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  • J
    yo I responded to what u posted on my status hope my post wasn't all too confusing :/
    hey, idk if i am still working the guide yet but i dont think i will be able to if i am. I havent taken any notes, schools is in the way, my ps3 is fried, and personal stuff is going on...since you, cerinain, and trace have gone more in depth and actually have the patch already can you compose it? I dont know if you composed it already, but i am just notifying you, hell i dont even know if people liked it..
    i can prob work the match up discussion, i have been late because of unexpected problems. I can get it done in the minimium of 2 weeks in the summer, about a month or month and a half before EVO. My goal was to get it done a few weeks after the patch, but that wont happen. People seem to be getting feedback out of the videos thread and Q and A thread. If that is too late to prepare for EVO can you compsee it?
    yeah i know it wasnt my responsibilit yin the first place, but i say things and i keep my word on them...i also offered to make the yeah. anyway i am VERY sorry...
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