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  • If you want something done, do it yourself; stop constantly bitching about it.
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    Reactions: Crash X
    Ya it seems all these ppl do in this forum is talk, bitch, whine and complain all which doesn't do a damn thing; what's the point of repeating stuff if it isn't effective at all. I know I am complaining about them doing these things and it probably doesn't stop them, the least I could do is say my piece once or a few times and give them something to think about and walk away doing something productive in my life.
    First, sorry for the loss. I wouldn't say that you feeling depressed about that would make you a "victim", but to each their own. Different people deal with loss differently.
    Second, the only thing I see people whining about is not seeing SC6 trailers at *insert game convention here* They're only making themselves sad, lol. I wish I knew how to access the coding for SC5 or something. A patch would breathe some life into it until SC6 is actually announced
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