Z.W.E.I. - Frame Data - SC5

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  • Character Notations​

    • KF = Knife Fiend

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Returning Slicer :A: :h: 14 12 -14 -8 +2 +2 X
    :G: Cancel
    Returning Slicer :A::A: :h::h: 14 12, 14 -13 -5 +6 +6 X
    NC (26 damage)
    Trail Slicer :Ah: :h::h: 14 12, 20 -9 +2 +12 +12 X
    NCC (34 damage) / Ein
    Ranger's Machete :6::A: :h: 20 18 -21 -14 +2 STN 15
    CH STN (+17)
    Aloft Revolver :3::A: :m: 23 16 -23 -17 +2 +2 X
    Aloft Revolver :3::A::A: :m::h: 23 16, 18 -17 -4 +6 STN X
    Opp. ~BT (Hit) / NC (34 damage) / Delayable / Second hit only CH (KND)
    Grass Reaper :2::A: :sl: 14 10 -9 -6 +8 +8 X
    TC (i9-14) / ~FC
    Changeup Spout :1::A: :l: 41 35 -29 -20 KND KND 11
    TC (i35-41) / RO (forward) / ~FC
    Armor Peeler :4::A: :h: 18 18 -24 -16 0 +1 15
    TC (i5-16)
    Assault Position :4::Ah: :h::m: 18 18, 20 -1 +8 +21 +21 11.5
    RO (forward) / TC / Delayable / Ein
    Grass Reaper FC :A: :sl: 12 12 -11 -6 +8 +8 X
    TC (i1 -12) / ~FC
    Two-Handed Slicer WR :A: :m: 22 20 -19 -8 +3 +3 X
    TC (i1-12) / Opp. ~Side turned (Hit)
    Lateral Slicer :7:*:8:*:9: :A: :h: 22 22*24*26 -10 -5 +8 +8 X
    TJ (i3-i22)
    Turn Shortcut Slicer BT :A: :h: 15 12 -12 -7 +4 +4 -
    Turn Grass Reaper BT :2::A: :sl: 15 12 -9 -5 +9 +9 -

    Vertical Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Terminal Dissever :B: :m: 15 14 -15 -8 +2 +2 X
    :G: Cancel
    Terminal Dissever :B::B: :m::m: 15 14, 18 -13 -6 +4 +4 X
    NC (32 damage)
    Trail Dissever :Bh: :m::m: 15 14, 28 -9 +2 +12 +12 X
    NCC (44 damage) / Ein
    Picking Needle :6::B: :h: 14 12 -11 -6 +6 +11 X
    Weakling Knocker :3::B: :m: 19 26 -21 -16 LNC LNC 12
    LNC / W!
    Walnut Cracker :2::B: :m: 16 12 -17 -12 -2 -2 X
    Oaf Brainer :1::B: :m: 21 18 -23 -13 -6 STN 12
    Flank Position :1::Bh: :m::h: 21 18, 20 -6 +2 +6 STN 8.5
    NCC / CH STUN (+21)/ Delayable / Ein
    Kreuz Tactics :1::Bh::K: :m::h::m: 21 18, 20, 22 -19 -10 KND KND 6.33
    RO (forward) / NCC / Ein
    Kreuz Tactics :1::Bh::K: :m::m::h: 21 18, 22, 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ 6.33
    RO (forward) / Delayable / Ein / ~W!
    Liver Gouge :4::B: :m: 17 12 -19 -14 STN STN X
    Walnut Cracker FC :B: :m: 16 16 -15 -6 +2 +2 X
    Bolt Driver WR :B: :m: 25 36 -21 -8 LNC LNC 10
    TC (i15-i23) / LNC / RO (behind)
    Palm Nut Cracker :7::B: :m: 21 22 -15 -4 +3 +3 X
    TJ (i3-21) / Opp. FrC (Hit)
    Palm Nut Cracker :8::B: :m: 21 24 -12 -4 +3 +3 X
    TJ (i3-21) / Opp. FrC (Hit)
    Palm Nut Cracker :9::B: :m: 21 26 -13 -4 +3 +3 X
    TJ (i3-21) / Opp. FrC (Hit)
    Turn Initial Dissever BT :B: :m: 17 16 -16 -4 +2 +2 -
    Turn Walnut Cracker BT :2::B: :m: 17 14 -17 -13 +3 +3 -

    Kick Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Front High Kick :K: :h: 13 14 -15 -7 +2 +2 X
    :G: Cancel
    Hard-Hitting Kick :6::K: :h: 20 30 -21 -12 KND KND 10
    RO / W!
    Heel Bullet :3::K: :m: 14 15 -15 -7 +3 +3 X
    Ankle Scrape :2::K: :l: 15 16 -15 -14 -2 -2 X
    Coward Stump :1::K: :m: 20 24 -29 -16 -4 STN 11
    Opp ~BT (Hit) / CH STN
    Master Knocker :4::K: :h: 15 12 -25 -18 -8 -8 X
    Master Knocker :4::K::B: :h::m: 15 12, 14 -28 -16 STN STN X
    Ankle Scrape FC :K: :l: 14 16 -15 -14 -2 -2 X
    Liver Beater WR :K: :m: 16 18 -17 -8 +6 +6 15
    Leaping Front Kick :7::K: :h: 19 22 -16 -7 +8 +8 X
    TJ / W!
    Leaping Front Kick :8::K: :h: 19 24 -16 -7 +8 +8 X
    TJ / W!
    Leaping Front Kick :9::K: :h: 19 26 -16 -7 +8 +8 X
    TJ / W!
    Turn Front High Kick BT :K: :h: 15 16 -15 -7 +2 +2 -
    Turn Ankle Scrape BT :2::K: :l: 17 14 -15 -14 +2 +2 -

    Simultaneous Press​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Spinning Driver :A+B: :m: 19 40 -24 -16 KND KND 10
    RO / W!
    Double Strike :6::A+B: :GI: 7 40 X X KND KND X
    :GI::m: Active window is i7 - i17 (All) / Ein
    Freikugel Driver :4::A+B: :m: 32 48 -37 -24 KND KND 7
    RO / W! / Clean Hit: C
    Freikugel Driver :4::A+Bh: :m: 38 60 -44 -24 KND KND 6
    RO / W! / Clean Hit: C
    Double Hunting :8::A+B: :m::m: 24 24, 18 -17 -11 KND KND 8.5
    Reverse Driver BT :A+B: :m: 19 40 -27 -18 KND KND 11
    RO / W!
    Poor Fish :B+K: :m: 24 28 -18 -9 STN STN X
    LNC (Air Hit) / Ein
    Pied Piper :6::B+K: :h::m: 27 20, 20 ~ +2 KND KND X
    RO / Ein / W! / i24 Trades If 1st Hit JGed
    Pied Piper: Drive Off :6::B+K::A: :h::h::m: 27 20, 14, 20 -7 +10 KND KND X
    NC With Delayable A / RO / Ein / W!
    Pied Piper: Snatch :6::B+K::B: :h::m::m: 27 20, 20, 15 +1 +9 KND KND X
    NC / Ein
    Pied Piper :6::B+Kh: :h::m: 27 20, 20 ~ ~ KND KND X
    Delayable / Ein / W! / i24 Interrupts If 1st Hit JGed
    Pied Piper: Drive Off :6::B+Kh::A: :h::h::m: 27 20, 14, 20 ~ ~ KND KND X
    Delayable / Ein / W! / i39 Interrupts If 2nd Hit JGed
    Taunt :K+G: :SS: X X X X X X X
    Ein / Cancels Ein Attacks / :G: Cancel
    Rear Guard Backup BT :B+K: :m: 24 20 -17 -5 STN STN -
    LNC (Air Hit) / Ein

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Tempest Bringer :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A: :h: 25 26 -18 -9 KND KND 11
    RO / W!
    Beast's Machete :2h:*:8h::A: :m: 30 25 -26 -17 STN STN 13
    Bush Reaper :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :l: 30 18 -25 -18 STN STN X
    Dry Gimlet :6h::B: :m: 23 25 -21 -12 STN STN 10
    TC / -5 on hit if doesn't stun
    Dry Gimlet :6h::B::A: :m::h: 23 25, 30 -19 -8 STN, KND STN, KND 7.5
    TC / RO / Clean Hit: C
    Pile Ballista :3h:*:9h::B: :m: 22 21 -29 -14 LNC LNC 11
    Anti-Safety Pin :2h:*:8h::B: :m: 19 18 -21 -16 +2 +2 13
    Anti-Safety Pin :2h:*:8h::B::B: :m::m: 19 18, 20 -24 -15 STN STN 8.5
    NCC / Delayable
    Blitzkrieg Deployment :4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: :m::h: 54 36, 12 -11 +12 LNC LNC 4.5
    :gc: / NC / W! / Clean Hit: C / Ein
    Blitzkrieg Deployment :4h:*:1h:*:7h::Bh: :m::h: 78 20, 39 -29 X KND KND X
    :gc: Into :UA: / Ein
    Sand Splash Kick :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :m: 19 16 -15 -10 +2 +2 15
    Spinning Hook Kick :2h:*:8h::K: :h: 18 24 -23 -12 STN STN 15
    STN [+15]
    Shank Scrape :1h:*:7h::K: :l: 29 20 -25 -17 -2 -2 X
    Knuckle Drag Kick :4h::K: :h: 28 32 -21 -8 KND KND 11
    RO / W!
    Clan Vánargandr :6h::A+B: :m::m: 31 28, 25 -4 +5 LNC LNC 6.5
    NC / Ein / W! / i13 Trades If 1st Hit JGed
    Clan Vánargandr :6h::A+Bh: :m::m: 31 28, 25 ~ ~ LNC LNC 6.5
    NC / Delayable / Ein / W! / i31 Interrupts If 1st Hit JGed
    Passing Snipe :6h::B+K: :m: 29 33 -35 -24 STN STN 8
    TJ (Behind) / Clean Hit: A
    Werwolfnacht Falls :4h::B+K: :m::m: 57 30, 33 -41 :UA: STN STN X
    Earth Scraper RUN :K: :l: 21 26 -25 -22 KND KND -
    TJ / RO

    Edge Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Turbulent Revolver :3::aA+B+K: :m::m: 23 16, 20 -29 -16 STN STN X
    :be: NC
    Disassemble :4::bA::+::B+K: :m::m: 17 12, 14 -19 -8 STN STN X
    :be: NC / RO / Delayable
    Vanguard Backup :1::kA+B+K: :m::m: 20 14, 15 0 +10 LNC LNC 9.5
    :be: NC / Ein / i24 Trades If 1st Hit JGed
    Unleash Vánargandr :B+K::A+B+K: :sm: 77 56 ~ ~ KND KND X
    :be: TC / RO / Ein
    Unleash Vánargandr :B+Kh::A+B+K: :sm: 82 56 ~ ~ KND KND X
    :be: TC / RO / Ein
    Tempest Arise :6h:*:3h:*:9h::aA::+::B+K: :h::m: 25 24, 33 +15 +30 STN STN 7.5
    :be: NC / RO / Ein / i21 Interrupts If 1st Hit JGed
    Tempest Arise :6h:*:3h:*:9h::Ah::A+B+K: :h::m: 25 24, 33 ~ ~ STN STN 7.25
    :be: RO / Delayable / Ein / i21 Interrupts If 1st Hit JGed
    Rush & Savage :3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: :m::m::m::h: 22 21, 13, 17, 21 -8 ~ LNC LNC 7.25
    :be: NC / RO / Delayable / Ein / i41 Trades If 1st Hit JGed
    Werewolf Confess :2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: :m: 22 36 -44 -31 LNC LNC 10
    :CE: NC / Ein

    Throw Attacks​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Toughness Contest :A+G: :h: 17 16 :TH: :TH: +18 +18 :TH:
    :A: break
    Jagd Greif Dive :B+G: :h: 17 54 :TH: :TH: STN STN :TH:
    :B: break / Ein
    Jagd Greif Dive :Bh::+::Gh: :h: 17 30 +7 +18 STN STN -
    :B: break / Opp. FrC (block) / Delayable / Ein
    Walpurgisnacht Banquet Left :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 65 :TH: :TH: KND KND :TH:
    :A:*:B: break / Ein
    Open Formation Right :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 60 :TH: :TH: KND KND :TH:
    :A:*:B: break / Ein
    Betide Wodan's Ride Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: 17 70 :TH: :TH: KND KND :TH:
    :A:*:B: break (Astaroth, Voldo, and Z.W.E.I. only) / RO / Ein

    Special Stances​

    Knife Fiend​

    Attack Command Level IMP DMG JG GRD HIT CH GB
    Knife Fiend :2::1::4: :SS: 20 X X X X X X
    20 frames for stance transition
    Aloft Knife KF :A: :h: 41 33 -24 -14 KND KND X
    RO, 21 frames for :A: hit to connect
    Turbulent Knife KF :B: :m: 36 35 -23 +4 +10 STN 8
    :gc: 16 frames for :B: hit to connect