Yoshimitsu - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • DGF = Manji Dragonfly
    • FLE = Flea
    • IFP = Iron First Possession
    • IND = Indian Stance
    • SDF = Super Dragonfly

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Rapid Gale :A: :h: 12 10 -13 -8 2 2
    Rapid Gale :A::A: :h::h: 12 10,14 -13 -6 6 6 (23)
    Parting Thrust :a-small:::B+K: :h: 11 26 -21 -8 -6 STN 16
    TC[4-7], Clean Hit C
    Attack begins at completion of input, fastest input 1F results in i12 impact
    Back Hand :6::A: :h: 15 18 -13 -6 4 4 (23)
    Spirit Possession :6::Ah: :h::h: 15 18,30 - - 13 10
    :at: Opp. ~BT (CH)
    Spirit Siphon :6::Ah::6: :h::h: 15 -28 - - 13 10
    :at: Opp. ~BT (CH)
    Gold Twilight :3::A: :m: 17 12 -19 -14 -2 +2 (32)
    Gold Twilight :3::A::B: :m::m: 17 12,18 -21 -16 STN STN (17)
    Parting Glass :2::A: :sl: 13 12 -12 -7 7 7 (32)
    Manji Carve Fist :2::aB: :sl: 9 10 -9 -4 5 STN
    Attack begins at completion of input, fastest input 1F results in i10 impact
    TC[6-9] / ~FC
    Stone Fist :1::A: :m: 17 12 -19 -14 -5 -5
    Stone Fist :1::A::A: :m::m: 17,30 22 -19 -14 -5 -5
    NCC / TC / ~FC
    Stone Fist :1::A::A::A: :m:x3 17,30,45 32 -19 -14 -5 -5
    NCC / TC / ~FC
    Stone Fist :1::A::A::A::A: :m:x4 17,30,45,61 42 -19 -14 -5 -5
    NCC / TC / ~FC
    Stone Fist :1::A::A::A::A::A: :m:x5 17,30,45,61,77 60 -19 -14 -5 -5
    NCC / TC / ~FC
    Stone Fist :1::A:::A:::A:::A:::A: :m:x5 17,30,45,61,77 60 -5 STN STN
    :gc: NCC / TC / Random Recovery
    Stone Backhands :4::A: :h: 16 12 -13 -8 1 1 (32)
    Stone Backhands :4::A::A: :h::h: 16,29 22 -13 -8 1 1 (23)
    Stone Backhands :4::A::A::A: :h:x3 16,29,42 32 -13 -9 1 1 (17)
    Stone Backhands :4::A::A::A::A: :h:x4 16,29,42,55 42 -13 -9 2 2 (13)
    Stone Backhands :4::A::A::A::A::A: :h:x5 16,29,42,55,68 60 -13 -9 2 2 (11)
    Stone Backhands :4::A:::A:::A:::A:::A: :h:x6 16,29,42,55,68 60 -5 STN STN
    :gc: NCC / Random recovery
    Samurai Cutter :2::1::4::A: :l: 28 24 -22 -17 KND KND 15
    Parting Grass FC :A: :sl: 12 12 -12 -6 8 8 (31)
    Manji Carve Fist FC :2::aB: :sl: 10 10 -9 -4 6 STN (32)
    Purify Evil WR :A: :m: 16 18 -17 -6 6 6
    Rising Kite :7:*:8:*:9::A: :m::m::m: 30 20,20,30(60) -6 STN STN (32)
    TJ[F3~] / TC
    Reverse Splinter Gale BT :A: :h: 14 12 -6 6 6
    Reverse Grass Part BT :2::A: :sl: 15 14 -12 -6 8 8

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Rapid Grace :B: :m: 14 16 -13 -8 2 2 (23)
    Rapid Grace :B::B: :m::m: 14 32 -13 -6 4 4 (18)
    Sword Smash :bA: :m: 14 12 -21 -10 4 :at: 19
    Attack begins after completion of input,
    fastest input 1F gives i15
    Sword Smash CH :bA: :at: 12,56 KND 19
    Tsuka Atemi :6::B: :m: 13 14 -13 -6 8 8 (33)
    Shrine :3::B: :m: 17 24 -19 -14 LNC LNC 12
    TC [9-10] / gRV[-13~14]
    Autumn Drizzle :2::B: :m: 15 18 -15 -8 2 2 (18)
    Death Slash :1::B: :m: 26 22 -21 -16 -6 6 15
    Death Slash :1::Bh: :m: 51 42 -21 :UA: STN STN
    Death Slash :1::Bh: :m: 93 82 -21 :UA: STN STN
    Spine Divide :4::B: :m: 24 36 -15 -2 STN STN 11
    Opp. FrC (block)
    Moonsault Slayer :2::3::6::B: :m: 60 60 -26 :UA: KND KND n/a
    Snowflake FC :B: :m: 14 18 -15 -8 2 2 (19)
    Tangled Blade WR :B: :m: 15 22 -15 -8 2 2 14
    Quarter Moon :7:*:8:*:9::B: :m: 24 22*25*28 -11 -6 4 4 (32)
    Reverse Drizzle BT :B: :m: 16 18 -6 4 4 15
    Reverse Snowflake BT :2::B: :m: 18 20 -8 2 2 13

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Side Kick :K: :h: 13 14 -15 -8 2 2 (23)
    Zig Zag :6::K: :h: 15 48 -29 -20 KND KND (19)
    Zig Zag :6::K::K: :h::m: 15 48,42 -25 -16 KND KND 6
    Clean Hit: C
    2nd hit interruptable by at most i18
    Mid Kick :3::K: :m: 14 16 -13 -6 4 4 (32)
    Arc Kick :2::K: :l: 15 12 -15 -14 -2 -2
    hitbox-dependent, late TC / ~FC
    Kangaroo Kick :1::K: :m: 36 30 -21 -8 LNC LNC 8
    TC / Clean Hit: C
    Wood Cutter :4::K: :m: 20 22 -19 -14 KND KND 13
    Wood Cutter :4::K::B: :m::m: 20 22,30(44) -17 -8 KND KND 9
    Wood Cutter :4::K::Bh: :m::m: 20,64 22,42 -21 :UA: STN STN 13
    Wood Cutter :4::K::Bh: :m::m: 20,113 22,82 -21 :UA: STN STN 13
    Arc Kick FC :K: :l: 14 16 -15 -14 -2 -2 (32)
    hitbox-dependent, late TC / ~FC
    Knee Cap FC :3::K: :l: 19 22 -25 -22 KND KND (32)
    TC[1-4, 16-19] / ~FC
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K: :l: 17 20 -25 -20 -9 -9
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K::K: :l::l: 17,32 20,4 -25 -21 -12 -12
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K::K::K: :l:x3 17,32,49 20,4,6 -25 -22 -12 -12
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K::K::K::K: :l:x4 17,32,49,66 20,4,6,4 -25 -22 -12 -12
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K::K::K::K::K: :l:x5 17,32,49,66,83 20,4,6,4,10 -25 -22 -12 -12
    Spinning Low Kick FC :1::K:::K:::K:::K:::K: :l:x5 17,32,49,66,83 20,4,6,4,20 -32 KND KND (11)
    NCC / JF[16-18,31-33,
    48-50,65-67,82-84] GC
    Rising Knee WR :K: :m: 16 18 -17 -6 6 STN 15
    TC[1-6] / TJ[15-16]
    Manji Jump Kick :7:*:8:*:9::K: :m: 20 22*24*26 -17 -12 KND KND (33)
    Reverse Koragishi BT :K: :h: 15 16 -8 2 2
    Reverse Dust Banishment BT :2::K: :l: 17 14 -14 2 2

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Poison Breath :A+B: :h: 40 30 -10 16 STN STN 8
    :gc: TC
    Bad Stomach :A+Bh: :SS: - - - - - -
    :SS: TC
    Bad Stomach
    to Backflip Kick
    :A+Bh::K: :m::m: 28 18,18(32) 2 STN STN 10
    TJ / Opp. FrC (block)
    Bad Breath BT :A+Bh: :SS: - - - - - -
    Bad Stomach
    to Backflip Kick
    BT :A+Bh::K: :m::m: 28 32 2 STN STN 10
    Poison Breath BT :A+B: :h: 40 30 -10 15 STN STN 8
    Digging Cylone :2::A+B: :m: 23 18 -15 -6 6 6 12
    Digging Cyclone :2::A+B::B: :m::m: 23 18,14 -13 -6 11 11 9.5
    Digging Cyclone ~ Flea :2::A+Bh: :m: 23 18 1 13 13
    Deathcopter :8::A+B: :m: 114 80 -7 :UA: :UA: STN
    Deathcopter Attack :8::A+B::2:*:G: :m: 55 40 -7 :UA: STN STN
    Deathcopter Trick :8::A+B::4: :m: 92 40 -7 :UA: STN STN
    Deathcopter Attack
    ~ Manji Dragonfly
    :8::A+B::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Door Knocker :6::B+K: :m: 15 16 -21 -18 -8 -8
    Door Knocker :6::B+K::B: :m::h: 15 16,8 -17 -16 -4 -4
    Door Knocker :6::B+K::B::B: :m::h::h: 15 16,8,8 -17 -14 -4 -4
    Door Knocker :6::B+K::B:x3 :m::h::h::m: 15 16,8,8,20 -17 -8 KND KND (8.5)
    NCC / Clean Hit: C
    Circium :3::B+K: :m: 22 32 -17 -4 STN LNC 10
    Cyclone Lift :1::B+K: :m: 23 24 -13 -6 12 STN 10
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    TS / 25F duration
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B: :SS: - - - - - -
    TS / 34F duration
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B::B: :SS: - - - - - -
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B:x3 :SS: - - - - - -
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B:x4 :SS: - - - - - -
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B:x5 :SS: - - - - - -
    Spinning Evade :4::B+K::B:x6 :SS: - - - - - -
    Steel Wind :9::B+K: :m: 31 26 -17 -14 STN STN 8
    Steel Wind :9::B+K::K: :m::m: 31 26,30 -17 -14 STN STN 6
    TC / NC / 2nd hit interruptable by at most i16
    Steel Wind
    ~ Step Back
    :9::B+K::K::4: :m::m: 31 56 -60 STN STN 6
    TC / NC
    Steel Wind ~
    Manji Dragonfly
    :9::B+K::Kh: :m: 31 26 -30 STN STN 8
    :SS: TJ
    Soul Stealer :A+K: :SS: 8 10 -21 STN STN
    aGI: :h::m:[Horizontal, Body F4-12] / Successful impact adds level to IFP / 43F duration
    Harakiri :2::A+K: :m: 30 90 :UA: STN STN
    Manji Blood Dance :2::A+K::A: :m::m: 30 110 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Dance :2::A+K::A::A: :m:x3 30 125 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Dance :2::A+K::A::A::A: :m:x4 30 135 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Dance :2::A+K::A::A::A::A: :m:x5 30 90,20,15,10,5 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Dance
    ~ Bliss Stance
    :2::A+K::A::A::A:::A: :m:x5 30 140 :UA: STN STN
    :GI: All
    Final Harakiri :2::A+K::A+K: :m::m: 30 90,160 :UA: STN STN
    Harakiri BT :2::A+K: :m: 30 90 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage
    Manji Blood Dance BT :2::A+K::A: :m::m: 30 110 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage
    Manji Blood Dance BT :2::A+K::A::A: :m:x3 30 125 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage
    Manji Blood Dance BT :2::A+K::A::A::A: :m:x4 30 135 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage
    Manji Blood Dance BT :2::A+K::A::A::A::A: :m::x5 30 140 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage
    Manji Blood Dance
    ~ Bliss Stance
    BT :2::A+K::A::A::A:::A: :m:x5 30 140 :UA: STN STN
    :GI: All, 90 self damage
    Final Harakiri BT :2::A+K::A+K: :m::m: 30 250 :UA: STN STN
    90 self damage

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Kabuki :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :m: 21 28 -21 -12 6 6 (19)
    -10 on block, +7 on hit at tip range
    Asura Sweeper :2h:*:8h::A: :l: 26 26 -18 -14 6 6
    Flagstaff :4h::A: :m: 24 38 -18 -6 KND KND 13
    -5 at tip range
    Flagstaff :1h:*:7h::A: :m: 24 36 -18 -6 KND KND 15
    -5 at tip range
    Inner Palm :6h::B: :m: 17 28 -21 -12 8 STN 12
    Palm Water :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 17 26 -21 -12 8 LNC 11
    Palm Water :3h:*:9h::B::B+K: :m::m: 17 26,30 -17 -16 -4 -4 7
    TJ / Opp. FrC (hit)
    Palm Water :3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+B: :m::m::h: 17 26,30,
    -25 -18 -18 7
    TJ / 3rd hit interruptable by at most i13
    Palm Water :3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+B::K: :m::m::h::m: 17 26,30,
    -18 LNC LNC 5
    Shark Deathcopter :3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh: :m::m::h::m: 17 146 -9 :UA: STN STN 5
    Shark Deathcopter :3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh::4:*:2:*:G: :m::m::h::m: 17 106 :UA: STN STN 5
    Shark Deathcopter
    ~ Manji Dragonfly
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh::B+K: :m::m::h: 17 66 -26 -18 -18 5
    TJ :SS:
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh: :m::m: 17 26,30 -16 -3 -3
    TJ / ~BT
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+B: :m::m::h: 17 26,30,
    -26 -18 -18 10
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+B::K: :m::m::h::m: 17 26,30,
    -18 LNC LNC 7
    TC / ~BT
    Reverse Shark
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh: :m::m::h::m: 17 146 -9 :UA: STN STN 5
    Reverse Shark
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh::4:*:2:*:G: :m::m::h::m: 17 106 -9 :UA: STN STN 7
    Reverse Deathcopter
    ~ Manji Dragonfly
    :3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh::B+K: :m::m::h: 17 66 -26 -18 -18 7
    TJ :SS:
    Gehosen :2h:*:8h::B: :m: 23 28 -25 -14 LNC LNC 9
    Prison Gate :1h:*:7h::B: :m: 22 24 -20 -16 2 KND 11
    Sword Stab :4h::B: :m: 80 130 -28 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Sword Poke
    Windmill (Full)
    :4h::bA: :m:x7 20 20x7 -19 -8 KND KND (7.5)
    NC / :G: cancelable
    Attack begins after completion of input, fastest input 4F?
    Sword Poke
    Windmill (6)
    :4h::bA::G: :m:x6 20 20x6 -18 -11 KND KND (9)
    Sword Poke
    Windmill (5)
    :4h::bA::G: :m:x5 20 20x5 -25 KND KND
    Face Splitter :4h::B:::B: :h: 14 22 -20 -9 -3 STN 12
    Attack begins after completion of input, fastest input 1F results in i15
    Slower inputs result in i18
    Clean Hit: C
    Fubuki :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :m: 17 24 -17 -10 KND KND 14
    Watsubute :2h:*:8h::K: :h: 28 30 0 STN STN 11
    Wood Cutter :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :m: 20 24*20 -14 KND KND 13
    Wood Cutter :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K::B: :m::m: 20 24*20,
    -8 KND KND 8.5
    Wood Cutter :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K::Bh: :m::m: 64 24*20,
    :UA: STN STN 13
    Crying Spirit
    :6h:*:2h:*:8h::A+B: :m: 30 42 -22 -7 KND KND 9
    Clean Hit: C
    Crying Spirit
    :3h:*:9h::A+B: :m: 30 38 -22 -7 STN STN 9
    STN[10+] / Clean Hit: C
    Crying Spirit
    Sword to Death
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h:*:2h:*:8h::a-small::+::b-small::2::B: :l: 42 20 -20 -2 -2 13
    Crying Spirit
    Sword ~ Flea
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h:*:2h:*:8h::a-small::+::b-small::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Crying Spirit
    Sword ~ Indian
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h:*:2h:*:8h::a-small::+::b-small::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Shark Attack
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K: :m: 23 30 -17 -4 -4 11
    Shark Attack
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+B: :m::h: 23 40 -26 -18 -18
    Shark Attack
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+B::K: :m::h::m: 23 58 -18 LNC LNC 7
    Shark Deathcopter :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh: :m::h::m: 23 120 :UA: STN STN
    Shark Deathcopter :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh::4:*:2:*:G: :m::h::m: 23 80 :UA: STN STN
    Shark Deathcopter
    ~ Manji Dragonfly
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh::B+K: :m::h: 23 40 -26 -18 -18
    TJ :SS:
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh: :m: 23 30 -17 -4 -4
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+B: :m::h: 23 40 -26 -18 -18
    Reverse Shark
    Attack Combo
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+B::K: :m::h::m: 23 58 -18 LNC LNC 10
    Reverse Shark
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh: :m::h::m: 23 120 :UA: STN STN
    Reverse Shark
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh::4:*:2:*:G: :m::h::m: 23 80 :UA: STN STN
    Reverse Shark
    ~ Manji Dragonfly
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh::B+K: :m::h: 23 40 -26 -18 -18
    TJ :SS:
    Ninja Sun Flare :4h:*:2h:*:8h::B+K: :m: 39 40 -8 KND KND 7
    :G: Cancel / TC[7~]
    Ninja Sun Flare :1h:*:7h::B+K: :m: 39 38 -8 KND KND 7
    :G: Cancel / TC[7~]
    Ninja Sun Flare
    ~ Flea
    :4h:*:1h:*:7h:*:2h:*:8h::b-small::+::k-small::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Ninja Sun Flare
    ~ Indian Stance
    :4h:*:1h:*:7h:*:2h:*:8h::b-small::+::k-small::2::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Confusion :6h::A+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    ~BT / 45F duration
    Suicide :6h::A+Kh: :m: 44 110 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Dance :6h::A+Kh::A: :m::m: 44 110 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Random self damage or heal chance
    Manji Blood Dance :6h::A+Kh::A::A: :m:x3 44 125 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Random self damage or heal chance
    Manji Blood Dance :6h::A+Kh::A::A::A: :m:x4 44 135 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Random self damage or heal chance
    Manji Blood Dance :6h::A+Kh::A::A::A::A: :m:x5 44 140 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Random self damage or heal chance
    Manji Blood Dance
    ~ Bliss Stance
    :6h::A+Kh::A::A::A:::A: :m:x5 44 140 :UA: STN STN n/a
    :GI:[All] / Bliss Stance / ~BT
    Double Suicide :6h::A+Kh::A+K: :m::m: 44 110,160 :UA: STN STN
    Sliding RUN :K: :l: 21 26 -22 KND KND

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Golden Gehosen :3::A::bA+B+K: :m::m::m: 17 38 -14 LNC LNC 9
    Manji Yield Fist :6::bA+B+K: :sl: 13 10 -9 -4 6 STN
    TC[12~] / ~FC / CH STN[16]
    Kabuki Compendium :6h:*:3h:*:9h::aA+B+K: :m::m: 21 36 -13 -6 10 STN 8
    NC / Clean Hit: A
    Manji Virtue and Influence :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :l::l: 16 10,10,90 -31 -20 KND KND 7
    :CE::at: NC / Invincible[14-16]

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Jaw Smash :A+G: :h: 17 50 - - KND KND
    :A: break
    Jumping Body Slam :B+G: :h: 17 55 - - KND KND
    :B: break
    Elegant Storm Left :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 60 - - KND KND
    :A:*:B: break
    Wheels of Hell Right :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 60 - - KND KND
    :A:*:B: break
    Tornado Drop Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 70 - - KND KND
    Soul Possession :B+G::6: :h: 17 30 - - 13
    Damge only when escaped.
    Soul Siphon :B+G::4: :h: 17 30 - - 13
    Damage only when not escaped.
    Rainbow Drop :2::1::4::A+G: :h: 17 65 - - KND KND

    Special Stances​


    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Flea :B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    TJ[7~] / 14F for stance entrance
    Flea BT :B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Rolling Spark FLE :A: :l: 36 28 -16 2 2 13
    Skull Splitter FLE :B: :m: 18 20 -10 6 LNC 15
    Skull Splitter FLE :Bh: :m: 27 30 0 LNC LNC 10
    Sakanabori ~ Manji Dragonfly FLE :K: :m: 22 30 -8 LNC LNC 13
    Tsurubebi FLE :Kh: :l: 23 18 -22 -14 -14
    Jumping Flea ~ Flea FLE :A+B: :m: 40 20 12 STN STN 8
    :4: or :6: to direct jump
    Vaulting Flea ~ Flea FLE :A+Bh: :m: 78 40 10 STN STN 6
    :4: or :6: to direct jump / STJ
    Flea Digger ~ Flea FLE :2::A+B: :SS: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a -
    STC / 14F duration
    Mine Spark ~ Flea FLE :B+K: :sm: 2 10 2 STN STN
    24F duration
    Indian Stance FLE :2::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Manji Dragonfly FLE :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Flea Step ~ Flea FLE :6:*:4: :SS: - - - - -
    Running Flea FLE :6h: :l::l::l: 8 10x3 -27 -14 -14
    Flea Dance ~ Flea FLE :2:*:8: :SS: - - - - -
    TS / 23F duration
    Flea Cancel FLE :G: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    35F duration

    Indian Stance​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Indian Stance :2::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    TC[12~] / 15F for stance entrance
    Indian Stance FC :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    TC[12~] / 15F for stance entrance
    Indian Stance BT :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    TC]12~] / 15F for stance entrance
    Indian Stance FUFT :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Indian Stance FUFA :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Warp Rolling Shark IND :A: :l: 41 22 -21 2 2 11
    Warp Heaven Divide IND :B: :m: 55 40 -17 8 STN STN 6
    :gc: TJ / Clean Hit: C
    Warp Kangaroo Kick IND :K: :m: 45 30 -8 LNC LNC 7
    Extermination ~ Indian Stance IND :A+B: :GI: - - - - - -
    aGI: (:h::m::l: (Vertical, Body Stab)
    Divine Truth IND :A+B: (aGI)::K: :GI: 60+ 80 :UA: STN STN
    Clean Hit: A
    Divine Truth ~ Bliss Stance IND :A+B: (aGI)::K:::K: :GI: 60+ 80 :UA: STN STN
    Clean Hit: A aGI: All Attacks
    Raging Kneel ~ Indian Stance IND :6:*:4::A+B: :SS: - - - - - -
    Raging Kneel Head IND :6:*:4::a-small::+::bK: :l: 11 24 -35 -26 -26
    STC / Clean Hit: C
    Attack begins after completion of input, fastest input 1F gives i12
    Warp IND :2::A+B: :SS: - - - - - -
    Teleport / 50F duration
    Flea IND :B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Indian Stance Healing ~ Indian Stance IND :2h::B+Kh: :SS: - - - - - -
    33F duration / 1 heal = 2 health, 2 heals = 8 health, 3 heals = 14 health, 4 heals = 30 health, 5 heals = 62 health, no increase after, continuous healing occurs 31F~
    Manji Dragonfly IND :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    No Fear IND :A+K: :m: 30 80 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Intrepid IND :A+Kh: :m::m: 30 80,80 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Star IND :A+K::A: :m::m: 30,62 80,80 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Star ~ Warp IND :A+K::A::A+B: :m::m: 62 80,80 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Manji Blood Star ~ Intrepid IND :A+K::A::A+K: :m::m::m: 62 240 :UA: STN STN n/a
    No Fear ~ Warp IND :A+K::A+B: - 62 80 :UA: STN STN
    Indian Stance Cancel IND :G: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    30F duration

    Manji Dragonfly​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Manji Dragonfly :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    TJ[10~] / 15F for stance entrance
    Manji Dragonfly BT :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Flag Slap ~ Manji Dragonfly DGF :A: :h: 18 18 8 STN STN
    Dragonfly Blade DGF :B: :m: 30 24 -8 -5 STN STN 9
    Dragonfly Sweep DGF :K: :l: 22 18 -25 KND KND
    Spirited Away DGF :A+B: :h: 21 10 -16 -6 -6 13
    Spirited Away DGF :A+B: :h: 21 10,60 n/a n/a KND KND n/a
    :at: against mid-air opponent
    Exits stance on completion
    Dragonfly Turbo ~ Manji Dragonfly DGF :6:*:4:*:2:*:8::A+B: :SS: - - - - -
    Drains 5 Health
    Flea DGF :B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Indian Stance DGF :2::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    Super Dragonfly DFG :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - -
    ~SDGF / 30F duration
    Manji Dragonfly Cancel DGF :G: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    20F duration

    Super Dragonfly​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Parachute Spinner SDF :A: :m: 30 30 -8 KND KND
    Transcendent Dragonfly SDF :B: :m: 21 42 -2 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Acrobatic Bliss SDF :K::K: :sm::l: 65 30 -29 STN STN 6
    Cost = -5 health for performance, failure = -40 health , Succesful JF heal = +60 health , Succussful Heal= +10 health,
    Acrobatic Bliss ~ Bliss Stance SDF :K:::K: :sm::l: 65 30 -32 STN STN 6
    Transcendent Turbo ~ Super Dragonfly SDF :6:*:4:*:2:*:8::A+B: :SS: - - - - - -
    Spinning Fall ~ Flea SDF :B+K: :m: 54 30 10 STN STN 6
    Daruma Drop ~ Indian Stance SDF :2::B+K: :sm::l::m: 55 40,30 - STN STN 4
    Paradise Death SDF :A+K: :m: 62 120 :UA: STN STN
    :4h:/:6h: to guide, 100 self damage
    Manji Dragonfly SDF :8::B+K: :SS: - - - - - -

    Iron Fist Possession​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Iron Fist Possession :4::A+K: :SS: - - - - - -
    Clean Hit: C
    Greetings Taunt Level 1 :4::A+K: :m: 25 0 n/a n/a
    Drunken Style Arts (Lei Wulong) Level 1 :4::A+K: :SS:
    Evades :h:s ~MED
    Incomplete Somersault (Paul) Level 1 :4::A+K: :SS: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    Incomplete Somersault (Paul) Level 1 :4::A+K::8::K: :m::m: 53 25,30 KND KND
    TC / NC
    Shadow Step (Heihachi) Level 1 :4::A+K: :SS: n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
    TC / TS / 90F duration
    Deadly Boomerang (King) Level 1 :4::A+K: :h: 26 50 KND KND
    TJ / TS
    Power Stance (Jin Kazama) Level 2 :4::A+K: :m: 8 0 :UA:
    Riptide (Paul) Level 2 :4::A+K: :m: 35 20 KND KND
    Twin Palms (Nina) Level 2 :4::A+K: :h: 16 20
    Twin Palms (Nina) Level 2 :4::A+K::A: :h::h: 16,56 20,25 KND KND
    Blazing Kick (Lee) Level 2 :4::A+K: :m: 20 22 -16 LNC LNC
    Burning Knuckle Bomb (Ogre) Level 2 :4::A+K: :m: 60 60 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Kunai Sky Drop (Kunimitsu) Level 3 :4::A+K: :m: 56 38 :UA: STN STN n/a
    Lightning Godfist Level 3 :4::A+K: :m: 43 45 :UA: LNC LNC n/a
    Lightning Screw Godfist Level 3 :4::A+Kh: :m: 63 85 :UA: LNC LNC n/a