17 KND KND 15 TC :st:
    Purity Cross Cancel WR :aG: :h: 17 36 -22 KND KND 15 TC :st:
    Leaping Snake :7::A: :h: 21 18 -8 +3 +3 (?) TJ
    Leaping Snake :8::A: :h: 21 22 -8 +3 +3 (?) TJ
    Leaping Snake :9::A: :h: 21 26 -9 +2 +2 (?) TJ
    BT :A: :h: (?)
    BT :2::A: :sl: (?)

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Venom Lash :B: :m: 16 14 -11 -6 -2 (?) :G: cancel
    Venom Fangs ~ Left Outer :B::B: :m::m: 16 27 -3 +3 +3 (?) NC :st:
    Dragon Claw :6::B: :m: 17 10 -16 -5 -5 (?)
    Dragon Rake :6::B::B: :m::m: 17 20 -15 -3 -3 (?) NC
    Dragon Backfist :6::B::B::B: :m::m::h: 17 48 -30 KND KND ~9 NCC
    Dragon Backfist :6::B:::B:::B: :m::m::h: 17 50 -19 KND KND 8 NC :gc:
    Rising Fang ~ Right Outer :3::B: :m: 18 22 +4 +15 LNC 13 TC [8-12] :st:
    Falling Fang :2::B: :m: 16 14 -9 +1 +1 20
    Inner Biting Upper :1::B: :m: 15 18 -8 +0 +0 13 TC [5-11]
    Snake Kiss ~ Left Outer :4::B: :m: 18 14 +7 +18 +20 20 :st:
    Mantis Lunge ~ Left Inner :2::3::6::B: :m::m::m: 25 24 -14 +4 +4 14.3 :st:
    Mantis Lunge Cancel :2::3::6::bG: :m::m::m: 25 24 -21 -7 -7 14.3
    Crouching Inner Upper FC :B: :m: 16 14 -7 +1 +1 (?)
    Rolling Biting Upper ~ Left Inner WR :B: :m: 16 20 -3 +5 +10 (?) :st:
    Falling Sky :7::B: :m: 45 28 -17 -6 -6 10 TJ
    Falling Sky :8::B: :m: 45 32 -13 KND KND 10 TJ
    Falling Sky :9::B: :m: 45 36 -13 KND KND 10 TJ
    BT :B: :m:
    BT :2::B: :m:

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Fang Scratch :K: :h: 13 14 -7 +2 +2 (?)
    Left Roundhouse :6::K: :h: 19 22 -6 KND KND (?)
    Snap Kick :3::K: :m: 15 14 -8 +3 +3 (?)
    Illusion Kick :2::K: :l: 21 14 -16 -4 -4 (?)
    Illusion Whip ~ Right Outer :2::K::B: :l::m: 21 34 -6 LNC LNC 13 :st:
    Illusion Low Kicks :2::K::K: :l::l: 21 30 -14 +3 KND (?) NCC
    Quick Slice :1::K: :l: 15 10 -13 -4 +2 (?) TC
    Right Roundhouse :4::K: :h: 22 26 -8 KND KND 21
    Hurricane (Cancel) :2::3::6::kG: :m: 25 10 -12~16 KND KND (?) TC i7
    Hurricane (Cancel) :2::3::6::K::G: :m::m::m: 25 34 -14~16 KND KND (?) TC [7-]
    Hurricane :2::3::6::K: :m::m::m::m: 25 44 -12~14 KND KND 15 TC [7-]
    Quick Slice FC :K: :l: 15 10 -13 -4 +2 (?)
    Dragon Tail WR :K: :m: 20 16 -12 KND KND (?)
    Dragon Scream WR :K::K: :m::h: 20 34 +0 KND KND 10 NC
    Reverse Roundhouse :7::K: :m: 42 18 -3 +5 +5 20 TJ [8-31]
    Reverse Roundhouse :8::K: :m: 42 22 -3 KND KND 16 TJ [8-31]
    Reverse Roundhouse :9::K: :m: 42 26 -3 KND KND 14 TJ [8-31]
    BT :K: :h:
    BT :2::K: :l:

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Serpent's Pleasure :A::+::B: :m::m: 16 47 -20 KND STN 13 NCC
    Serpent's Pleasure (Cancel) ~ Right Cross :A::+::bG: :m: 16 18 -5 +6 KND 15 :st:
    Backfist Blow ~ Behind Lower :6::A::+::B: :h: 18 30 -6 KND KND 10 TC [5-13] :st:
    Backfist Blow :6::A::+::B::G: :h: 18 25 -22 KND KND 15 TC [5-13] Impact-recovery
    Rage of Pleasure :4::A::+::B: :m::m: 30 32 -17 LNC LNC 11 NCC
    Rage of Pleasure (Hold) :4::Ah::+::Bh: :m::m: 50 36 :u: LNC LNC 10 NC :gc:
    Dragon's Brand ~ Left Inner WR :A::+::B: :m: 18 28 -1 +10 SHK 16 TC [4-9] :st:
    Dragon's Brand (Hold) ~ Left Inner WR :Ah::+::Bh: :m: 25 36 +3 SHK SHK 13 TC [4-9] :st:
    Fury :B::+::K: :m::m: 19 8 -7 -7 -7 13
    Fury :B::+::K::B: :m::m::m::m: 19 12 -22 -15 -15 (?) NC
    Fury :B::+::K::B::B: :m::m::m::m::m: 19 18 -25 LNC LNC (?) NC
    Fury :B::+::K::B::B::B: :m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m: 19 26 -14 LNC LNC (?) NC
    Fury ~ Right Outer :B::+::K::B::B::B::A: :m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m: 19 51 -35 LNC LNC (?) NC :st:
    Fury ~Right Outer :B::+::K:::B:::B:::B:::A: :m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m::m: 19 67 -35 LNC LNC (?) NC :st: If you do it after a Stun the enemy will be launched near Maxi's back
    Tiger Stomp :2::B::+::K: :l: 22 12 -17 -7 KND (?)
    Tiger Slaughter :2::B::+::K::B: :l::l: 22 30 -17 -8 KND 44.5 NCC/NC after sidestep
    Twisted Loop :4::B::+::K: :m: 70 52 :u: LNC LNC :u:
    Reverse Blow BT :B::+::K: :m: 17 38 -21 KND KND 10 :gc: FrC
    Left Inner :A::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Guillotine Dance :3::A::+::K: :l::h: 27 42 -21 KND KND (?) NC/TC [16-]
    Right Outer to Behind Lower :2::A::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Snake's Tale :6h::A: :m::h: 21 28 -8 KND KND (?) NC
    Striking Snake :3h:*:9h::A: :h: 20 20 -5 KND KND 20
    Northern Lights ~ Left Inner :2h::A: :m: 29 16 -7 +10 STN (?) :st:
    Northern Lights (Reverse) :8h::A: :m: 29 16 -14 +7 STN (?)
    Wave Slice :1h:*:7h::A: :l: 29 30 -20 -3 -3 (?)
    Propeller Nunchaku ~ Right Outer :4h::A::B: :h::m::sm::sm: 20 30 -1 +8 +9 21.25 NC :st:
    Steel Dragon ~ Left Outer :6h::B: :h: 19 32 -5 KND KND 11 :st:
    Steel Dragon Cancel :6h::bG: :h: 19 22 -7 KND KND 24 :st:
    Branding Nunchaku ~ Left Inner :6h::B::4: :m::m::m::m::m: 19 100 -9 KND KND (?) :st:
    Branding Nunchaku (Cancel) ~ Left Inner :6h::B::4::G: :m: 19 10 -5 -5 -5 (?) :st:
    Branding Nunchaku (Cancel) ~ Left Inner :6h::B::4::G: :m::m: 19 40 -9 KND KND (?) NC :st:
    Return of Fear ~ Behind Lower :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 27 28 -2 LNC LNC 10 :st:
    Cobra's Temple ~ Right Cross :3h:*:9h::bA: :h: 27 23 +5 KND KND (?) :st:
    Mark of the Beast :2h:*:8h::B: :m::m::m::m: 25 36 -17 KND KND 14.25 NC
    Reverse Snake Cross ~ Right Cross :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 22 25 -15 -6 -6 (?) :st:
    Serpent's Breath ~ Right Outer :4h::B: :m: 30 34 -5 STN STN 10 :st:
    Dragon Roar :6h::K: :h: 25 28 -1~-2 KND KND 13 TJ
    Back Kick :3h:*:9h::K: :m: 19 18 -6 +5 KND (?)
    Guillotine Sweep :2h:*:8h::K: :l: 25 15 -16 -5 -3 (?)
    Guillotine Kick :2h:*:8h::K::K: :l::m: 25 36 -17 KND KND (?) NCC
    Stone Kick :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :m: 27 27 -7 LNC LNC 12
    Dragon Cannon :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B::+::K: :m: 23 36 -12 LNC LNC 10
    Sliding RUN :K: :l: 26 -20 KND KND

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Falling Heaven Dragon :A::+::G: :t: 17 50 :t: KND KND :t: :A: Break
    Lynching :B::+::G: :t: 17 50 :t: KND KND :t: :B: Break
    Dragon Destroyer Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 60 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Leaving the Dragon Nest ~ Behind Lower Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 55 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Parting the Waves Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 65 :t: KND KND :t:

    Special Stances​

    Behind Lower​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Water Cutter ~ Left Inner BL :A: :m: 19 18 -5 +13 STN (?) :st:
    Nunchaku Lick ~ Right Outer BL :B: :l: 16 16 -10 +2 +10 (?) TC :st:
    Nunchaku Lick Cancel BL :B: :l: 16 13 -21 -6 +4 (?) TC :st:
    Fury Lower Kick BL :K: :l: 20 14 -24 -16 -16 (?)
    Fury Kicks BL :K::K: :l::h: 20 42 -13 KND KND (?) NC
    Pure Soul Loop 1 ~ Right Cross BL :6h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 2 ~ Right Outer BL :4h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 3 ~ Left Outer BL :Ah::+::Kh: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Wavering Light BL :B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    Left Inner​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Serpent's Strike LI :A: :m: 17 14 -15 -3 -3 (?)
    Serpent's Desire ~ Behind Lower LI :A::A: :m::m: 17 29 -10 +2 KND (?) NC :st:
    Serpent's Desire LI :A::A::B: :m::m::m: 17 62 -20 KND KND (?) NCC
    Serpent's Desire (Hold) LI :A::A::Bh: :m::m::m: 17 71 -3 KND KND (?) :gc:
    Canyon Carve ~ Behind Lower LI :B: :m: 25 28 0 LNC LNC (?) :st:
    Canyon Carve (Cancel) ~ Neutral LI :B::G: :m: 25 28 -11 LNC LNC (?)
    Canyon Carve (Cancel) ~ Left Inner LI :bG: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Canyon Carve (Late Cancel) ~ Right Outer LI :B:~:G: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Canyon Carve (Hold) ~ Behind Lower LI :Bh: :m: 40 38 +12 LNC LNC (?) :st:
    Followup Canyon Carve (Hold) ~Behind Lower LI :bG::Bh: :m: 40 38 +19 LNC LNC (?) :st:
    Wheel Kick LI :K: :m: 20 15 -8 +2 STN (?)
    Pure Soul Loop 1 ~ Left Outer LI :6h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 2 ~Right Cross LI :4h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 3 ~ Right Outer LI :Ah::+::Kh: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Wavering Light LI :B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    Left Outer​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Bloody Lash LO :A: :l: 33 18 -10 -2 +2 (?) TC
    Bloody Cross LO :A::K: :l::m: 33 43 -15 +5 +5 (?) NCC/TC
    Wing Slice ~ Right Cross LO :B: :m: 16 16 -11 -4 -4 (?) :st:
    Wing Sobat LO :B::K: :m::h: 16 41 +2 KND KND (?) NCC
    Star Gale LO :K: :h: 24 47 +3 KND KND (?) :gc:
    Pure Soul Loop 1 ~ Behind Lower LO :6h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 2 ~ Left Inner LO :4h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 3 ~ Right Outer LO :Ah::+::Kh: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Wavering Light LO :B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    Right Cross​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Tiger Pounce RC :A: :m::m: 19 41 -6 KND KND (?) NC
    Raging Ocean ~ Right Cross RC :aA: :h: 70 26 +5 KND KND (?) :st:
    Striking Fear ~ Behind Lower RC :aB: :m: 70 30 +3 LNC LNC (?) :st:
    Double Hammer ~ Left Outer RC :B: :m: 33 34 +6 KND KND (?) TJ :gc::st:
    Dragon Sweep RC :K: :l: 30 14 -18 KND KND (?) TC
    Dragon Roll RC :K::K: :l::m: 30 30 -14 KND KND (?) TC/NC/TJ
    Dragon Star RC :K::K:::K: :l::m::h: 30 47 +1 KND KND (?) TC/NC/TJ
    Pure Soul Loop 1 ~ Right Outer RC :6h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 2 ~ Behind Lower RC :4h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 3 ~ Left Inner RC :Ah::+::Kh: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Wavering Light RC :B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    Right Outer​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Dragon Bite ~ Behind Lower RO :A: :h: 13 16 +6 +13 +13 (?) :st:
    Dragon Bite RO :A::K: :h::m: 13 47 -10 KND KND (?) NCC
    Dragon Bite (Hold) RO :A::Kh: :h::m: 13 47 +5 KND KND (?) :gc:
    Black Serpent ~ Right Cross RO :B: :m: 20 24 -2 SHK STN (?) :st:
    Dragon Lunge RO :K: :m: 29 21 -14 LNC LNC (?)
    Dragon Twister ~Left Outer RO :K::A: :m::h::m: 29 48 +3 +10 +10 (?) NC :st:
    Falling Dragon RO :K::2::A: :m::l: 29 43 -17 KND KND (?) TC
    Dragon Shadow ~ Right Outer RO :K::B: :m::m: 29 46 -14 +8 +8 (?) :st:
    Dragon Pounce RO :K::K: :m::m: 29 39 -5 LNC LNC (?)
    Dragon Pounce (Hold) RO :K::Kh: :m::m: 29 46 +8 LNC LNC (?)
    Pure Soul Loop 1 ~ Behind Lower RO :6h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 2 ~ Right Cross RO :4h: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Pure Soul Loop 3 ~ Left Outer RO :Ah::+::Kh: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:
    Wavering Light RO :B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st:

    Wavering Light​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Wavering Light :st::B::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :st: :imp: [10-22]
    Shin Breaker WL :A: :l: (?) 28 -17 -3 KND (?)
    Wavering Dream WL :B: :m::m: 19 6 -14 -7 -7 (?)
    Wavering Dream WL :B::B: :m::m::m::m: 19 12 -24 -13 -13 (?) NC
    Wavering Dream ~Right Outer WL :B::B::A: :m::m::m::m::h: 19 34 -30 LNC LNC (?) NC :st:
    Black Lotus WL :K: :h: (?) 28 0 KND KND (?)