Dreamkiller, I'm good. Good to see you too amigo, nice to see I was remembered fondly. Thanks. Lol, some people have been like I came back from the dead, which is sort of ironic :D. I gotta catch up on my taki strats, see what's what now you know? Cf's a ghost town and I missed you guys. Was really time to put forth an effort here you know?
"GL"? You gotta forgive me man, I'm so not hip. But yeah, took me a while to get off my ass, eat some crow. It's lookin like a pretty great site, like it more the more I look around. :D Gotta post up my pic, find an avatar. Lose some weight, learn another language. I'll do the first two first though, they sound easier. And holy crap, what happened to Rigel? He turned into David Bowie all of a sudden. Or Rosario Dawson.