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  • Jaxel, the site looks wonderful.

    Keep up the good work, I'll continue to support in any way I can!
    OMG he didnt say Yo, Im DancingFighterG. HELL HATH FROZEN OVER!

    Well the site runs great and the server loads are good so why not add a flash chat if we can handle it? I miss doing AIM chats with people to get their heads together for strats and this could be a good place to get more then 1on1 conversations about strats in real time not over days on the forums
    Hey Jaxel, have you started collecting moderators for the different sections. I want to start migrating all the important information from the areas i.e soul arena, tournament section, etc. Didn't know if you already started this. didn't want to re-invent the wheel. Let me know through IM!!
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