Dr. Hates
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  • osnap DOCTOR Hates, I can't believe you're still on this site. Oh wait, wtf am I even doing here? Right. Idle would want me to show this to you because it amuses us both. http://i.imgur.com/YSuVuBY.png
    Dr. Hates
    Dr. Hates
    We were colluding before it was mainstream. #SCpioneers
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    Reactions: Krit
    1. Doesn't have a gay come hither smile
    2. Doesn't have a pink face
    3. He killed Batman
    Dr. Hates
    Dr. Hates
    So you're basically jealous that Thanos is way more handsome than you are? Makes sense. Also, Bane killed Batman, too, and he's just a South American drug addict.

    Thanos killed most of the Marvel heroes after killing half the earth's population by SNAPPING HIS FINGERS. Infinity Gauntlet, son.
    Handsome? Nah. Pretty? Sure in the circles that you probably run in. Also, just goes to show how weak marvel is. You ain't killing Superman snapping no fingers son.

    Also he didn't kill batman he paralyzed him. Darkseid blew his fucking head off with his laser beams.
    Hello Hates, good to see you still here doing your job. Listern, I would like my name to be changed to SpiritOfEnkindu. That meets the 15char limit for user names. Thanks for helping me.
    Hello hates, good to SEE you. Do me a favor, since I haven't been an active moderator in the noobie forum for quite some time now, and have actually stated that I will no longer be donating my time to modding this site, think you can remove my mod power? I basically just want my name removed from the staff lists. Thank you very much. Hope to SEE you later.
    Okay. I SEE you're on top of it. Keep up the good work! Your services don't go unSEEN.
    I know you've got a life, and can't do something as simple as uncheck a box in the blink of an eyes. I am a patient man, just try not to forget to do it. You'd be doing me a favor.
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