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  • I find it funny how literally none of the matches I'm losing DC's, yet 75% of the ones I'm winning does...
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    That's what ya get for playing on PSN... At least on Xbox it rarely disconnects other than obvious rage quits. (3-0, already KO'ed.. connection lost) xD
    I got tired of spending money to play online and fix my console. Guess there is no system that does what it's actually supposed to do.
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    ^ Lol I agree with that, I've gone through 4 Xbox360's total, but that was before I bought an Xbox360 Elite, it's been good for 2 years, the original consoles sucked horribly though... ><;; disc read error and red ring of death!
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