
I need to go to an offline event and test my metal...
Why? Laggy games are laggy. Our connection is ass. Doesn't matter who wins.
Trash deity --> still say it's laggy
Lose to Deity ---> Blame lag, It's a fad I guess :)
But Arch Deity actually is laggy as all fuck.
@ZeroBeat ONLINE MEANS EVERYTHING!!!!! especially to the people who don't go offline.
I'm down for games whenever, Fahros :)
Although there are rare circumstances, for the most part bars are accurate when coming to represent ones connection with other players. This was not one of those rare circumstances. This video was not a showcase of skill, I have nothing to prove against Fahros. I beat him here and many other times even on his own channel during one of his episodes. I merely uploaded this because I thought it was funny how he lied and started degrading me when I called him out on his excuses.