Raphael - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

    • Prep = Preparation
    • SEA = Shadow Evade Alpha
    • SEB = Shadow Evade Beta
    • VE = Vurkolak Envelopment

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Attack au Fer :A: :h: 16 10 -2 4 6 (?) :G: cancel
    Attack au Fer :A::A: :h::h: 16 20 -11 3 4 (?) NC
    Flash Needle :A::B: :h::l: 16 26 -12 2 2 38.5 NCC
    Hilt Strike :6::A: :h: 15 16 -2 6 STN (?)
    Spinal Crusher :3::A: :m: 20 24 -13 3 3 20
    Cleaving Talon :2::A: :sl: 14 10 -6 4 8 (?) TC [9-]
    Heel Snipe :1::A: :l: 20 18 -16 -4 -4 (?)
    Heavy Mandritti :4::A: :h: 20 22 -17 -2 -2 14 Begins to step at i4
    Low Tondo Roversi FC :A: :sl: 13 10 -6 4 8 (?)
    Violent Blood WR :A: :m: 22 20 -12 4 4 20
    Sky Botte :7::A: :h: (?) 17 -7 5 5 (?) TJ [7-]
    Sky Botte :8::A: :h: 26 21 -7 5 5 (?) TJ [7-]
    Sky Botte :9::A: :h: (?) 25 -7 5 5 18 TJ [7-]
    Turning Attack au Fer BT :A: :h: 18 12 (?) (?) (?) (?)
    Low Turn Attack au Fer BT :2::A: :sl: 16 14 (?) (?) (?) (?)

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Roaring Stocatta :B: :m: 16 12 -4 0 2 (?) :G: cancel
    Roaring Stocatta :B::B: :m::m: 16 30 -12 -2 -2 15.5 NC
    Quick Botta :6::B: :h: 13 8 -8 0 0 (?)
    Quick Botta :6::B::B: :h::h: 13 18 -14 0 0 (?) NC
    Quick Botta :6::B::B::B: :h::h::m: 13 38 -18 0 0 12 NCC
    Quick Botta ~ Preparation :6::B::Bh: :h::h: 13 18 -4 10 10 (?) NC :st:
    Broken Thrust :3::B: :m: 16 20 -14 2 2 15
    Broken Thrust ~ Preparation :3::Bh: :m: 16 20 -1 15 15 15 :st:
    Fendante :2::B: :m: 16 20 -8 0 0 14
    Grave Needle :1::B: :l: 17 10 -16 -6 -6 (?)
    Grave Needle :1::B::B: :l::l: 17 20 -16 -4 (?) (?) NCC
    Wicked Thrust :4::B: :h: 22 18 -14 SHK SHK 13 TC [3-]
    Wicked Thrust ~ Preparation :4::Bh: :h: 22 18 -2 SHK SHK 13 TC [3-] :st:
    Affondo Fendante :2::3::6::B: :m: 20 40 -12 STN STN 10
    Crouching Montante FC :B: :m: 16 18 -8 0 0 14
    Affondo Fendante FC :3::B: :l: 23 20 -18 -4 -4 12
    Affondo Fendante FC :3::B::B: :l::m: 23 50 -19 STN STN 5
    Advance Slicer WR :B: :m: 17 22 -14 2 STN 13 does more soul gauge damage at tip range
    Sky Agente :7::B: :m: 28 21 -14 0 0 12 TJ [7-]
    Sky Agente :8::B: :m: 28 25 -14 STN STN 11 TJ [7-]
    Sky Agente :9::B: :m: 28 29 -14 STN STN 10 TJ [7-]
    Turning Montante BT :B: :m: 18 14 (?) (?) (?) (?)
    Low Turn Montante BT :2::B: :m: 18 20 (?) (?) (?) (?)

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Venom High Kick :K: :h: 13 19 -8 2 2 (?) :G: cancel
    Venom Toe Kick :6::K: :m: 16 20 -12 2 2 18 TJ [10-]
    Venom Kick :3::K: :m: 15 20 -6 4 4 (?)
    Sweep Kick :2::K: :l: 15 14 -14 -4 2 (?)
    Pirouette Sweep :1::K: :l: 23 24 -16 -2 -2 (?)
    Venom Heel :4::K: :h: 14 20 -6 4 4 (?)
    Sweep Kick FC :K: :l: 15 12 -14 -4 2 (?)
    High Toe Kick WR :K: :h: 14 18 -4 6 6 (?)
    Dark Moon :7::K: :m: 24 17 -8 4 4 (?) TJ [7-]
    Dark Moon :8::K: :m: 24 21 -8 4 4 (?) TJ [7-]
    Dark Moon :9::K: :m: 24 25 -8 4 4 15 TJ [7-]
    Turning Venom High Kick BT :K: :h: 15 21 (?) (?) (?) (?)
    Turning Sweep Kick BT :2::K: :l: 19 16 (?) (?) (?) (?)

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Assalto Montante Crescendo :A::+::B: :m::m: 19 31 -17 1 +1 (?) NCC
    Assalto Montante Crescendo :A::+::B::A: :m::m::l: 19 51 -12 6 KND 12.3 NCC
    Spinning Affondo Thrust :2::A::+::B: :l: 29 35 -16 KND KND 9 TC [25-]
    Quick Parade :4::A+B: :ss: - 28 - - - - :imp: high/mid/s-mid weapon horizontals [5-14]
    Quick Parade :4::A+B::B: during GI :m::m::m::m::m::m: - 51 - 2 2 - NC
    Blood Roar :8::A+B: :h::m: 18 37 -11 4 4 46.5 NC :imp: high/mid/s-mid/s-low horizontals and kicks [13-17]
    Vurkolak Envelopment :B::+::K: :SS: - - - - - - TS i9, auto-evade mid verticals and kicks at i22 to i35, :st:
    Cantarella Needle (Advance) :6::B::+::K: :m: 19 20 -9 1 STN 13
    Cantarella Needle (Right) :2::B::+::K: :m: (?) 20 -9 STN STN 13
    Cantarella Needle (Left) :8::B::+::K: :m: (?) 20 -9 STN STN 13
    Cantarella Needle (Retreat) :4::B::+::K: :m: (?) 20 (?) (?) (?) 13
    Cantarella Needle (Retreat) BT:B::+::K: :m: 19 20 (?) SHK SHK (?)
    Strigoii Envelopment :A::+::K: :ss: - - - - - - TP in place, attacks whiff from i18 to i21
    Strigoii Envelopment :A::+::K::6: :ss: - - - - - - TP in front of opponent, attacks whiff from i18 to i21
    Strigoii Envelopment :A::+::K::4: :SS: - - - - - - TP behind opponent in BT, attacks whiff from i18 to i21
    Strigoii Envelopment BT :A::+::K: :SS: - - - - - - TP in place, attacks whiff from i18 to i21
    Strigoii Envelopment BT :A::+::K::6: :SS: - - - - - - TP in front of opponent in BT, attacks whiff from i18 to i21
    Strigoii Envelopment BT :A::+::K::4: :SS: - - - - - - TP behind opponent, attacks whiff from i18 to i21

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Lunging Press :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :h: 22 28 -10 2 2 14
    Merciless Stramazone :2h:*:8h::A: :h: 23 14 -14 -4 -4 (?)
    Merciless Stramazone :2h:*:8h::A::A: :h::h: 23 30 -8 2 (?) (?) NC
    Deadly Strikes Crescendo :2h:*:8h::A::B: :h::l: 23 28 -18 -4 -4 (?)
    Deadly Strikes Crescendo :2h:*:8h::A::B::B: :h::l::m: 23 58 -19 STN STN 8
    Squalambrato Concierto :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :m: 28 30 -16 0 0 (?)
    Squalambrato Concierto :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::B: :m::m: 28 47 -16 -6 STN 14.5 NCC
    Squalambrato Concierto ~ Preparation :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::Bh: :m::m: 28 47 0 10 STN 14.5 NCC :st:
    Dread Coffin :6h::B: :m: 22 20 -17 STN STN 9 TC at i15
    Dread Coffin ~ Preparation :6h::Bh: :m: 22 20 -15 STN STN 9 TC [15-] :st:
    Death Guise :3h:*:9h::B: :l: (?) 22 -15 -4 0 10
    Quick Mandritti :2h:*:8h::B: :m: 21 20 -14 4 STN 10
    Quick Mandritti ~ Vurkolak Envelopment :2h:*:8h::Bh: :m: 21 20 -6 12 STN 10 :st:
    Dark Abyss :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 29 34 -9 STN STN 8 TJ [12-]
    Preparation Parry ~ Cranial Scraper :4h::B: :m: (?) 20/60 -8 6 6 18 TC [5-12] :imp: low/s-mid/s-low weapon attacks from [6-12] :at:
    Venom Side Kick :6h::K: :h: 20 18 -9 KND KND 15
    Crimson Moon :3h:*:9h::K: :m::m: 17 16 -18 LNC LNC (?)
    Crimson Moon :3h:*:9h::K::B: :m::m: 17 38 -17 KND KND (?) NC
    Crimson Moon :3h:*:9h::K:::B: :m::m: 17 46 -17 KND KND (?) JF/NC
    Venom Roundhouse :2h:*:8h::K: :h: 23 20 -10 4 STN (?)
    Dark Moon :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :m: 20 18 -10 KND KND 15 TJ [8-]
    Wyvern's Tail :6h:*:3h:*:9h:*:2h:*:8h::A::+::B: :m: 26 28 -2 LNC LNC 11 :G: cancel
    Bloody Funeral :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::+::B: :m: (?) 65 - KND KND - :UA:
    Bloody Funeral ~ Preparation :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A+B::G: :SS: - - - - - - :st:
    Sliding RUN :K: :l: (?) 26 (?) (?) (?) (?)

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Death Puppet :A::+::G: :h: 17 55 - KND KND - :TH: :A: Break
    Unending Strings :B::+::G: :h: 17 50 - KND KND - :TH: :B: Break
    A Lesson in Massacre Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :H: 17 62 - KND KND - :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    Undertaker Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :H: 17 60 - KND KND - :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    Pure Sacrifice Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :H: 17 65 - KND KND - :TH:

    Special Stances​


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Ebony Stock Prep :A: :m: 12 8 -16 -6 STN (?)
    Rapid Assault Prep :B: :h: 13 10 -8 0 0 (?)
    Rapid Assault Prep :B::B: :h::h: 13 18 -16 -2 -2 (?) NC
    Rapid Assault Prep :B::B::B: :h::h::m: 13 38 -20 -4 -4 (?) NCC
    Rapid Assault Prep :B::B::B:::B: :h::h::m::m: 13 68 -21 STN STN (?) NCC
    Rapid Assault ~ Preparation Prep :B::Bh: :h::h: 13 18 -4 10 10 (?) NC, :st:
    Dark Stinger Crescendo Prep :K: :l: 31 15 -17 STN STN (?) TJ at i7
    Dark Stinger Crescendo Prep :K:::K: :l::l: 31 30 -17 STN STN (?) TJ at i7, NC
    Repost Thrust Prep :A::+::B: :m: 32 35 -20 STN STN 8 TC [7-]
    Preparation ~ Vurkolak Envelopment Prep :B::+::K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Shadow Evade Alpha Prep :2: :ss: - - - - - - TC, will enter SEA from Prep if attacked with a high during Prep, transitions after 15 frames

    Shadow Evade Alpha​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Bloody Slicer SEA :A: :h: 17 18 0 10 10 (?) TC
    Assault Blade SEA :B: :m: 14 22 -14 2 STN 14
    Assault Blade ~ Preparation SEA :Bh: :m: 14 22 1 13 STN 14 :st:
    Hemlock Kick SEA :K: :h: 15 14 -19 SHK SHK (?)
    Shadow Evade Beta SEA :2: :SS: - - - - - - TC, will enter SEB if attacked with a high during SEA, transitions after 35 frames

    Shadow Evade Beta​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Bloody Assault SEB :A: :m: 21 26 +2 +10 (?) (?)
    Bloody Terror SEB :B: :m: 25 30 -2 STN STN 8
    Bella Donna Kick SEB :K: :h: 24 16 -9 (?) (?) (?)
    Shadow Evade Alpha SEB :2: :SS: - - - - - - TC, will enter SEA if attacked with a high during SEB. Super TC(?)

    Vurkolak Envelopment​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Vurkolak Envelopment :B::+::K: :SS: - - - - - - steps at i8, transitions after 20 frames, auto-evades mid kicks/verticals from i21 to i34 while no input is received :st:
    Howling Wolf VE :A: :m::h: 14 21 2 10 10 (?) forces BT on NH
    Midnight Stocatta Crescendo VE :B: :h: 11 10 -13 -2 -2 (?)
    Midnight Stocatta Crescendo VE :B::B: :h::m: 11 40 -19 STN STN (?) NCC
    Midnight Stocatta Crescendo (just) VE :B:::B: :h::m: 11 40 -19 STN STN (?) NC
    Pirouette Kick VE :K: :m: 20 30 -15 KND KND (?)
    Mermet de Vec VE :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :H: 17 45 - KND KND - :TH: :A:*:B: Break/restores 2 HP for every 5 non-directional inputs