Sophitia - Frame Data - SC4 (BD)

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  • Character Notations​

    • AS = Angel Step Stance
    • ASS = Angel Sidestep Stance
    • TAS = Twin Angel Step Stance

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Slide Flow :A: :h: 11 8 -9 -3 1 (?) :G: cancel
    Slide Flow :A::A: :h::h: 11 18 -7 4 4 (?) NC / -6 at range
    Slide Tornado :A::K: :h::l: 11 18 -18 -3 -3 (?) NC
    Double Hilt :6::A: :h: 13 12 -9 1 1 (?)
    Double Hilt :6::A::B: :h::m: 13 32 -5 3 3 (?) NCC / SHK on CH of 2nd hit only
    Angel Punisher :3::A: :m: 19 24 -14 -2 -2 (?) TC[9-19]
    Under Slide Blade :2::A: :sl: 14 12 -6 4 8 (?) TC[9-14]
    Iron Butterfly :1::A: :l: 29 20 -17 KND KND (?) TC[13-28]
    Iron Butterfly :1::A::A: :l::m: 29 41 -24 KND KND (?) TC[13-28] / NC
    Cutlass Europa :4::A: :h: 19 20 -9 1 1 (?) TC[7-11]
    Cutlass Europa :4::A::A: :h::l: 19 35 -17 KND KND (?) TC[7-11]
    Cutlass Europa :4::A::A::A: :h::l::m: 19 55 -24 KND KND (?) TC[7-11]
    Cutlass Seraphim :4::Ah: :h: 34 30 -3 STN STN (?) TC[9-26] / Gives 16 frame stun.
    Cutlass Seraphim :4::Ah::A::A:::A: :h::l::m::l: 34 76 -17 KND KND (?) TC[9-26] / NC / JF
    Cutlass Titan :4::A::B: :h::m: 19 36 -16 KND KND (?) TC[7-11] / NCC
    Cutlass Titan Hold :4::Ah::B: :h::m: 34 46 -16 KND KND (?) TC[9-26] / NC
    Under Slide Blade FC :A: :sl: 13 10 -6 4 8 (?) TC[1-8]
    Full Turn Blade WR :A: :m: 16 18 -12 1 1 (?) TC[1-10]
    Jumping Mirage Satellite :7::A: :h: 24 24 -6 5 5 (?) TJ[7-24]
    Jumping Mirage Satellite :8::A: :h: 24 26 -7 KND KND (?) TJ[7-24]
    Jumping Mirage Satellite :9::A: :h: 24 28 -7 KND KND (?) TJ[7-24]

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Ascend Splash :B: :m: 15 14 -5 -1 1 (?) :G: cancel
    Ascend Splash :B::B: :m::m: 15 28 -8 4 4 (?) NC
    Angel's Flow :B::K: :m::h: 15 36 -8 0 0 (?) NC
    Impaling Strike :B::2: :l: 23 10 -14 -4 KND (?) NCC
    Impaling Strike :B::2::B: :l::l: 23 18 -14 -4 KND (?) NCC
    Impaling Strike :B::2::B::B: :l::l::l: 23 26 -14 -4 KND (?) NCC
    Impaling Strike :B::2::B::B::B: :l::l::l::l: 23 34 -14 -4 KND (?) NCC
    Impaling Strike :B::2::B::B::B::2::3::6::B: :l::l::l::l::m: 23 64 -26 KND KND (?) .
    Quick Strike :6::B: :m: 17 26 -12 0 KND (?) TC[8-12]
    Paladin Purifier :3::B: :m: 20 28 -17 LNC LNC (?) TC[8-14]
    Guardian Strike :2::B: :m: 16 8 -13 -3 -3 (?) .
    Guardian Strike :2::B::B: :m::m: 16 30 -26 KND KND (?) NCC
    Guardian Strike Painful Fate :2::B::B::4: :m::m: 16 45 -26 KND KND (?) NCC :at:
    Guardian Strike Painful Fate Just :2::B::B:::4: :m::m: 16 55 -26 KND KND (?) JF / NCC :at:
    Guardian's Judgment :2::B::8::B: :m::m: 16 38 -27 KND KND (?) NCC
    Guardian's Judgment :2::B::8::B::A: :m::m::m: 16 (?) -40 KND KND (?) NCC
    Guardian's Judgment :2::B::8::B::A::K: :m::m::m::m: 16 69 -50 KND KND (?) NCC
    Under Splash :1::B: :m: 16 16 -8 2 2 (?) .
    Sword Shower :4::B: :m: 18 20 -2 3 3 (?) Opponent FC on guard
    Under Splash FC :B: :m: 16 17 -8 2 2 (?) .
    Guardian Strike FC :1::B: :m::m: 16 10 -13 -3 -3 (?) TC[1-6]
    Guardian Strike FC :1::B::B: :m::m: 16 32 -26 KND KND (?) .
    Guardian Strike Painful Fate FC :1::B::B::4: :m::m: 16 47 -26 KND KND (?) NCC :at:
    Guardian Strike Painful Fate Just FC :1::B::B:::4: :m::m: 16 57 -26 KND KND (?) JF / NCC :at:
    Guardian's Judgement FC :1::B::8::B: :m::m: 16 40 -27 KND KND (?) NC
    Guardian's Judgement FC :1::B::8::B::A: :m::m::m: 16 52 (?) KND KND (?) NC
    Guardian's Judgement FC :1::B::8::B::A::K: :m::m::m::m: 16 72 (?) KND KND (?) NC
    Exile WR :B: :m: 15 20 -6 4 4 (?) TC[1-14]
    Jumping Under Splash :9::B: :m: 23 32 -9 3 3 (?) TJ[7-23]
    Jumping Under Splash :8::B: :m: 23 30 -9 3 3 (?) TJ[7-23]
    Jumping Under Splash :7::B: :m: 23 28 -9 3 3 (?) TJ[7-23]

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Kick Duo :K: :h: 13 14 -10 -4 -4 (?) :G: cancel
    Kick Duo :K::K: :h::m: 13 24 -12 -2 -2 (?) NCC
    Flapping Heel Kick :6::K: :m: 15 15 -5 5 5 (?) Launches airborne, unjuggled opponent.
    Angel Side Kick :3::K: :m: 15 16 -8 4 4 (?)
    Spring Under Kick :2::K: :l: 15 12 -14 -4 2 (?)
    Tornado Low Kick :1::K: :l: 21 20 -16 -2 KND (?)
    Tornado Low Kick Hold :1::Kh: :l: 37 30 -11 KND KND (?)
    Temple Kick :4::K: :h: 20 14 -14 4 STN (?) TC[5-12] :GI::l::A::B::K:[4-11]
    Spring Under Kick FC :K: :l: 15 14 -14 -4 2 (?)
    Rising Temple WR :K: :h: 15 20 -3 7 7 (?) TC[1-6]
    Holy Crest Kick :9::K: :m: 22 18 -5 7 7 (?) TJ [7-22]
    Holy Crest Kick :8::K: :m: 22 16 -5 7 7 (?) TJ[7-22]
    Holy Crest Kick :7::K: :m: 22 14 -5 7 7 (?) TJ[7-22]

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Divine Palladium :A::+::B:+:K: :m: 37 40 -16 KND KND 12 CFs opponent on hit when soul guage flashes red :gc:
    El Fortune :A::+::B: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (?) :GI::m::A::B::K:[4-13]
    Spinning Hilt (Auto Counter) El Fortune :GI:(:A:) :h: 4 10 :SS: STN STN (?) Gives 28 frames of STN :at:
    Guardian's Judgement (Auto Counter) El Fortune :GI:(:B:) :m: 4 20 :SS: KND KND (?) :at:
    Guardian's Judgement (Auto Counter) El Fortune :GI:(:B:):A: :m::m: 4 31 :SS: KND KND (?) :at:
    Guardian's Judgement (Auto Counter) El Fortune :GI:(:B:):A::K: :m::m::m: 4 58 :SS: KND KND (?) :at:
    Tornado High Kick (Auto Counter) El Fortune :GI:(:K:) :h: 4 18 :SS: LNC LNC (?) :at:
    Twin Step Grace :3::A::+::B: :m::m: 18 36 -16 KND KND (?) TC[9-18]
    Mirage Satellite WR :A::+::B: :m: 18 20 -16 0 0 (?) TC[1-18]
    Mirage Satellite WR :Ah::+::Bh: :m: 60 20 :UA: KND KND :UA: TC[1-60]
    Temperance Strike :B::+::K: :m: 26 16 -12 -2 -2 (?) TS / TJ[11-23] / TC[26]
    Temperance Strike :B::+::K::B: :m::m: 26 38 -26 KND KND (?) TS / TJ[11-23] / TC[26] / NCC
    Temperance Strike Painful Fate :B::+::K::B::4: :m::m: 26 53 -26 KND KND (?) TS / TJ[11-23] / TC[26] / NCC :at:
    Temperance Strike Painful Fate Just :B::+::K::B:::4: :m::m: 26 63 -26 KND KND (?) JF / TS / TJ[11-23] / TC[26] / NCC :at:
    Angel Fall :9::B::+::K: :sm: 37 30 -15 KND KND (?) TJ[14-37] / On whiff hits :l: for 0 damage and 13 frames of STN
    Angel Fall :9::Bh::+::Kh: :sm: 72 50 :UA: KND KND :UA: TJ / TC[5-21] / On whiff hits :l: for 0 damage and 13 frames of STN
    Angel Press :4::B::+::K: :m: 20 20 -6 KND KND 20 TC[6-20]
    Guardian Upper WR :B::+::K: :m: 22 28 -14 LNC LNC 14 TC[1-16]
    Hip Charge BT :B::+::K: :m: 16 30 -5 SHK SHK (?)
    Tornado High Kick :A::+::K: :h: 28 36 -2 LNC LNC (?)
    Tornado Feint :A::+::K::K: :m: 48 40 0 KND KND (?) TC[19-36]
    Angel Stroke :9::A::+::K: :m: 30 24 -16 -6 KND (?) TJ[15-30] Will TJ some mids starting around frame 20
    Angel Stroke :9::A::+::K::A: :m::l: 30 44 -19 KND KND (?) TJ[15-30]
    Angel Stroke :9::A::+::K::A::B: :m::l::m: 30 68 -21 KND KND (?) TJ[15-30]
    Angel Fall :9::A::+::K::B: :m::m: 30 64 2 KND KND (?) TJ[15-30]
    Angel Sault :9::A::+::K::K: :m::m: 30 50 -24 KND KND (?) TJ[15-30] / NC

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Silent Cross :6h::A: :m: 19 26 -12 4 4 (?) TC[11-14]
    Silent Cross :3h:*:9h::A: :m: 20 24 -12 4 4 (?) TC[12-15]
    Shield Rush :2h::A: :h: 22 28 -7 KND KND 20 TS
    Inverse Shield Rush :8h::A: :h: 21 28 -7 KND KND (?) .
    Silent Stream :1h:*:7h::A: :l: 28 14 -10 2 2 (?) TC[14-28]
    Silent Stream :1h:*:7h::A::A: :l::m: 28 39 -14 KND KND (?) TC[14-28] / TJ
    Silent Stream :1h:*:7h::A::Ah: :l::m: 28 54 :UA: KND KND :UA: TC[14-28] / TJ
    Reverse Mirage :4h::A: :m: 25 18 -6 4 LNC (?) Alters Sophtia's hitbox / turns opponent clockwise on guard
    Heaven's Gate :4h::aB: :m: 72 56 :UA: LNC LNC :UA: TJ[60 something-72]
    Olympus Cannon :6h::B: :m: 26 32 -2 LNC LNC 25
    Ascension :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 27 28 -16 LNC LNC (?) TC [8-24]
    Elk Strike :2h:*:8h::B: :h: 30 20 3 KND KND 20 TC [11-30]
    Elk Strike :2h:*:8h::Bh: :h: 50 30 14 KND KND 14 TC[24-50] :gc:
    Guardian Upper :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 23 20 -16 LNC LNC 18 TC[6-16]
    Guardian Upper :4h::B: :m: 22 22 -16 LNC LNC 18 TC [5-15]
    Plasma Blade :6h::K: :m: 15 16 -15 LNC LNC (?) .
    Plasma Blade :3h:*:9h::K: :m: 16 12 -13 LNC LNC (?) .
    Angel Side Kick :2h:*:8h::K: :m: 16 20 -8 4 4 (?) .
    Holy Punishment :1h:*:7h::K: :m: 17 18 -6 6 KND (?) .
    Holy Punishment :4h::K: :m: 16 20 -6 6 KND (?) .
    Lodestar Strike :6h::A::+::B: :h: 19 42 -9 KND KND 10 TC[6-15]
    Twin Step Grace :3h:*:9h:*:1h:*:7h::A::+::B: :m::m: 18 36 -18 KND KND (?) TC[10-18]
    Twin Step Grace :2h:*:8h::A::+::B: :m::m: 19 34 -13 KND KND (?) TC[10-19]
    Twin Step Grace :4h::A::+::B: :m::m: 18 31 -18 KND KND (?) TC[9-18]
    Jet Stream Rush :6h::B::+::K: :m: 24 16 -8 0 0 25 TC[5-19]
    Jet Stream Rush :3h:*:9h::B::+::K: :m: 25 18 -8 0 0 25 TC[6-20] / Launches airborne, unjuggled opponent.
    Jet Stream Rush :6h::B::+::K::A: :m::h: 24 21 -18 -2 -2 (?) TC[5-19] / NC
    Jet Stream Rush :6h::B::+::K::A::B: :m::h::m: 24 39 -15 LNC LNC (?) TC[5-19] / NCC
    Olympus Shower :2h:*:8h::B::+::K: :m: 28 34 -12 KND KND 12 .
    Olympus Shower :1h:*:7h::B::+::K: :m: 27 36 -12 KND KND 12 .
    Olympus Shower :4h::B::+::K: :m: 26 34 -12 KND KND 12 .
    Sliding RUN :K: :l: (?) 26 -22 KND KND (?)

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Widow Maker :A::+::G: :TH: 17 40 :TH: 6 6 :TH: :A: Break
    Widow Maker :A::+::G::2h: :TH: 17 35 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A: Break
    Holy Cracker :B::+::G: :TH: 17 40 :TH: KND KND :TH: :B: Break
    Heaven to Hell :B::+::G::2::A:*:2::B: :TH: 17 65 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    Round Knocker Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 40 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    Broken Promise Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 70 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    Bottoms Up Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 35 :TH: KND KND :TH:
    Heaven's Arch :6::6::A::+::G: :TH: 17 55 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A: Break

    Special Stances​

    Angel Step​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Angel Step :2::3::6: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: / TC[4-20]
    Angel Satellite AS :A: :m: 18 25 -18 KND KND (?) TC[3-18] / i17 from FC
    Angel Satellite AS :A::A: :m::l: 18 47 -16 KND KND (?) NC / TC[3-18] / i17 from FC
    Angel's Strike AS :B: :m: 14 30 -20 KND KND 14 -4 on hit and no AT on hit and CH at tip / i13 from FC
    Angel's Strike AS::B: :m: 14 30 -20 KND KND 14 JF / KND on hit and AT out to further range than AS :B: / i13 from FC
    Angel's Strike Painful Fate AS :B::4: :m: 14 45 -20 KND KND 14 :at: / i13 from FC
    Angel's Strike Painful Fate Just AS :B:::4: :m: 14 55 -20 KND KND 14 :at: / i13 from FC
    Holy Arrow Kick AS :K: :h: 15 20 -14 KND KND (?) i14 from FC
    Angel Step ~Sidestep AS :2:*:8: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TS :SS:
    Twin Angel Step AS :2::3::6: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC :SS:

    Angel Sidestep​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Angel Satellite ASS :A: :m: (?) 25 -18 KND KND (?) TC
    Angel Satellite ASS :A::A: :m::l: (?) 47 -16 KND KND (?) NC / TC
    Jet Stream Rush ASS :B: :m: (?) (?) -8 0 0 (?) TC
    Jet Stream Rush ASS :B::A: :m::h: (?) (?) -18 -2 -2 (?) TC / NC
    Jet Stream Rush ASS :B::A::B: :m::h::m: (?) (?) -15 LNC LNC (?) TC / NCC
    Holy Crest Kick ASS :K: :m: (?) (?) -9 KND KND (?) TJ
    Twin Angel Step ASS :2::3::6: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC :SS:

    Twin Angel Step​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Seraphim Blade TAS :A: :m: 20 16 -20 KND KND (?) TC[4-20]
    Seraphim Blade TAS :A::A: :m::l: 20 34 -13 STN STN (?) NC / TC[4-20] / Gives 15 Frames of STN / Stuns grounded opponent / KND on hit of 2nd hit only
    Seraphim Strike TAS :B: :m: 15 50 -10 KND KND 12
    Seraphim Strike TAS :B:(Tip) :m: 15 40 -15 STN STN 12 Gives 25 Frames of STN
    Seraphim Strike Painful Fate TAS :B::4: :m: 15 65 -10 KND KND 12 :at:
    Seraphim Strike Angel Arc TAS :B:::4: :m: 15 80 -10 KND KND 12 :at:
    Tornado Feint TAS :K: :m: 38 30 0 KND KND (?) TC[4-26]
    Angel Step ~Sidestep TAS :2:*:8: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TS :SS: