BLACKSTAR Jun 12, 2012 Y do people play only online, and don't go to local tournaments (for SCV)? Is this community destined to be an online-only thing???
Y do people play only online, and don't go to local tournaments (for SCV)? Is this community destined to be an online-only thing???
BLACKSTAR May 20, 2012 BUY VIRTUA FIGHTER 5:FINAL SHOWDOWN! June 5/6th, for a measily FIFTEEN DOLLARS!!! Even with (cosmetic) DLC, its $45, much less than retail
BUY VIRTUA FIGHTER 5:FINAL SHOWDOWN! June 5/6th, for a measily FIFTEEN DOLLARS!!! Even with (cosmetic) DLC, its $45, much less than retail
BLACKSTAR May 1, 2012 It's official. The number of Natsus and NMs on XBL have increased at a staggeringly annoying rate. :/
It's official. The number of Natsus and NMs on XBL have increased at a staggeringly annoying rate. :/