Taki - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

    • HO = Hover
    • PO = Possession
    • RM = Reverse Mill
    • SKR = Stalker
    • WRO = Windroll

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :A: :h: 10 8 -8 -2 0 - -
    - :A::A: :h::h: 10 16 -9 -2 -2 - NC
    - :A::A::B: :h::h::m: 10 34 -17 -2 -2 - ~FC; NCC
    - :A::B: :h::m: 10 20 -13 -6 -6 - NC
    - :A::B::2::1::4: :h::m:~:SS: 10 20 -1 +6 +6 - ~PO; NC
    - :A::B::K: :h::m::h: 10 35 -3 -1 -1 - STNC (last 2 hits NCC, foe ~BT on hit)
    - :A::B::K: (last hit) :h::m::h: 10 35 -3 -1 +5 - (last hit only, foe ~BT on hit)
    - :A::B::4::A+B: :h::m::l: 10 35+5 -6 SLNC SLNC 11 ~FC
    - :A::B::4::a-small::+::bA: :h::m::h: 10 30 -9 -1 -1 - NCC; DL (cancel)
    - :A::B::4::a-small::+::bA::2::1::4: :h::m::h: 10 30 -11 -3 -3 - ~PO; NCC; DL (cancel)
    - :a-small::6: :m::m: 15 32 -14 KND KND/CSTN - NC
    - :a-small:::6: :h::m::m: 10 34 -14 CSTN CSTN - NC/ JF
    - :6::A: :m: 19 20 -15 +1 SHK(+5) - TC[8-16] (opponent BT on hit)
    - :6::A::2::1::4: :m:~:SS: 19 20 -13 +3 SHK(+7) - ~BTPO; TC (opponent BT on hit)
    - :3::A: :l: 23 12 -14 -4 -4 - ~FC/ TC [21-23]
    - :3::A::K: :l::l: 23 24 -14 -4 -4 - ~FC/ NCC; TC
    - :2::A: :sl: 14 8 -6 +4 +8 - ~FC; TC [9-14]
    - :1::A: :l: 24 25 -22 +1 KND - ~FC/ TC[5-24]
    - :4::A: :l:~:SS: 21 18 -16 0 0 - ~PO; TC [10-21] (automatic Possession shift)
    - FC :2::A: :sl: 13 8 -6 +4 +8 - ~FC; TC [1-8]
    - WR :A: :m: 17 14 -2 +6 +6 - TC [1-17]
    - WR :A::A: :m::h: 17 22 -11 -3 -3 - NC; TC
    - WR :A::A::2::1::4: :m::h:~:SS: 17 22 -5 +3 +3 - ~PO; NC; TC
    - WR :A::A::A: :m::h::m: 17 45 -19 CSTN CSTN - NCC; TC; TJ
    - JMP :A: :m: 22 20 -5 KND KND - TJ [7-22]
    - :7::A: :m: 22 20 -5 +2 +2 - TBJ (foe ~BT on hit)
    - BT :A: :h: 12 10 -2 +8 +8 - -
    - BT :2::A: :sl: 16 12 -6 +4 +4 - ~FC; TC [11-16]

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :B: :m: 15 10 -5 -3 0 - -
    - :B::A: :m::h: 15 18 -13 -5 -5 - NC
    - :B::A::2::1::4: :m::h:~:SS: 15 18 -2 +6 +6 - ~PO; NC
    - :B::A::A: :m::h::l: 15 52 -21 +2 KND - ~FC/ TC
    - :B::A::K: :m::h::h: 15 44 -9 +5 +5 - NCC (leaves foe BT on hit)
    - :B::A::Kh: :m::h::h: 15 54 +7 KND KND - -
    - :B::A::6::K: :m::h::m: 15 44 -19 KND KND - NCC (foe ~FC on grd)
    - :B::B: :m::m: 15 25 -11 -1 -1 - NC
    - :B::B::B: :m::m::m: 15 51 -16 -5 -5 10 DL
    - :B::B::B::2::1::4: :m::m:~:SS: 15 51 -6 +4 +4 - ~PO; NC (cancel)
    - :B::K: :m::h: 15 35 -5 +6 +6 - NCC (leaves foe BT on hit)
    - :B::Kh: :m::h: 15 45 +7 KND KND - -
    - :B::K::A: :m::h::h: 15 35+10 -9 -1 -1 - NCC (last 2 hits NC)
    - :B::K::A::2::1::4: :m::h::h:~:SS: 15 35+10 -11 -3 -3 - ~PO; NCC (last 2 hits NC)
    - :6::B: :m: 16 21 -5 +5 +5 13
    - :3::B: :m: 16 14 -9 -1 -1 20 TC [7-13]
    - :3::bK: :m::m: 16 29 -15 -8 -8 15.5 NC; TC
    - :3::bK: (last hit) :m::m: 16 29 -15 -8 CSTN 15.5 (last hit only)
    - :3::bK::2::1::4: :m::m:~:SS: 16 29 -3 +4 +4 - ~PO; NC; TC
    - :3::bK::2::1::4: (last hit) :m::m:~:SS: 16 29 -3 +4 STN - ~PO (last hit only)
    - :2::B: :m: 16 16 -11 -1 -1 20 ~FC
    - :2::B::A: :m::h: 16 24 -10 -2 -2 15.5 NC; DL
    - :2::bA: :h: 8 8 -10 -2 -2 - DL (cancel)
    - :2::bA::2::1::4: :h:~:SS: 8 8 -5 +3 +3 - ~PO; DL (cancel)
    - :1::B: :m: 15 14 -15 -9 -9 - -
    - :1::B::A: :m::h: 15 24 -13 -7 -7 15.5 NC
    - :1::B::A: (last hit) :m::h: 15 24 -13 -7 CSTN 15.5 NC; DL (last hit only)
    - :1::B::A::2::1::4: :m::h:~:SS: 15 24 +3 +9 +9 15.5 ~PO; NC; DL
    - :1::B::A::2::1::4: (last hit) :m::h:~:SS: 15 24 +3 +9 STN 15.5 ~PO; DL (last hit only)
    - :4::B: :GI:~:m: 26 30 -18 CSTN CSTN 8 :GI: [8-12] (repels non-stab Vertical-type attacks)
    - :4::1::2::3::6::B: :m: 63? 50 :UA: KND KND :UA: (TC at beginning)/ (TJ at end)/ (can be :G: cancelled)
    - FC :2::B: :m: 16 12 -7 +1 +1 - ~FC; TC?
    - WR :B: :m: 18 13 -13 -3 -3 - TC?
    - WR :B::B: :m::l: 18 38 -18 -4 -4 - NC;TC? (foe ~FC on hit)
    - WR :B::B: (last hit) :m::l: 18 38 -18 -4 CSTN - (last hit only, foe ~FC on hit)
    - JMP :B: :m: 22 16 -9 +1 +1 - TJ [7-22]
    - BT :B: :m: 17 12 -6 +4 +4 - -
    - BT :B::A: :m::h: 17 23 -9 -1 -1 - NC
    - BT :B::A::2::1::4: :m::h:~:SS: 17 23 -9 -1 -1 - ~PO; NC
    - BT :2::B: :m: 18 18 -8 0 0 - ~FC
    - BT :2::B::2::1::4: :m:~:SS: 18 18 -5 +3 +3 - ~PO

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :K: :h: 13 9 -10 -2 -2 - -
    - :K::K: :h::h: 13 18 -7 3 3 - NC
    - :K::K::K: :h::h::h: 13 27 -3 5 5 - NCC
    - :K::K::2::K: :h::h::l: 13 28 -14 -4 -4 - ~FC/ NCC
    - :K::2: :m::m: 23 30 -9 1 1 - TJ/ NC (leaves opponent in FC on guard and hit)
    - :6::K: :m: 16 18 -16 -6 -6 - -
    - :6::K::A: :m::h: 16 26 -10 -2 -2 - NC
    - :6::K::A::2::1::4: :m::h: 16 26 -5 3 3 - NC :SS:
    - :3::K: :m: 14 12 -8 -2 -2 - -
    - :3::K::K: :m::m: 14 22 -12 -2 -2 - NC (causes KND on STN'd opponent)
    - :3::K::K::K: :m::m::m: 14 42 -16 KND KND - -
    - :3::K::K::B::+::K: :m::m: 14 22 - - - - NC :SS:
    - :3::K::K::2:*:8::B::+::K: :m::m: 14 22 -28 -18 -18 - NC/ TC/ TS (rolls around opponent on hit leaving them BT)
    - :2::K: :l: 18 10 -19 -8 -8 - -
    - :2::K::K: :l::m: 18 25 -12 -2 -2 - NCC (opponent in FC on guard)
    - :1::K: :l: 15 9 -14 -4 2 - ~FC
    - :4::K: :h: 17 17 -4 6 6 - -
    - :4::K::K: :h::l: 17 29 -12 -3 -3 - ~FC/ NCC
    - FC :K: :l: 15 9 -14 -4 2 - ~FC
    - WR :K: :m: 17 12 -10 0 STN - TC
    - JMP :K: :h: 22 12 -21 -7 -7 - TJ
    - JMP :K::K: :h::l: 22 22 -19 KND KND - TJ/ ~FC/ NCC
    - JMP :K::K::K: :h::l::h: 22 37 -9 KND KND - TJ/ NCC (last 2 hits are a NC)
    - JMP :K::K::2::1::4: :h::l: 22 22 -17 KND KND - TJ/ NCC :SS:
    - BT :K: :h: 15 11 -4 4 4 - -
    - BT :2::K: :l: 19 12 -19 KND KND - ~FC

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :A::+::B: :l: 30 11+4 -6 LNC LNC 14 ~FC
    - :A::+::B::A: :l::h: 30 11+8 -10 -2 -2 - -
    - :A::+::B::A::2::1::4: :l::h: 30 11+8 0 LNC LNC - :SS: (when the bomb is blocked the last hit cannot connect, so this data was tested without the last hit connecting)
    - :a-small::+::bA: :h: 8 8 -10 -2 -2 - -
    - :a-small::+::bA::2::1::4: :h: 8 8 -5 3 3 - :SS:
    - :6::A+B: :l: 44 7+3 :UA: LNC LNC :UA: -
    - :2::A+B: :m: 37 24 -40 KND KND 10 TJ/ (~DWN and safe on whiff)/ (TS "back-roll" makes this move safe from most punishment)
    - :4::A+B: :l: 30 10 -13 0 0 - ~FC (can W! an opponent for W! combos)
    - :4::A+B::B: :l::l: 30 21+4 -10 LNC LNC 15.5 ~FC/ NC (LNC's opponent behind you)
    - :4::A+B::A: :l::h: 30 16 -10 KND KND - NC (opponent has a fast recovery off of this)
    - :4::A+B::A::2::1::4: :l::h: 30 16 ? KND KND - NC :SS: (opponent has a fast recovery off of this, data was tested without the last hit connecting)
    - :4::a-small::+::bA: :h: 8 8 -5 3 3 - -
    - :4::a-small::+::bA::2::1::4: :h: 8 8 ? ? ? - :SS:
    - FC :1::A+B: :sm: 16 10 -16 6 6 - (STN's down opponent)
    - BT :A+B: :m: 17 14 -4 LNC LNC - -
    - BT :2::A+B: :m: 37 39 SAFE KND KND 11 TJ/ ~DWN
    - :B+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC [8-39] :SS:
    - :2:*:8::B+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC/ TS [11-39]
    - :B+K::B+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC [8-79] :SS:
    - BT :B+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC [8-39] :SS:
    - BT :2:*:8::B+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC/ TS [11-39]
    - :A+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (TJ at i16) :SS: (jumps over opponent)
    - :2:*:8::A+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (TJ at i18)/ TS :SS: (jumps sideways)
    - :4::A+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (TJ at i16)/ TS :SS: (jumps over opponent and leaves you BT)
    - BT :A+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (TJ at i16)/ TS :SS: (jumps over opponent)
    - BT :2:*:8::A+K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (TJ at i18)/ TS :SS: (jumps sideways)
    - FC :2::A+K: :l: 17 10 -19 -10 -4 - ~FC
    - FC :2::A+K::K: :l::m: 17 24 -12 6 6 - NCC (gives STN on STN'd opponent)/ (if 1st hit whiffs 2nd hit STN's on CH)

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :6h::A: :m: 20 31 -15 STN STN - TJ
    - :3h:*:9h::A: :h: 17 12 -8 2 2 - -
    - :3h:*:9h::A::B: :h::m: 17 20 -11 -2 -2 - NCC
    - :3h:*:9h::A::B::B: :h::m::m: 17 30 -12 -3 -3 - NCC (last 2 hits are a NC)
    - :3h:*:9h::A::B::B::B: :h::m::m::m: 17 42 -10 0 0 - NCC (last 3 hits are a NC)
    - :3h:*:9h::A:::B:::B:::B: :h::m::m::m: 17 42 -10 STN STN - JF/ NCC (last 3 hits are a NC)
    - :3h:*:9h::Ah: ~:h: 17 12 -22 -13 -13 - (starts off the 33*99ABBB NCC with a delay)
    - :3h:*:9h::A::2::1::4: :h: 17 12 1 (10?) (11?) - :SS: Forces a period of standing on CH
    - :2h:*:8h::A: :h: 29 16 -12 10 STN - TS/ TJ (leaves Taki BT on hit and in FC on guard)
    - :4h::A: :m: 19 18 -9 1 2 20 TS
    - :6h::B: :m: 18 25 -19 STN STN 10 TC
    - :6h::B:(on hit):A: :m::m: 18 35 -19 STN STN - TC/ NC
    - :6h::B:(on hit)::A: :m::m: 18 39 -19 STN STN - TC/ NC/ JF (causes sliding KND on a midair opponent)
    - :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 17 40 -16 KND KND 10 TC
    - :2h:*:8h::B: :m::m: 19 34 -13 LNC LNC 13 -
    - :4h::B: :m: 26 25 -12 KND KND 10 TC (slight backdash)
    - :6h::K: :sm::sm: 17 30 -17 -5 - - TC
    - :3h:*:9h::K: :m::h: 20 26 -3 KND KND - TJ
    - :2h:*:8h::K: :h::h: 14 28 -18 -8 STN - TJ/ TS
    - :2h:*:8h::K::A: :h::h::m: 14 55 -18 KND KND - NCC/ TJ/ TS
    - :2h:*:8h::K::B::+::K: :h::h: 14 28 - - STN - TJ/ TS :SS:
    - :2h:*:8h::K::2:*:8::B::+::K: :h::h: 14 28 -34 -24 STN - TJ/ TC/ TS
    - :1h:*:7h::K: :m: 24 16 -7 -1 LNC - (leaves opponent in FC on guard and hit, gives STN animation on hit)
    - :4h::K: :m: 27 18 -17 STN STN - TJ (leaves you BT on guard)/ (opponent in FC on guard)
    - :4h::K:(on hit):K: :m::m: 27 36 -17 KND KND - TJ/ NC (leaves Taki BT)
    - :4h::K::2::1::4: :m: 27 18 -9 SHK SHK - TJ :SS: (leaves Taki BT in PO)
    - RUN :K: :l:(on hit):m: (?) 41 -21 KND KND - TC/ (TJ and TS on hit only)
    - RUN :K:(on hit):B: :l:(on hit):m::m: (?) 65 -8 KND KND - TC/ TJ/ TS

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    - :A::+::G: :TH: 17 48 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A: Break
    - :B::+::G: :TH: 17 52 :TH: KND KND :TH: :B: Break
    - Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 60 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    - Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 55 :TH: KND KND :TH: :A:*:B: Break
    - Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :TH: 17 60 :TH: KND KND :TH:
    - :6::6::B::+::G: :h: 17 58 :TH: KND KND :TH: :B: Break
    - WRO :A::+::G: :h: 40 40 :TH: KND KND :TH: TC / :A: Break
    - WRO :B::+::G: :h: 40 38 :TH: KND KND :TH: TC / :B: Break
    - BT PO :B::+::K: :h: (?) 45 :TH: KND KND :TH: TJ
    - SKR :B::+::G: :h: (?) 55 :TH: KND KND :TH: TJ/ (on midair opponent)
    - BT SKR :B::+::G: :h: (?) 60 :TH: KND KND :TH: TJ/ (on midair opponent)

    Special Stances​


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Hover Falcon HO :A: :l::l: - 35 -10 KND KND 15.5 TJ/ NC (causes STN if 1st hit whiffs)
    Hover Lightning HO :B: :m: - 25 -8 STN STN 10 TJ (opponent in FC on guard)


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Possession :2::1::4: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: 15 frames to activate PO :SS:
    Possession Step PO :2::5:*:8::5: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: {{{nts}}}
    Possession Rush PO :6::6: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC[1~] :SS:
    Possession Quake PO :A: :h::h: 11 10 -8 1 1 - NC (is +9 on STN'd opponent)
    Dream Scroll PO :B: :m: 21 32 -5 KND KND 10 (leaves opponent FC on guard)
    Possession Strike PO :K: :h: 18 16 3 SHK SHK 20 -
    Dragon Wheel PO :7:*:8:*:9::K: :m: 14 15 -23 -14 -14 - TJ[7~]
    Dragon Wheel BT PO :7:*:8:*:9::K: :m: (?) 20 -12 5 5 - TJ[7~] / Force FC on hit/CH
    Exorcism PO :A::+::B: :m: 47 50 :UA: KND KND :UA: TC[1~]
    Silent Mist ~Possession PO :2::1::4: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: (its an illusion)
    Hover PO :2::3::6: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TJ :SS:

    Reverse Mill​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Reverse Mill :B::+::K::B::+::K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC [8-79] :SS:
    - RM :A: :l::h: - 26 -21 -5 KND - TC/ NC
    - RM :B: :m: - 30 -15 LNC LNC 8 TC


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Stalker :A::+::K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TJ :SS: (jumps over opponent)
    - SKR :A: :h: - 38 -21 STN STN - TJ/ NC (hits opponent only after jumping over them)
    - SKR :B: :m: - 55 -12 KND KND 8 TJ (opponent in FC on guard)
    - SKR :K: :m::m: - 20 -5 1 1 - TJ/ NC (opponent in FC on guard)


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Wind Roll :B::+::K: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: :SS: TC [8-39] :SS:
    - WRO :A: :m::m: - 35 -7 KND KND - TC
    - WRO :B: :m: - 34 -25 LNC LNC - TC
    - WRO :B::B: :m::m: - 42 -35 KND KND - TC/ TJ/ NC
    - WRO :B::B::B: :m::m::m: - 92 -8 KND KND - TC/ TJ/ NCC
    - WRO :B::K: :m::h: - 46 -32 KND KND - TC/ TJ/ NC
    - WRO :B::K:(on hit):B: :m::h::m: - 69 -32 KND KND - TC/ TJ/ NC (leaves Taki BT)
    - WRO :K: :h: - 30 -3 KND KND 11 TC/ TJ (Taki rolls foward twice)
    - BT WRO :K: :m: - 40 -24 LNC LNC - TC/ TJ