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  • So excited for the new consoles and the games coming up. The end of the year is gonna be amazing!
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    Reactions: Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ignore the Xbox One haters, most of them don't even understand how the used game market works, and they have made up fantasies where without an internet access will suddenly make your games have less processing power... LOL.

    get whichever console you like, they both will be good. I'm getting Xbox One launch day. Peace out mate!
    Yeah and you wonder why everyone else ignores you with your trollish comments.
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Trollish comments? Lol, I think it's a vice versa here. I explain my points of view, to the point. You just stumble along like a tool and go "DONT BUY DONT BUY!"

    Oh disagreeing with you is "trolling" now right? Oh I understand...
    Im Loving Injustice right now. Anybody wanna share who their mains are? I use Raven for the most.
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    Reactions: NatsuMist
    Oh I just got the demo so yea :P How come Raven is Evil?
    Well to me in the game itself I think raven is not really an evil character and also in the character select, she is list in the good side category.
    Well Catwoman isn't good or bad. Maybe she is leaning over to the good though
    Anybody getting Injustice Gods among us? I know that I'm getting it for sure when it comes out.
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