Viola - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • ORB = Orb held by Viola.
    • SET = Orb set in the field.

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Gemini Zenith Succedent :A: :H: 12 10 -15 -8 +4 +4
    :G: cancel
    Gemini Zenith Succedent :A::A: :H::H: 12 22 -15 -10 +6 +6
    Gemini Zenith Succedent ORB :A::A::B: :H::H::H: 12 22 -18 -2 -2
    NC / ~SET
    Gemini Zenith Succedent SET :A::A::B: :H::H::H: 12 32 +5 +6 +6
    NC / ~ORB
    Aquarius Cadent :6::A: :H: 17 10 -6 0 0
    Aquarius Cadent :6::A::A: :H::L: 17 28 -16 0 0
    NCC / ~FC
    Taurus Aurora :6::A::B: :H::H: 17 26 -4 +12 +12
    NCC / TC / ~SET
    Cancer Afterglow :3::A: :M: 15 14 -16 -8 +2 +2
    Aquarius Dusk :2::A: :SL: 13 12 -6 +8 +8 (31)
    Aquarius Descendant :1::A: :L: 27 10 -22 -20 +3 KND
    TC / ~FC
    Zodiac Whip ORB :4::A: :H::SM: 18 24 -17 -13 -5 +3
    Zodiac Whip SET :4::A: :H: 18 12 -9 +1 STN STN
    TS / Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Aquarius Twilight FC :A: :SL: 12 12 -6 +8 +8 (31)
    Libra Daybreak WR :A: :M: 18 20 -15 -6 +4 +4
    Opp. ~Sideturned (hit)
    Libra Whip ORB :7:*:8:*:9::A: :M: 31 26 -8 +4 +4
    TJ / Opp. ~BT (hit)
    Libra Whip SET :7:*:8:*:9::A: :M: 16
    TJ / Opp. ~BT (hit)
    House of Antichton Cancer BT :A: :H: 15 11 -10 +2 +2
    House of Antichton Aquarius BT :2::A: :SL: 17 10 -6 +8 +8

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Pisces Zenith Succedent :B: :M: 14 14 -15 -8 +2 +2
    :G: cancel
    Pisces Zenith Succedent :B::B: :M::M: 14 30 -14 -5 +4 +2
    Pisces Zenith Succedent ORB :B::B::B: :M::M::H: 14 30 -13 -2 -2
    NC / ~SET
    Pisces Zenith Succedent SET :B::B::B: :M::M::H: 14 40 +8 +8
    NC / ~ORB
    Aries Club :6::B: :M: 16 18 -15 -6 +6 +6 16
    Capricornus Sword :3::B: :M: 18 15 -22 -14 LNC LNC 15
    TC[9-16] / ORB version has extra pushback
    Aries Hammer ORB :2::B: :M::SM: 14 20 -8 +2 +2
    ~FC / NC
    Aries Hammer SET :2::B: :M: 14 14 -17 -8 +2 +2
    ORB FC :B: :M::SM:
    ~FC / NC / TC
    SET FC :B: :M:
    ~FC / TC
    Capricornus Ascendant :1::B: :M: 25 16 -20 +4 STN
    TC / CH STN[19] / LNC back on air hit
    Scorpius Needle :4::B: :M: 21 32 -16 -9 STN STN 11
    Capricornus Dawn WR :B: :M: 16 26 -8 +4 STN 12
    Aries Claw ORB :7:*:8:*:9::B: :M::SM: 29 30 -29 -8 +4 +4
    NC / TJ / ~FC / ~SET
    Aries Claw SET :7:*:8:*:9::B: :M: 29 14 -29 -18 KND KND
    TJ / ~FC

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Sign of Quintile :K: :H: 13 14 -12 -8 +2 +2 (22)
    :G: cancel
    Sign of Semi-Square :6::K: :H: 20 22 -18 -4 KND KND
    TC / ~BT
    Sign of Trine :3::K: :M: 16 18 -14 -7 +7 +7
    Sign of Square :2::K: :L: 15 14 -15 -14 -2 -2 (31)
    FC :K: :L: 14 -15 -14 -2 -2 (31)
    ~FC / TC
    Sign of Quincunx :1::K: :L: 18 18 -21 -16 -2 -2
    Sign of Sextile :4::K: :H: 16 20 -18 -10 +2 +2
    Conjunction Sign WR :K: :M: 20 22 -2 +4 +4 13
    Opp. FrC (hit/block)
    Fiery Sagitta Sign ORB :8:*:9::K: :M::SM: 24 26 KND KND
    NCC / TJ
    Fiery Sagitta Sign SET :8:*:9::K: :M: 24 16 -7 +5 STN
    Opposing Sign of Quintile BT :K: :H: 15 16 -8 +2 +2
    Opposing Sign of Semi-Square BT :2::K: :L: 17 12 -14 -2 -2

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Libra Shield ORB :A+B: :M: 21 8 -18 -12 +1 +1
    Libra Shield ORB :A+B::A: :M::M: 21 26 -18 -11 -11
    Libra Shield SET :A+B::A::B: :M::M::H: 21 8, 18, 10 +4 KND KND
    ~ORB / 3rd hit +14 on CH
    Taurus Javelin ORB :6::A+B: :H::H: 16 24 -12 -7 -7
    ~SET / Delayable / NC
    Taurus Javelin SET :6::A+B: :H::H: 18 21 KND KND
    NC / ~SET
    Mars Savage ORB :2::A+B: :SM: 29 28 +9 KND KND
    :GC: / ~SET
    Mars Savage SET :2::A+B: :SM: 25 15 -19 KND KND
    Opp. FrC (block)
    Mars Savage SET :2::Ah::+::Bh: :SM: 59 35 +31 KND KND
    Saturnus Fan SET :1::A+B: :L: 33 22 -21 KND KND
    TJ / TC
    Saturnus Fan ORB :1::A+B: :L: 33 22 -21 KND KND
    TJ / TC / increased range
    Venus Circlet ORB :4::A+B: :SM: 34 20 -2 +6 +6
    Venus Circlet SET :4::A+B: :SM::SM: 34 20 +16 +16
    Saturnus Meteorite ORB :8::A+B: :M::SM: 19 35 -26 -24 KND KND
    TJ / TC
    Saturnus Meteorite SET :8::A+B: :M::SM: 19 36 -19 -13 KND KND
    TJ / TC
    Luna Zenith ORB :B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    Terra Zenith SET :B+K: :H: 31 10 +9 +10 +20 -
    Luna Moment ORB :6::B+K: :SM::SM: 19 20 -1 +8 +8
    NC / ~SET
    Luna Occultation SET :6::B+K: :SM: 68 15
    Nox Peregrine SET :4::B+K: :GI: 10 +8 +8
    Autoevade[Verts., Thrusts F2-12] / ~ORB
    Nox Peregrine ORB :4::B+K: :GI: 10
    Autoevade[Verts., Thrusts F2-12] / ~SET
    Luna Nadir ORB :2::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    ~SET / Performable in BT
    Terra Nadir SET :2::B+K: :SL: 55 10 KND KND -
    ~ORB / Performable in BT
    Tonitrus Ring BT :B+K: :H: 21 33 -2 STN STN
    TJ / ~SET

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Sol Grand Trine :6h::A: :H: 18 24 -11 -1 -1
    Sol Grand Trine :6h::A::A: :H::H: 18 34 -6 +2 +2
    Sol Grand Trine :6h::A::A::B: :H::H::H: 18 52 -6 STN STN
    Aries Sickle ORB :3h:*:9h::A: :H::SM::SM: 16 38 -14 0 0
    Aries Sickle SET :3h:*:9h::A: :H::SM: 16 22 -18 KND KND
    Venus Zenith Corona ORB :2h:*:8h::A::B: :M::H::H: 20 36 -10 0 0
    Venus Nadir Corona SET :2h:*:8h::A::B: :M::H: 20 21 -14 +6 +6
    Luna Tiara ORB :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :M: 20 18 -20 +2 +2
    Luna Tiara ORB :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::B: :M::M::SM: 20 45 -14 KND KND
    NC / Delayable / ~SET
    Luna Tiara SET :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :M: 20 18 -19 +2 +2
    Luna Tiara SET :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::B: :M::M: 20 38 -18 STN STN
    NC / Delayable
    Sagittarius Angular :6h::B: :M: 21 30 -17 -6 KND KND 12
    TC / Clean Hit C
    Virgo Vesper :3h::B: :M: 23 20 -18 -11 LNC LNC
    Virgo Vesper :3h::Bh: :M: 32 36 -18 -3 SLNC SLNC 9
    Leo Nightfall :2h:*:8h::B: :M: 17 15 -21 -7 +4 +4
    Opp. FrC (block/hit)
    Leo Succedent :4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: :M::M: 19 14, 16 -23 -14 KND KND
    TC / TJ / NC / Clean Hit C
    Vernal Sigil :6h::K: :M::M: 19 10, 10 -16 -9 +5 +5
    TC / TJ
    Vermal Sigil :6h::Kh: :M::M::SS: 19 10, 10 -16 -9 +5 +5
    TC / TJ / ~SET
    Estival Sigil :3h:*:9h::K: :M: 17 22 -13 KND KND
    Zenith Autumnal Sigil :2h:*:8h::K: :M: 24 18 -20 -13 -1 -1
    Zenith Autumnal Sigil ORB :2h:*:8h::K::B: :M::SS: 24 18 -25 -11 -11
    TS / ~SET
    Nadir Autumnal Sigil SET :2h:*:8h::K::B: :M::H: 24 18, 10 +8 +9 +18
    TS / ~ORB
    Hibernal Sigil :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :L: 23 20 -15 0 0
    STC / ~FC
    Zodiac Nebula ORB :6h::A+B: :M::SM: 22 10, 5 -8 +2 +2
    NC / TC
    Zodiac Nebula ORB :6h::A+B::B: :M::SM::M::SM: 22 10, 5, 15, 10 -18 +1 +1
    NC / TC / Opp. FrC (hit)
    Zodiac Nebula SET :6h::A::+::B: :M: 22 10 -16 -16 -6 -6
    NC / TC
    Zodiac Nebula SET :6h::A::+::B::B: :M::M: 22 10, 15 -22 -22 -8 -8
    NC / TC / Opp. FrC (hit)
    Libra Prime ORB :2h:*:8h::A+B: :H::M: 27 20, 20 -9 KND KND
    Clean Hit B
    Libra Prime SET :2h:*:8h::A+B: :M: 44 20 -9 KND KND
    Occidental Peregrine ORB :2h:*:8h::B+K: :SS: - - - - - - -
    TS / ~SET
    Occidental Peregrine SET :2h:*:8h::B+K: :H: 10
    TS / ~ORB
    Empyrean Purge ORB :4h::A+B: :M::M::M: 76 22, 12, 54 :UA: KND KND n/a
    :G: cancel / NC
    Empyrean Purge SET :4h::A+B: :M: 76 22 :UA: STN STN -
    :G: cancel
    Sign of Contradiction RUN :K: :L: 21 26 -22 KND KND

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Lilith Advent :6h::kA+B+K: :M::M:
    19 10, 10, 15 -7 KND KND
    :BE: TC / TJ / NC / ~SET
    Lilith Advent :6h::kA::+::B::+::Kh: :M::M:
    19 10, 10, 35 +35 KND KND
    :BE::GC: TC / TJ / ~SET
    Lilith Shield SET :as::+::bA+B+K: :M::M:
    21 41 -7 LNC LNC
    :BE: NC
    Lilith Triregnum SET :4h::aA+B+K: :M::M:
    20 12, 20, 8, 8, 8 STN STN
    :BE: NC / Delayable / Opp. FrC (block)
    Cancellable after first orb hit
    Lilith Siege SET :2h:*:8h::bA+B+K: :M:
    17 15, 10, 10 KND KND
    :BE: NC
    Lilith Triumph SET :bs::+::kA+B+K: :SM: 12 37, 13 SLNC SLNC
    :BE: ~ORB
    Lilith Recurrence SET :2::bs::+::kA+B+K: :SL: 39 20 +16 KND KND
    :BE: TC / ~ORB / LNC grounded
    Arcanum Azrael :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :SM:x7
    23 2, 1, 2, 1 ,2, 1, 2
    :CE: ~SET

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Veneni Leones ORB :A+G: :H: 17 45 :TH: :TH: KND KND
    :A: break
    Cometae Tremor ORB :B+G: :H: 17 50 :TH: :TH: KND KND
    :B: break
    Noctilucens Papilio ORB, Left :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 57 :TH: :TH: KND KND
    :a:*:B: break
    Boneficia Defectio ORB, Right :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 55 :TH: :TH: KND KND
    :a:*:B: break
    Malefica Saltatio SET :A+G: :H: 17 20 :TH: :TH: +20 +20
    :A: break / also side throw
    Astri Fuga SET :B+G: :H: 17 40 :TH: :TH:
    :B: break / also side throw
    Animae Speculum ORB, Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 67 :TH: :TH: KND KND
    :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only)
    Perliculosus Odor SET, Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :H: 17 4 :TH: :TH: +24 +24
    :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only)