Patroklos - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • JS = Justice Step

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Sliding Gale :A: :h: 12 10 -13 -8 +2 +2 -
    :G: cancel
    Sliding Gale :A::A: :h::h: 12 10,14 -13 -6 +5 +5 -
    Quick Slap :6::A: :h: 18 18 -12 -5 +8 +8 15
    Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Saintly Scatter :3::A: :m: 21 26 -21 -12 +2 +2 15
    TC [9-17]
    Only causes Guard Burst when done WL
    Under Slide Shield :2::A: :sl: 13 12 -11 -6 8 8 -
    TC / ~FC
    Saintly Stream :1::A: :l: 30 24 -26 -17 KND KND -
    Saintly Inverted Snap :4::A: :m: 22 24 -17 -5 +2 +2 15
    Under Slide Shield FC :A: :sl: 12 12 -11 -6 8 8 -
    Smart Slide WR :A: :h: 18 26 -19 -10 2 2 -
    Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Jumping Full Turn Slide :7:*:8:*:9::A: :m: 37 22*24*26 -15 -10 2 2 -
    Flipside Slide Shield BT :A: :h: 14 12 -6 6 6 -
    Flipside Under Slide Shield BT :2::A: :sl: 15 14 -6 8 8 -

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Ascending Glint :B: :m: 14 16 -13 -8 +2 +2 -
    :G: cancel
    Ascending Glint :B::B: :m::m: 14 32 -13 -6 +3 +3 -
    Triple Messiah :6::B: :m: 15 10 -14 -9 +1 +1 -
    Triple Messiah :6::B::B: :m::h: 10,12 22 -20 -13 +1 +1 10
    NC / Delayable
    Triple Messiah :6::B::B::B: :m::h::m: 15 10,12,22 -21 -16 STN STN 7.66
    NCC / Delayable
    Glorious Heaven :3::B: :m: 18 28 -21 -16 LNC LNC 9
    Under Glint :2::B: :m: 15 16 -13 -8 2 2 -
    ~FC TC [11-44]
    Saintly Smash :1::B: :m: 21 30 -15 0 KND KND 12
    Smart Strike :4::B: :h: 23 38 -17 -4 8 8 9
    TC [3-13]
    Under Glint FC :B: :m: 14 16 -13 -8 2 2 -
    TC [9-43]
    Rising Heaven WR :B: :m: 16 20 -19 -12 6 6 13
    Jumping Under Glint :7:*:8:*:9::B: :m: 24 22*25*28 -13 -6 4 4 -
    Flipside Sword Glint BT :B: :m: 16 18 -8 4 4 -
    Flipside Under Glint BT :2::B: :m: 17 16 -8 2 2 -

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Sacred High Kick :K: :h: 13 14 -15 -8 2 2 -
    :G: cancel
    Sacred Dart Kick :6::K: :h: 16 24 -13 -6 8 8 13
    Sacred Kick Duo :3::K: :m: 14 18 -22 -16 1 1 -
    Sacred Kick Duo :3::K::K: :m::h: 14 28 -15 -6 1 STN -
    NCC / Delayable
    Sacred Low Kick :2::K: :l: 15 14 -15 -14 -2 -2 -
    TC / ~FC
    Sacred Low Smash :1::K: :l: 18 20 -23 -18 2 2 -
    Sacred Middle Kick :4::K: :m: 15 16 -16 -9 5 5 -
    Sacred Low Kick FC :K: :l: 14 14 -15 -14 -2 -2 -
    Hercules Exec WR :K: :m: 17 16 -30 -18 STN STN
    Hercules Exec WR :K::A: :m::m: 17 37 -20 -16 STN STN
    STN[13] / NC / TJ
    Jumping Pendulum Kick :7:*:8:*:9::K: :m: 26 22*25*28 -21 -11 KND KND -
    TJ / Opp. FrC (block)
    Flipside Sacred High Kick BT :K: :h: 15 16 -8 2 2
    Flipside Sacred Low Kick BT :2::K: :l: 16 18 -14 -2 -2

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Stigma Reflection :A+B: :h: 30 42 -22 -6 KND KND 8
    :GI:[:m: Horizontals, Verticals, No stabs 5F~]
    Stigma Reflection :A+Bh: :h: 59 62 -22 -6 KND KND 6
    :GI:[:m: Horizontals, Verticals, No stabs]
    Glorious Impale :2::A+B: :l: 23 22 -27 -22 KND KND
    Glorious Impale :2::A+B: :l::l: 23 - - KND KND
    Against downed opponent
    Saintly Revolution :8::A+B: :m::m::m: 18 40 -24 -13 LNC LNC 12
    TJ / NC
    Justice Liver Blow WR :A+B: :m: 18 22 -20 -15 STN STN
    Saintly Noble :B+K: :m: 31 55 -35 -14 SLNC SLNC 6
    STC[5F~] / Clean Hit B
    Sanctum Guardian :2::B+K: :m::m: 19 38 -21 -8 +4 +4 13
    NC / ~FC / Opp. FrC (block)
    Ever Transcending Justice :8::B+K: :m: 53 48 -25 -12 STN STN 6
    TC / STJ / Opp. FrC (block) / Clean Hit A
    Ever Transcending Justice :8::B+Kh: :m: 83 78 -25 :UA: STN STN -
    TC / STJ
    Parthian Strike BT :B+K: :m: 16 28 -10 4 4

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Malfested Hunter :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :m: 25 30*28 -19 -6 +12 +12 15
    TC [9-12] (Does not TC all highs) / Clean Hit C
    Saintly Double Slap :2h:*:8h::A: :h: 22 28 -19 -8 KND KND 11
    Saintly Double Slap :2h:*:8h::A::A: :h::h: 22 28,24(46) -27 -12 KND KND 7
    Saintly Double Slap :2h:*:8h::A::Ah: :h::h: 22 28,44 -27 +16 KND KND 5
    :gc: STN on hit of 2nd hit
    Glorious Slide :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :m: 20 32 -15 -2 +8 STN -
    CH STN[14] hRV[+1]
    Justice Stirke :6h::B: :m: 21 32 -17 -2 STN STN 12
    / STN[13]
    Radiant Heaven :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 23 28 -21 -12 LNC LNC 10
    Arcadian Knocker :2h:*:8h::B: :h: 26 30 -16 -3 STN STN 9
    Opp. FrC (block)
    Saintly Ascension :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 21 25 -27 -14 LNC LNC 11
    Saintly Flood :4h::B: :m: 23 26 -17 -3 +6 +6 10
    Opp. FrC (block/hit)
    Sacred Tornade :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :m: 18 28 -23 -16 KND KND
    Sacred Turning Kick :2h:*:8h::K: :h: 21 38 -21 -8 KND KND
    Sacred Boot :1h:*:7h::K: :l: 19 18 -21 -16 2 2
    TC / ~FC
    Sacred Duo Swing :4h::K: :h: 17 24 -23 -16 +6 +6 15
    Sacred Duo Swing :4h::K::K: :h::h: 17 36 -16 -8 STN STN 11.5
    NC / Delayable
    Twin Step Santuary :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A+B: :m::m: 22 45 -23 -12 LNC LNC 12
    Rhadamanthus Punish :6h::B+K: :m::m: 47 35 -17 -7 LNC LNC
    NC / TJ
    Holy Form: Ideal Impulse :4h::B+K: :m: 57 70 -30 :UA: KND KND -
    Clean Hit C
    Sacred Scraper RUN :K: :l: 21 26 -25 -22 KND KND

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Reckoning Saint :1::bA+B+K: :m::h::m: 21 39 -25 -12 LNC LNC
    :be: NC
    Malfested Eliminator :6::6h:*:3::3h:*:9::9h::aA+B+K: :m::m: 25 30,20 -34 +8 STN STN
    NC / Clean Hit C
    Justice Over Drive JS :bA+B+K: :m::m: 15 45 -16 -4 KND KND
    :be: TC / NC / Clean Hit C
    Price of Justice :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :m: 13 90 -33 -20 KND KND 10
    :CE::at: Invincible[11~]

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Stunning Hilt :A+G: :h: 17 55 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A: break
    Decisive Hammer :B+G: :h: 17 45 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :B: break
    Saintly Execution Left :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Magistus Charge Right :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 60 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break
    Sacred Gallows Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only)
    Heroic Knee Punishment :6::6::B+G: :h: 17 40-65 - - KND KND -
    :TH: :B: break. Mash directions/buttons to increase number of hits. Opponent mashes to decrease # of hits. RO FORWARD

    Special Stances​

    Justice Step​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Justice Step :2::3::6: :SS: - - - - - - -
    TC / Stance attacks 1F faster from FC
    Justice Spiral JS :A: :m: 18 22 -29 -16 LNC LNC
    TC[2~] / TJ
    Justice Spiral JS :A::B: :m::m: 18 50 -27 -16 LNC LNC
    TC[2~] / TJ / NC
    Justice Drive JS :B: :m: 15 38 -29 -20 KND KND
    TC[7-12] / Clean Hit C
    Justice Drive JS::B: :m: 15 40 -29 -20 KND KND
    TC[7-12] / Clean Hit A
    Justice Flaunt JS :K: :m: 20 36 -34 -18 KND KND
    TC / TJ