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  • Yes, in most cases I actually prefer to play as Ashotte.. whiffing issues & glitches aside, I prefer her 'cute but deadly, robotic little bo bip' look.. ^_^ ..and due to her smaller hit box, I'm able to play a similar 'step' game to my main sophie.. & ashotte's 4b+k seem to evade a lot of short/medium ranged mids.. >_< lol!

    Your brother DaGOTTh is arguably the strongest Sophie in the World. Ramon(US), Vincent(CAN), & Chris Orochi(FRA) comes very close.. but he stands out due to his consistency, mindgames, creativity & for keeping it together when the pressure of the game sets in..

    ..I've pretty much integrated much of his shenanigans in my own sophie playstyle.. >_<

    But don't tell him that, cause it might get to his head, making it expand & will end up not fitting through the door.. ^_^ lol!

    ...Oh, & ur the best Asta in Europe, just for being able to beat ur brother.. ^_~ hehe!
    lol! ye, there's a good amount of Soulcalibur fanatics in Merry old England. In fact, there's three english players registered here in 8wayrun.com.. ^_^


    Unfortunately, due to a non-existent offline scene everywhere here.. we've mainly played online.. too many SSF4s & Tekken 6 players with a lot of unwarranted hate for soulcalibur 4.. =( ..A pity though, since I feel that my fellow countrymen playing this game has a lot of potential, & could represent well in a lot of international tourneys.. just need the money & availability to actually attend.. =_=
    Oh, hi there geejay. North of Germany is ready to anwer, lol

    Nice to see that there are still players from the UK interested in SCIV. ^^

    And yeah my brother heard from you and that you like his Sophie. Intersting that you play ashlotte too. Unfortunatelly he and i almost stopped playing SCIV... We just don´t play it as much as we did months ago. No real motivation atm. :(

    We will see if that changes till the next months. Can´t really tell. But like i said, nice to see a SC-player from the UK on this board. ^^
    North of England, UK says hello too! ^_^

    ...& as mainly a Sophie player, ur Brother's vids are compulsory watch for me.. & so is yours.. since Astaroth (or rather, Ashotte.. >_<) is my secondary.. ^_^

    ..hope the two of you haven't quit calibur altogether... =(
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