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  • Gotta check out Jrasta111's vids. At least he has SC content in them...
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    It's kind of hard not to avoid something with so much junk in it instead of actual gameplay lol
    Hi, why do you want to cough on my face? I'm sure that the statement's meant to be "fighting words", but I'm more confused than offended. Why do you want to cough on my face? How would that even hurt?
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    Reactions: COMmon
    I didn't mean it as fighting words, just exactly as I said. I think I saw you respond to someone in a forum in a way that made me want to see how you would react to something random done to you. Like having your face coughed on. I very rarely have thoughts like this and almost never post them to the person it's about.
    You are only guilty of seeming slightly interesting for a moment. So don't feel threatened/offended; unless that is your natural response to this... then by all means :)
    No harm done, I was just a bit curious and confused.
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