Setsuka - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

    • DH=Dawn Haze
    • RoH=Ring of Heaven
    • TH=Twilight Haze

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Petal Slash :A: :h: 12 10 -9 -3 -1 (?)
    Petal Slash :A::A: :h::h: 12 20 -6 4 4 (?) NC
    Rising Red Moon :aG::B: :m: 23 30 -22 LNC LNC 8 TC[11-23] JF
    Mourning Thrust :aB: :m: 20 26 -16 KND KND 16
    Tousled Hair Slash :6::A: :h: 22 16 -8 0 0 20
    Tousled Hair Slash :6::A::A: :h::m: 22 38 -15 4 4 16.5 NC
    Willow Slash :3::A: :m: 21 20 -6 4 4 (?) TC[4-21]
    Grass Cutter :2::A: :sl: 14 10 -6 4 8 (?) TC[9-14]
    Sakura Air Combo :1::A: :l: 22 14 -25 -13 -13 (?)
    Sakura Air Combo :1::A::A: :l::m: 22 30 -23 -10 KND (?) NC
    Sakura Air Combo :1::A:::A: :l::m: 22 30 -23 KND KND (?) NC
    Sakura Air Combo :1::A:::A:::A: :l::m::h: 22 46 -23 KND KND (?) NC / JF :gc:
    Winter Stitch :4::A: :h: 17 18 -9 8 STN (?) TC
    Stalk Clipper FC :A: :sl: 13 10 -6 4 8 (?)
    Shade Buster FC :3::aB: :m: 13 30 -22 KND KND 12 TC[1-12]
    Shade Buster Just FC :3::aB: :m: 12 35 -22 KND KND 15 TC[1-11] / JF
    Crescent Slash WR :A: :h: 16 28 -2 8 8 (?)
    Blossom Slicer :7::A: :h: 25 22 -4 9 9 (?) TJ[7-25]
    Blossom Slicer :8::A: :h: 25 26 -4 9 9 (?) TJ[7-25]
    Blossom Slicer :9::A: :h: 25 30 -4 9 9 (?) TJ[7-25]
    Winter Breeze BT :A: :h: 13 12 -2 8 8 (?)
    Blind Grass Cutter BT :2::A: :sl: 15 14 -6 4 4 (?) TC[11-15]

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Wingbeat Slicer :B: :m: 16 14 -4 0 2 26
    Wingbeat Slicer :B::B: :m::m: 16 30 -6 4 4 15.5
    Winter Funeral :bA: :m: 18 40 -23 KND KND 15 TC[10-18]
    Moonlight Thrust :6::B: :m: 16 20 -8 2 2 13
    Air Blade :3::B: :m: 19 22 -8 KND LNC 10
    Water Fowl Slice :2::B: :m: 16 16 -8 2 2 20
    Reverse Blade :1::B: :m: 17 10 -18 -8 -8 (?)
    Reverse Blade :1::B:::B: :m::m: 17 20 -8 STN STN (?) JF
    Heartening Strike :4::B: :h: 17 20 -13 2 2 13
    Petal Slicer FC :B: :m: 16 16 -6 2 2 20
    Shade Thrust FC :3::B: :m: 15 14 -19 -8 -4 (?) TC[1-15]
    Shade Thrust FC :3::B:::B: :m::m: 15 30 -8 -KND -KND 10.5 JF / TC[1-15] / STN on CH of 2nd Hit only
    Crescent Blade WR :B: :m: 17 20 -6 KND STN 21 TC[1-10]
    Willow Divide :7::B: :m: 25 18 -8 4 4 13 TJ[7-26]
    Willow Divide :8::B: :m: 25 22 -8 4 4 (?) TJ[7-26]
    Willow Divide :9::B: :m: 25 26 -8 4 4 10 TJ[7-26]
    Silver Slicer BT :B: :m: 16 15 -6 4 4 10
    Windbeat Strike BT :2::B: :m: 16 18 -8 0 0 (?)

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Rising Sun Kick :K: :h: 13 12 -8 4 4 81
    Knee Seduction :6::K: :m: 14 12 -14 2 STN 81
    Ovan Heel Kick :3::K: :m: 15 16 -8 2 2 81
    Crouching Side Kick :2::K: :l: 15 10 -14 -4 2 89
    Back Rising Sun Kick :1::K: :h: 22 20 -9 KND KND 16 TC[7-22]
    Setsuka Stomp :4::K: :h: 19 24 0 SHK SHK 14
    Shin Kick FC :K: :l: 15 10 -13 -4 2 89
    Rising Front Kick WR :K: :m: 15 18 -6 4 4 21
    Ovan Rising Heel :7::K: :m: 19 18 -10 KND KND 16 TJ[13~]
    Ovan Rising Heel :8::K: :m: 19 22 -10 KND KND 16 TJ[13~]
    Ovan Rising Heel :9::K: :m: 19 26 -10 KND KND 16 TJ[13~]
    Rising Moon Kick BT :K: :h: 14 16 -5 3 3 82
    Blind Shin Kick BT :2::K: :l: 19 12 -19 KND KND 88

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Mirror Blade :A::+::B: :sp: 5 :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: 16 Gaines 1 Lvl for each Repel type GI, 3 for JI :imp::m::A::B::K:[5-11]
    Mirror Blade :imp:[Lvl 1-3] :A::+::B: :l: 5 30 :sp: 8 KND 16 Hold 6 to perform this with more than 3 Lvls :at:
    Mirror Blade :imp:[Lvl 4-5] :A::+::B: :l: 5 30 :sp: KND KND 16 Hold 4 to perform this with more than 5 Lvls :at:
    Mirror Blade :imp:[Lvl 6-7] :A::+::B: :l: 5 20 :sp: STN STN 16 Hold 2 to perform this with more than 7 Lvls :at:
    Mirror Blade :imp:[Lvl 8-9] :A::+::B: :l: 5 60 :sp: KND KND 16 Hold 8 to perform this with more than 9 Lvls :at:
    Mirror Blade :imp:[Lvl 10] :A::+::B: :l: 5 86 :sp: KND KND 16 :at:
    Half Moon Shadow :2::A::+::B: :l: 29 28 -16 KND KND 11
    Rising Moon FC :3::A::+::B: :m: 22 20 -19 STN STN 10
    Sakura Fury Combo :B::+::K: :m: 23 24 -14 -8 -8 10 :at:
    Sakura Fury Combo :B::+::K: :6::1::B: :m: 23 42 -14 +6 +6 10 NC :at:
    Silver Moon Combo :B::+::K: :6::1::B::4::4::B::+::K: :m: 23 86 -14 KND KND 10 NC :at:
    Sakura Fury Combo :B::+::K: :6::1::B::1::1::A::+::B: :m: 23 78 -14 KND KND 10 NC :at:
    Crescent Lash :2::B::+::K: :m: 22 18 -3 KND KND 21
    Rainy Moon BT :B::+::K: :m: 17 20 -20 KND KND 13
    Rainy Moon BT :B::+::K:::B: :m: 17 40 -16 KND KND 10.5 NC /JF

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Willow Splitter :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :h: 18 28 -8 4 4 15
    Shadow Cutter :2h:*:8h::A: :h: 23 18 -9 STN STN 20
    Horizon Sweeper :1h:*:7h::A: :l: 29 28 -16 2 KND 14 TC[7-29]
    Mist Cutter :4h::A: :h: 19 14 -16 -8 -8 (?)
    Mist Cutter :4h::A::A: :h::h: 19 32 -8 KND KND (?)
    Sakura Twister :6h::B: :m: 16 16 -16 2 2 (?)
    Sakura Twister :6h::B::A: :m::h: 16 31 -4 KND KND 12.5 NC
    Rising Crescent :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 17 22 -10 LNC STN 83 TC[11-17]
    Double Silver Stab :2h:*:8h::B: :m: 19 18 -16 -6 -6 13
    Double Silver Stab :2h:*:8h::B::B: :m::h: 19 44 -12 KND KND 7
    Crescent Strike :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 29 26 -6 LNC LNC 10
    Moon Shadow Strike :4h::B: :m: 21 18 -12 4 4 10
    Moon Shadow Strike :4h::B::A: :m::m: 21 38 -16 KND KND 10 NC
    Shade Roundhouse :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :h: 24 26 -16 4 4 21 Spins opponent on hit / :imp::m::A::B: After attack ends.
    Heel Hook Kick :2h:*:8h::K: :m: 22 22 -10 KND KND 14
    Backspin Snow Sweeper :1h:*:7h::K: :l: 24 20 -17 -2 -2 (?) Can be punished by some i18 moves. TC [22-24]
    Shadow Hunter :4h::K: :h: 24 18 -11 1 1 (?) TJ[19-24]
    Shadow Hunter :4h::K::B: :h::m: 24 42 -16 1 2 (?) TJ[19-24] / NC
    Full Moon Divide :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A::+::B: :m: 30 30 -3 KND KND 10 :gc:
    Shade Dancer :2h:*:8h::A::+::B: :m: 23 10 -22 KND KND 16
    Shade Dancer :2h:*:8h::A::+::B::A: :m::h: 23 27 -4 KND KND (?) NC
    Blind Heaven :6h::B::+::K: :m: 23 30 -8 KND KND 10
    Silver Shadow :4h::B::+::K: :h: 14 36 -16 KND KND 15

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Crescent Sweep :A::+::G: :t: 17 20 :t: KND KND :t: :A: Break
    Moon Wind :B::+::G: :t: 17 55 :t: KND KND :t: :B: Break
    Crimson Death :2::1::4::B::+::G: :t: 17 34 :t: STN STN :t: :B: Break
    Shadow Descent Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 60 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Vermillion Moon Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 65 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Snow Gate Back :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 60 :t: KND KND :t:

    Special Stances​

    Dawn Haze​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Dawn Haze :2::1::4: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: TC[6-18] / Shortcut to Crouch :st:

    Twilight Haze​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Twilight Haze :2::3::6: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: TC[7-18] / Shortcut to 8WR except for 7*8*9 :st:

    Ring of Heaven​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Ring of Heaven :A::+::K: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: :sp: TJ[10-30] :st:
    Breaking Wave RoH :A: :h: 21 20 -3 STN STN 81 TJ[10-30]
    Island Divide RoH :B: :m: 26 20 -15 KND KND TJ[10-30] / ends in BT / -3 on block if Setsuka jumps over / lifts downed opponent / whiffs standing opp