Spectator Cast #26 Soulcalibur 6? with Greatone, Partisan, and Party Wolf

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It's time for another Spectator Cast, this time with a whopping 3 guests. this week we are joined by Greatone, Partisan, and Party Wolf to discuss Soul Calibur 6's long-awaited announcement. Points of discussion include Reversal edge, movement, move list, character roster, keys to sustaining community growth and more.
Video after the break.

PSX SCVI Gameplay Preview Analysis

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PSX has revealed the first gameplay of SCVI in motion. I broke down the most notable changes on my twitch stream and I will link the archive below. I will list the changes me and my stream caught. Feel free to post what you have seen below! Here is the raw footage without me talking over it.

SOULCALIBUR 6 Announced at the TGAs!
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SOULCALIBUR 6 was just announced at the The Game Awards.

No other words needed.

SOULCALIBUR II: Gambling Edition

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Bandai Namco has recently formed a licensing agreement with GameCo Inc to develop a SoulCalibur II gambling machine. It is claimed to be a "skill-based" game that remains similar to SoulCalibur II, but reduced to about 45-60 seconds. The game should be debuting in late 2017 according to the source links below. Here are some quotes that both Bandai Namco and GameCo Inc have to say about the game.
Click here to view more.

Vote for SCV to get a pot bonus at BigEGaming's NEC

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BigEGaming has made a poll on twitter to where we can potentially get 500 dollars added to the SCV prize pool. The voting link will be provided below and there are only a couple days left. Thank you for voting!

Will We See Soulcalibur VI at E3 This Year?

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Another year, another E3. Another year where we wait for an announcement at E3. While previous years we've been grasping at straws, I think this year we could actually get some sort of hints of a new release. Allow me to explain why I think you guys should get your hopes up and why I think Namco has yet to abandon the series...

Firstly, depending on which game (Soul Edge or Soulcalibur), and which release you are talking about (arcade or console), we're right in the middle of what could be considered the 20th anniversary for the series. This can be seen with the the activity on the Official Soulcalibur Facebook all last year celebrating the 20th anniversary. If Namco had indeed abandoned the series, why spend the effort to conduct polls and keep readership alive on Facebook; a platform which companies primarily use for marketing.

But you may be asking: why have we been waiting 5 years? Traditionally, we get a new numbered...