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  • I've got new interenets now btw, and I'm on normal time. You gonna be on this week?
    I might be online today from 9pmish on! You?
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    Nah can't but I'll be on at least one evening tues-thurs
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    I'll be on tonight, Dr.
    You must be the first person in history to come out and say that your character has a good matchup vs Pyrrha. Good man.
    • Like
    Reactions: docvizzo
    Yeah but she can punish EVERYTHING. Is there even any good Pyrrha on XBL? Think i need to own some people again to get some credibility. Jesus.
    Good luck w the Switzerland thing. I was thinking of trying to get top players and others to occasionally do a Global Colosseo thing, just so that players from different countries could get a lot of chances to play each other rather than hoping they get invited to the same room. What do you think? It would be like the thing Alex J did.
    It's possible that after Cannes, the Fr community will see value in this too, as they didn't dominate for once and lots of non-FR players did really well like Rufus, the Italians, me, Kalas, and obviously JAG.
    Sounds good, we could even think about launching a Online event with invited top players to get some hype in? But it might hurt the pride of some top players if they dont succeed, not sure if they want to take the risk for an online thing :)

    Also congrats on your sick casual results, no idea how you did this :)
    Cos I am the best lol.

    Poor maxou was a bit upset when those ESCVOT guys did their tournament.

    But really this would be for training rather than competition, there's still something about online where it's difficult to take seriously.
    What happened man I thought you were back for good. I'm bored of this game now, you gotta come back to smack me about so I get the desire back again.
    And no I haven't played much SCV but I DID finish Super Meat Boy dark world BOOYAH
    Nice super meat boy rocks. Good call. We are playing Fifa on the PS3 right now but i might get it for 360, lets talk about the club once i have it :) Not sure if Saitoh will let me join :)
    Join my club with Stu (my brother) instead! It's fun playing with Saitoh and his pals but they talk exclusively in French (no problem for you though) so I tend to play more just me and him these days
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