
As soon as I saw tago's silhouette I laughed myself out of the room.
What!? you can even change you characters' attack stream color!? Oh My Geeawwd!!! *FilthieRich voice*
damn. i use to take like an hour to create a character this will make it two hours. they really went all out in this.
We can make them fat! Short! Tall! wwwoooowho!
I'm afraid of what Enkindu will make...
Mc. Swaggle.................... Just worried about the height feature
Mc. Swaggle.................... Just worried about the height feature
MUCH better, a lot like WWE's Horray for tattooing! (I just hope they dont limit body tattoos to just men..) Please make all features avilaible for both in Broken destiny.
the only problem I have is that they reused the ugly faces and hair from SC4... Atleast bring back SC3's content.And they said everything can be edited individually but the faces are still masks... the faces are the most needed things to toggle..and beards are attached to the faces still....

And I noticed sophita's SC4 hair is in the game, so Id hope for Others from the older games and the clothing, That would make the mode perfect.
TOO... MUCH... HYPE!!!
I'm making a fat dude, and giving Natsu tits. LOL