Zasalamel - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

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    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Sickle of Shamash :A: :h: 14 10 -8 -4 0 >40 :G: cancel
    Chained Sickle of Shamash :A::A: :h::h: 14 22 -11 0 0 >40 NC
    Damnation of Ereshikigal :6::A: :h: 20 14 -15 -3 SHK >40 -2 minimum on CH
    Damnation of Ereshikigal :6::A::B: :h::h: 20 24 +4 SHK SHK >40 NCC
    Hook of Namatar :3::A: :m: 19 14 -20 -3 STN >40
    Hook of Namatar :3::A::B: :m::m: 19 32 -15 +5 KND >40 NC
    Mutter of Bashm :2::A: :sl: 15 10 -6 +4 +8 >40
    Talon of Zu :1::A: :l: (?) 18 -18 -7 -7 20
    Talon of Zu :1::A::B: :l::l: (?) 37 -15 KND LNC 17.5 NC
    Iabarat's Sapara :4::A: :h::sm: 21 21 -3 +5 STN >40
    Command of Tiamat and Nergal CH :4::A:::B: :h::sm::t: 21 36 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Judgement of Nergal CH :4::A:::B::2:*:8::A: :h::sm::t: 21 51 :t: N/A +7 :t: JF
    Roar of Nergal CH :4::A:::B::B: :h::sm::t: 21 47 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Nergal the Tempest Behind CH :4::A:::B: :h::sm::t: 21 70 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    FC :A: :sl: 14 >40
    Great Scythe of Shamash WR :A: :h: 19 18 -16 +3 +3 22
    Great Scythe of Shamash ~ Draw WR :A::4: :h: 19 24 -13 +6 +6 18
    Shamash The Just :7::A: :l: (?) 16 (?) (?) (?) >40 TJ
    Shamash The Just :8::A: :l: (?) 20 -17 -5 -5 >40 TJ
    Shamash The Just :9::A: :l: (?) 24 -17 -5 -5 >40 TJ
    Shamash's Glance BT :A: :h: (?) 12 0 +8 +8 (?)
    Shamash's Glare BT :2::A: :l: (?) 14 -5 +4 +4 (?)

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Ea's Hammer :B: :m: 16 10 -9 -6 -4 20 :G: cancel
    Ea's Twin Hammers :B::B: :m::m: 16 20 -15 -8 -8 19 NC
    Ea's Twin Hammers ~ Draw :B::B::4: :m::m: 16 30 -14 +4 +4 19 NC
    Adoration of Gilgamesh :bK: :m::m: 15 28 -14 -2 STN 19.5 NC
    Adoration of Gilgamesh ::bK: :m::m: 15 30 -14 +1 STN 19.5 NC/JF
    Curse of Nergal :6::B: :m: 23 20 -13 -3 -3 10 TC [18-21]
    Curse of Nergal :6::B::A: :m::h: 23 40 -8 +13 +13 8.5 NC
    Paean to Ishtar :3::B: :m: 19 20 -15 LNC LNC 14
    Paean to Ishtar ~ Draw :3::B::4: :m: 19 20 -17 LNC LNC 14
    Ea The Grand Ruler :2::B: :m: 16 14 -12 -2 -2 >40
    Ea The Grand Ruler ~ Draw :2::B::4: :m: 16 20 -12 +3 +3 20
    Marduk's Scythe Of Conviction :1::B: :m: 17 13 -13 -5 -5 (?)
    Marduk's Scythe Of Conviction :1::B::B: :m::m: 17 29 -16 -11 -11 19 NC
    Marduk's Scythe Of Conviction :1::B::B::A: :m::m::h: 17 49 -10 SHK SHK 15.3 NCC/+12 minimum on hit
    Sacred Rule of Ishtar :4::B: :m: 16 10 -15 -2 KND 20
    Sacred Rule of Ishtar CH :4::B: :m::m: 16 22 N/A N/A LNC N/A
    Sacred Rule of Ishtar (Additional attack) CH :4::B:::B: :m::m::h: 16 29 N/A N/A LNC N/A JF
    Ea The Grand Ruler FC :B: :m: 16 14 -12 -2 -2 >40
    Ea The Grand Ruler ~ Draw FC :B::4: :m: 16 20 -12 +3 +3 20
    Prayer to Ishtar FC :3::B: :m: 23 26 -18 LNC LNC 10
    Belit-Sheri's Spear WR :B: :m: 19 45 -14 KND KND 14 :at:
    Belit-Sheri's Condemnation WR :B::6: :m: 19 23 -14 KND KND 14 :at:
    Anu the Radiant :7::B: :m: (?) 20 (?) (?) (?) 18 TJ
    Anu the Radiant :8::B: :m: (?) 24 (?) (?) (?) 14 TJ
    Anu the Radiant :9::B: :m: (?) 28 -5 +7 +7 14 TJ
    Ea's Glance BT :B: :m: (?) 15 -7 +4 +4 (?)
    Ea's Glare BT :2::B: :m: (?) 15 -8 +1 +1 (?)

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Will of Gilgamesh :K: :h: 13 10 -11 -5 -5 >40 :G: cancel
    Will of Gilgamesh :K::K: :h::l: 13 20 -16 -8 -8 >40 NC
    Enkidu's Bravery :6::K: :h: 16 20 -13 -2 -2 >40 *worst move in the game
    Enkidu's Bravery :6::kB: :h::m: 18 35 -4 +4 +12 40 NC
    Lugalbanda's Protection :3::K: :m: 15 15 -9 +4 +4 >40
    Shamhat's Alure :2::K: :l: 15 10 -14 -4 +2 >40
    Wisdom of Utnapishtim :1::K: :l: 17 14 -17 -1 -1 >40
    Siduri's Warning :4::K: :m: 21 20 -3 STN STN 18 +7 on hit
    Shamhat's Alure FC :K: :l: 15 10 -14 -4 +2 >40
    Devotion to Nimsun WR :K: :h: 14 16 -6 +10 +10 >40
    Enkidu the Valiant :7::K: :h: (?) 16 -8 (?) (?) >40 TJ
    Enkidu the Valiant :8::K: :h: (?) 20 -8 KND KND >40 TJ
    Enkidu the Valiant :9::K: :h: (?) 24 -8 KND KND >40 TJ
    Gilgamesh's Glance BT :K: :h: (?) 16 -4 +4 +4 (?)
    Shamhat's Glare BT :2::K: :l: (?) 12 -20 KND KND (?)

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Tiamat's Frenzy :A::+::B: :m::m::m: 27 50 -5 -1 -1 11.3 NCC
    Marduk's Thunder :6::A::+::B: :m::m: 18 20 -16 -8 SHK 19 NC
    Marduk's Thunder :6::A::+::B::B: :m::m::m: 18 40 -16 KND KND 10.3 NCC
    Marduk's Thunder (Hold) :6::A::+::B::Bh: :m::m::m: 18 55 +2 KND KND 9 :gc:
    Offering to Kishar :4::A::+::B: :h: 14 32 (?) KND KND N/A :at:
    Command of Tiamat :B::+::K: :sm: 12 0 -11 -4 0 >40
    Breath of Mushussu :6::B::+::K: :h::sm: 18 20 +3 +5 +5 >40 NC :gc:
    Breath of Nergal CH :6::B::+::K:::B: :h::sm::t: 18 34 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Judgement of Nergal CH :6::B::+::K:::B::2:*:8::A: :h::sm::t: 18 49 :t: N/A +7 :t: JF
    Roar of Nergal CH :6::B::+::K:::B::B: :h::sm::t: 18 45 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Asushunamir's Spear :2::B::+::K: (close) :l: 24 28 -20 -13 -13 12
    Asushunamir's Spear :2::B::+::K: (tip) :l: 24 14 -15 -15
    Asushunamir's Spear (Hold) :2::Bh::+::Kh: :l: 40 28 -14 STN STN 12
    Confession to Lahamu :4::B::+::K: :m::m: 24 40 -16 LNC LNC 9.5 NCC
    Adad's Great Shears BT :B::+::K: :m::m: 15 16 +4 KND KND 19 NCC :gc:
    Adad's Great Shears (Hold) BT :Bh::+::Kh: :m::m: 15 16 +6 KND KND 19 :gc:
    Anshar's Halberd :A::+::K: :h: (?) 35 +7 STN STN 14 :gc:

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Sin's Execution Scythe :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :m: 24 28 -16 +7 +7 20
    Nergal's Anguish :2h:*:8h::A: :h: 22 24 -15 +1 +1 18
    Adad's Sickle Sword :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :h::sm: 22 23 -9 +1 +1 >40 NC
    Nergal's Sickle Sword CH :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A:::B: :h::sm::t: 22 40 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Judgment of Nergal CH :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A:::B::2:*:8::A: :h::sm::t: 22 44 :t: N/A +7 :t: JF
    Roar of Nergal CH :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A:::B::B: :h::sm::t: 22 40 :t: N/A KND :t: JF
    Nergal's Talon :6h::B: :m: 21 (?) -21 -7 STN 20
    Nergal's Talon :6h::B::B: :m::l: 21 34 -11 +3 SHK 16 NC/+12 minimum on CH
    Ea's Judgment :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 27 28 -6 KND KND 10
    Ea's Judgment ~ Draw :3h:*:9h::B::4: :m: 27 26 -13 KND KND 10
    Lilitu's Needle :2h:*:8h::B: :l: 22 16 -17 -7 -7 18 TC
    Prayer to Belit-ili :4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: :m: 22 26 -17 KND KND 10
    Prayer to Belit-ili ~ Draw :4h:*:1h:*:7h::B::4: :m: 22 30 -21 KND KND 10
    Triumph of Gilgamesh :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :h: 17 21 -13 KND KND 83
    The Ark of Utnapishtim :2h:*:8h::K: :h: 23 (?) -3 +5 +5 88
    The Ark of Utnapishtim :2h:*:8h::K::K: :h::h: 23 20 -9 STN STN (?) NC
    Enkidu's Frenzy :1h:*:7h::K: :l: 25 14 -17 -4 -4 (?) TC
    Enkidu's Karma :4h::K: :h: 25 28 -2 KND KND 13
    Wraith of Tiamat :6h::A::+::B: :m: 22 42 -20 KND KND 9
    Wraith of Tiamat (Draw) :6h::A::+::B::4: :m: 22 24 -20 KND KND 9 launches airborne opponents
    Blessing for Lahamu :6h::B::+::K: :m: 25 26 -11 KND KND 10 TC/TJ
    Tiamat's Rampage :4h::B::+::K: :m::m::m: (?) 63 :u: STN STN :u: NC
    Urshanabi's Crossing RUN :K: :l: (?) 26 (?) KND KND 16

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG GRD HIT CH SC Notes
    Ereshkigal the Ruthless :A::+::G: :t: 17 48 :t: KND KND :t: :A: Break
    Kingu the Sly Lord :B::+::G: :t: 17 45 :t: KND KND :t: :B: Break
    Ea of the Abyss Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 55 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Apsu the Origin Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 60 :t: KND KND :t: :A:*:B: Break
    Marduk the Tempest Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: 17 57 :t: KND KND :t: