Natsu - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • PO = Possession
    • WR = Wind Roll
    • RM = Reverse Mill
    • DB = Distorted Breeze
    • STK = Stalker
    • HOV = Hover
    • SM = Silent Mist

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Death Light :A: :H: 10 8 -13 -8 2
    :G: cancel
    Death Light :A::A: :H::H: 10 8,10 -15 -10 2
    Death Light :A::A::B: :H::H::M::M::M: 10 8,10,8,10,12 -23 -14 0 0
    NCC / Last 3 hits NC
    Death Shadow :A::A::6: :H::H: 10 10 -20 -15 -3
    TJ / ~FC
    Shadow Shrine :A::6: :M::M: 16 24, 10 -21 -14 KND KND
    NC / RO
    Shadow Gate :A:::6: :H::M::M: 10 8, 24, 10 -21 -14 KND KND
    JF[9-10] / NC / RO
    Relinquish :6::A: :H: 17 18 -14 -10 0 +2 16
    Relinquish :6::A::B: :H::M::M: 17 18,12,12 -20 -14 KND KND 7
    NCC / Last 2 hits NC
    Hand Over :6::A::K: :H::H: 17 18,18 -15 -8 KND KND 12.5
    Wind Scroll :3::A: :M: 19 26 -22 -13 +2 +9 -
    Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Shadow Split :2::A: :SL: 13 10 -6 8
    TC / ~FC
    Reaping Hook :1::A: :L: 24 30 -26 1 KND
    TC / RO / ~FC
    ~ Possession
    :4::A: :L: 20 22 -12 -2
    Shadow Split FC :A: :SL: 12 10 -6 8
    TC / ~FC
    Shadow Claw WS :A: :M: 17 18 -11 -4 4
    Shadow Claw WS :A::A: :M::H: 17 18,8 -16 -11 -3 -3
    Shadow Claw WS :A::A::A: :M::H::M: 17 18,8,30 -27 -18 KND KND
    Shadow Claw
    ~ Possession
    WS :A::A::A::4: :M::H: 17 18,8 -28 -19
    NC / ~PO
    Falling Scroll :7::A: :M: 22 22 -14 -5 3 3
    TJ [3-?]/ RO / Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Falling Scroll :8::A: :M: 22 24 -14 -5 KND KND
    TJ [3-?] / RO
    Falling Scroll :9::A: :M: 22 26 -14 -5 KND KND
    TJ [3-?] / RO
    Reverse Shadow BT :A: :H: 13 10 -8 2
    Reverse Shadow Split BT :2::A: :SL: 15 12 -6 8
    TC / ~FC

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Shadow Blast :B: :M: 15 12 -15 -10 2
    :G: cancel
    Shadow Blast :B::B: :M::M: 15 12,10 -15 -10 2
    Shadow Blast :B::B::K: :M::M::H: 15 12,10,26 -15 -10 KND
    NCC / RO
    Carnage Cannon :B::B::4::A+B: :M::M::L: 15 12,10,15,5 -8 SLNC SLNC
    RO / ~FC / Clean Hit: C
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :B::B::4::as::+::bA: :M::M::H: 15 12,10,8 -6 4
    Carnage Cannon
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :B::B::4::A+B::A: :M::M::L::H: 15 12,10,15,5,8 -6 4 9
    RO / NC (1st 2 hits)
    Blood Scroll :B::K: :M::H: 15 12,18 -8 KND KND
    NC / RO
    Blood Scroll
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :B::K::A: :M::H::H: 15 12,18,8 -6 4
    NC / RO
    Blood Scroll
    ~ Possession
    :B::K::4: :M::H::SS: 15 12,18 -8 KND
    NC / RO / ~PO
    Blood Scroll
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :B::Kh::A: :M::H::H: 15 12,28,8 4 7
    NC / RO / BA
    Blood Scroll
    ~ Possession
    :B::Kh::4: :M::H::SS: 15 12,28 8 KND 7
    NC / RO / ~PO / BA
    Silence :6::B: :M: 16 22 -15 -6 6 16
    Assassin's Feather :3::B: :M: 16 28 -18 LNC LNC 12
    Vacuum :2::B: :M: 17 16 -14 -4
    Dark Slicer Feint
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :2::B::A: :M::H: 17 16,8 -6 4
    NC / Delayable
    Dark Slicer Feint
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :2::bA: :H: 7* 8 -6 4
    * Attack occur after completion of input
    Fastest allowed input 1F results in i8
    Free Shadow :1::B: :M: 15 16 -8 2
    Shadow Impale :4::B: :H: 14 12 -14 KND
    STN CH
    Seal of the Fire Dragon :4::1::2::3::6::B: :M: 61 70 -48 - LNC LNC
    :UA: / :G: cancel / Clean Hit: C
    Free Shadow FC :B: :M: 14 16 -8 2
    Stroked Ruin WS :B: :M: 19 18 -12 4 STN 13
    Darkness Cannon WS :B::4::A+B: :M::L: 19 18, 15 -8 LNC 10
    NCC / Clean hit: C
    Darkness Cannon
    ~ Kuzukiri
    WS :B::4::A+B::A: :M::L::H: 19 18, 15, 8 -6 4 10
    Stroked Ruin
    ~ Kuzukiri
    WS :B::4::a-small::+::bA: :M::H: 19 18, 8 -6 4 12
    NC / RO
    Windfall :7:*:8:*:9::B: :M: 22 22*25*28 -9 0 15
    TJ [3-?]
    Shadow Kuzukiri BT :B: :M: 17 16 -7 2 15
    Shadow Kuzukiri BT :B::A: :M::H: 17 27 -9 -1 13
    Darkness Shatter BT :2::B: :M: 18 18 -8 2

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Haste :K: :H: 13 10 -10 -2
    :G: cancel
    Haste :K::K: :H::H: 13 20 -7 3
    Haste :K::K::K: :H::H::H: 13 10,10,12 -14 0
    Water Haste :K::K::2::K: :H::H::L: 13 10,10,12 -14 0
    Advancing Cloud Scroll :K::2: :M::M: 21 36 -8 2 STN 10
    NC / TJ
    Divine Punishment :6::K: :M: 17 20 -16 -6 15
    Divine Punishment
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :6::K::A: :M::H: 17 20,8 -6 4 10-13
    NC / Delayed A increases guard damage
    Rapid Destruction :3::K: :M: 14 12 -8 4
    Rapid Destruction :3::K::K: :M::M: 14 12,10 -10 2
    Rapid Destruction :3::K::K::K: :M::M::M: 14 12,10,18 -19 -14 KND
    Rapid Destruction
    ~ Wind Roll
    :3::K::K::B+K: :M::M::SS: 14 12,10 +17 +29 +29
    NC / ~WR
    Rapid Destruction
    ~ Distorted Breeze
    :3::K::K::2:*:8::B+K: :M::M::SS: 14 12,10
    Punishing Strike :2::K: :L: 18 14 -16 -6
    Punishing Strike :2::K::K: :L::M: 18 14,18 -8 2
    Sealing Punishment :1::K: :L: 15 14 -14 -2
    Water Kick :4::K: :H: 17 22 -4 6
    Water Kick :4::K::K: :H::L: 17 22,12 -14 0
    NCC / ~FC
    Sealing Punishment FC :K: :L: 14 14 -14 -2
    Divine Cannon Combo FC :3::K: :L: 16 12 -16 -4
    Divine Cannon Combo FC :3::K::K: :L::M: 16 12,14 -16 -10 4
    Divine Cannon WS :K: :M: 14 14 -19 -12 5 STN
    Foreboding Fall JUMP :K: :M::M: 39 12,16 -4 STN
    TJ [3-?] / NC / RO / ~FC
    Foreboding Fall JUMP :K::A: :M::M::M: 39 12,16,32 -22 -18 KND
    TJ [3-?] / NC / RO / ~FC
    Punishing Wind BT :K: :H: 15 16 -8 2 17
    Reverse Seal Punishment BT :2::K: :L: 17 16 -14 -2

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Scroll of Darkness :A+B: :M: 20 36 -21 -12 KND
    TJ / RO
    Scroll of Invisibility :A+B::4: :M::SS: 20 31 -21 KND
    TP / TJ / TS / ~FC
    Assassin's Secret :6::A+B: :M::M: 16 10, 10 -15 2
    STN on CH of 2nd hit
    Assassin's Secret
    ~ Possession
    :6::A+B::4: :M::M::SS: 16 10, 10 -7 11
    ~PO / STN on CH of 2nd hit
    Ninja Cannon: Akagachi :2::A+B: :L: 45 22 -14 :UA: LNC
    Dark Blaze :2::A+B::6: :SS: - - - -
    Ninja Cannon: Nozuchi :4::A+B: :L: 30 15,5 -15 LNC
    Clean hit: C / ~FC
    Shadow Hunt
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :4::A+B::A: :L::H: 30 15,6 -6 4
    Wild Ruin
    ~ Kuzukiri
    :4::a-small::+::bA: :H: 7* 8 -6 4
    * Attack occurs after completion of input
    Fastest allowed input 1F results in i8
    Ninja Cannon: Nozuchi
    ~ Possession
    :4::A+B::6: :L::SS: 30 15,5 -16 -4 LNC
    Fog Blanket :8::A+B: :M: 37 38 -30 KND 8
    Opp. ~FC (block) / Clean hit: A / TJ / TC
    Poison Dart FC :A+B: :SL: 16 12 -6 12 STN
    Heavy Burden BT :A+B: :M: 17 18 -3 LNC 15
    Fog Blanket BT :8::A+B: :M: 37 38 -30 KND 8
    Opp. ~FC (block) / TJ / TC
    Distorted Breeze BT :2:*:8::B+K: :SS: - - - -
    TC / ~DB
    Reverse Mill BT :6::B+K: :SS: - - - -
    TC / ~RM

    8-Way Run Moves​

    • 8Wayrun Attacks take additional 10 frames to impact when done via :3::3h:*:2::2h:*:1::1h:*:7::7h:*:8::8h:*:9::9h: from neutral
    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Bullet Hang :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :H: 16 18 -10 2 15
    Bullet Hang :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A::B: :H::M: 16 36 -16 STN 12
    NCC / Delayable
    Bullet Hang
    ~ Possession
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A::B::4: :H: 16 18 -17 -6 15
    NCC / Delayable / ~PO
    Reverse Hand :2h:*:8h::A: :M: 19 22 -18 -7 6 STN
    TC[3-16] / CH STN[13]
    Weaving Blades :1h:*:7h::A: :L::H: 23 10, 16 -3 -5
    Fan Dance :4h::A: :M::M: 24 16, 28 -29 -14 STN STN
    Assassin's Revenge :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B: :M: 17 48 -25 -16 STN STN 11
    TC[6~] / TS / Clean hit: C
    Assassin's Revenge
    ~ Possession
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B::4: :M: 17 38 -14 STN STN 11
    TC / TS / ~PO
    Illusion Scroll :2h:*:8h::B: :M::M: 21 12, 20 -21 -12 LNC LNC 10
    NC / RO
    Seal :4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: :M: 25 28 -19 -12 KND KND 10
    TC / TS / RO
    Hurricane Punishment :6h::K: :SM::SM: 17 40 -23 -16 -4
    TC / TJ / NC
    Whirling Misery :3h:*:9h::K: :M::H: 20 24 -2 STN STN 13
    Does not jail on guard
    Storm Cloud Scroll :2h:*:8h::K: :H::H: 13 36 -7 2 STN
    TJ / NC
    Storm Cloud Scroll :2h:*:8h::K::A: :H::H::M: 13 30 -18 KND KND
    TJ / NCC / RO
    Storm Cloud Scroll
    ~ Possession
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::4: :H::H: 13 36 -35 -26 STN
    TJ / NCC
    Storm Cloud Scroll
    ~ Wind Roll
    :2h:*:8h::K::B+K: :H::H: 13 36 2 12 STN
    TJ / TC
    Storm Cloud Scroll
    ~ Distorted Breeze
    :2h:*:8h::K::2:*:8::B+K: :H::H: 13 36 -3 7 STN
    TJ / TC / TS
    Heavy Burden :1h:*:7h::K: :M: 22 18 -7 LNC 13
    Opp. ~FC (block)
    Mat :4h::K: :M: 27 24 -31 -17 KND 10
    Opp. ~FC (block) / Clean Hit: A
    Mat :4h::K: during hit :K: :M::M: 27 24,21 - LNC -
    LNC GRD / Clean Hit: A
    Mat :4h::K: during hit :K: near wall :K: :M::M::M: 27 24,21,23 - KND -
    Clean Hit: A
    Sliding RUN :K: :L: 21 26 -22 KND KND
    RO / TJ

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Assassin's Purification :6h:*:3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: :M::H: 17 38, 20 (58) -21 6 KND KND
    :BE::GC: NC / TC / RO
    Clean hit: C
    Returning Swallow :as::+::gA+B+K: :H: 17 60 - :TH: KND KND -
    :BE: :A: break / RO
    Weasel Run
    ~ Possession
    PO :A+B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    :BE: TP / 15F duration
    Great Curse of Arahabaki :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :M::M::M: 24 20, 30, 22 - 6 LNC LNC
    :CE: RO / NC
    Great Curse of Arahabki
    ~ Possession
    :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K::4: :M::M::M: 24 20, 30, 22 31 LNC LNC
    :CE: RO / NC / ~PO

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Strangulation Blade :A+G: :H: 17 38 - :TH: KND KND -
    :A: break
    Departure in Fire :B+G: :H: 17 55 - :TH: KND KND -
    :B: break
    Jute Burial Left :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 60 - :TH: KND KND -
    :A:*:B: break
    Cellar Drop Right :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 60 - :TH: KND KND -
    :A:*:B: break
    Dropping the Bottle Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 70 - :TH: KND KND -
    :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only)
    Falling Rain :6::6::B+G: :H: 17 65 - :TH: KND KND -
    :B: break

    Special Stances​


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Possession :2::1::4: :SS: - - - - - - -
    15 frames ~ PO
    Storm Scroll PO :A: :H: 7 8 -11 -8 0
    Air Scroll PO :A::6: :H: 26 20 -14 STN 11
    Phantom Scroll PO :A:::6: :H::H: 7 8,20 -14 STN 9
    Dream Scroll PO :B: :M: 22 42 -19 8 STN 8
    :GC: / Clean Hit: A
    Dragon Wheel PO :K: :M: 11 18 -21 -2 15
    Wind Stalker BT PO :K: :M: 24 18,50 -8 KND
    TJ / :AT:
    Exorcism PO :A+B: :M: 45 60 -25 :UA: KND
    Vacuum Drop Kick PO :B+K: :L: 23 24 -26 KND 15
    Falling Rain PO :4::6::6h::B+G: :H: 17 65 - :TH: KND KND -
    :B: break
    Haunting Drop PO :8::B+G: :H: 80 - - KND KND -
    TJ / RO / :TH: vs. airborne opp.
    Reverse Haunting Drop BT PO :8::B+G: :H: 90 - - KND KND -
    TJ / RO / :TH: vs. airborne opp.
    Possession Rush PO :6::6: - - - - - - - -
    TC / 20F duration
    Silent Mist PO :2: :SS: - - - - - - -
    TJ[11~] / 30F duration
    Hover PO :8: :SS: - - - - - - -


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Hover PO :8: :SS: - - - - - - -
    Hover Falcon :A: :L::L: 57 35 -6 KND
    TJ / STN on NH of 2nd hit
    Hover Lightning :B: :M: 56 20 -8 STN 11
    TJ / Opp. FrC (block) / Clean Hit: A
    Hover Divinity :A+B: :M: 63 65 -29 10 STN STN 7
    :GC: / TJ

    Wind Roll​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Wind Roll :6::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - :SS:
    Wind Swirl WR :A: :M::M: 46 10,24 -14 KND
    TC / RO
    Wind Death Sault WR :B: :M: 41 24 -24 LNC 15
    TC / RO
    Wind Death Sault WR :B::B: :M::H: 41 24,15 - LNC
    TC / NC / RO
    Wind Death Sault WR :B::B::B: :M::H::M: 41 24,15,42 +10 STN 6
    TC / NC / RO / :GC: / Clean hit: A
    Wind Descent WR :K: :M::M: 51 16,20 -8 2 10
    TC / TJ

    Distorted Breeze​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Distorted Breeze :2:*:8::B+K: :SS: - - - -
    Side Breeze DB :A: :M: 53 22 -6 7
    STN CH
    Burning Breeze DB :B: :M::M: 55 12,20 -12 LNC 10
    Flowing Breeze DB :K: :H::H: 47 16,20,30 -7 2 STN
    NC / TJ / RO
    Flowing Breeze DB :K::A: :H::H::M: 47 16,20,30 -18 KND
    NCC / TJ / RO
    Flowing Breeze
    ~ Possession
    DB :K::A::4: :H::H::SS: 47 16,20 -35 -26
    TJ / STN CH / ~PO
    Flowing Breeze
    ~ Wind Roll
    DB :K::B+K: :H::H::SS: 47 16,20 2 12
    TJ / STN CH / ~WR
    Flowing Breeze
    ~ Distorted Breeze
    DB :K::2:*:8::B+K: :H::H::SS: 47 16,20 -3 7
    TJ / STN CH / ~DB

    Reverse Mill​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Reverse Mill BT :6::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    Reverse Lightning
    ~ Possession
    RM :K: :M: 37 46 +11 SLNC SLNC 7


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Stalker :5:*:3:*:9:*:4::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    Stalker BT :5:*:3:*:9:*:4::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    ~ Wind Roll
    STK :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    ~ Distorted Breeze
    STK :2:*:8::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    Stalker Drop STK :B+G: :H: - 60 - - KND KND -
    :TH: Against airborne opponent
    Stalker Drop BT STK :B+G: :H: - 70 - - KND KND -
    :TH: Against airborne opponent