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  • Hey kAb, I read your block punishment guide, with patroklos, you can step/8WR the second part of his 6BBB string to his left if blocked (that's if they just throw it out), so maybe one can get greater damage, rather than ducking, just something to point out. Good stuff, I'm picking up on natsu so I'm reading as much info as I can get.
    i feel like good pat players will hit confirm the CH before they do the 3rd hit. in this case A:6 punishing the 2nd hit on block or 6A+B4 punishing if you duck are probably your best bet. if they are just letting the 3rd hit rip ducking the 2nd and getting a CH WS K is gonna be your biggest damage. thanks for the info
    if you have any natsu questions shoot them my way, bout to put up zwei in a minute.
    no problem, I'll most likely be reading so some most of my questions I'll find answers to on the SA!
    Haters gonna hate, stay classy.

    haters gonna hate, the shield of the ignorant.
    Ignorant? If you honestly think I'm ignorant to mechanics of the game; due to things said in the moment during a LIVE light-hearted commentary...

    Well, I'd like to see you do better. And if you can't do better, then why the hateful comments?

    Doing my best to provide entertaining videos, and get some exposure to the game we all love.
    Im soory to say that without the patch there will be dislike for the game, it will grow unpopular, and other stuuf like that. The fact that if they are given the brutal truth...they will whine more and the players cant be ignored, or the same will happen.....so they have to be acknowledged.
    Dont forget that the devs arent stupid, they know FULLY what they are doing. They are not going to give into a few players who cant just research the character, it would take more people. People are treating her like taki though, thats the problem. Aside from just researching her. If she isnt good by the time EVO comes then she will be buffed, we will know more about her too.
    also, she wont be nerfed most likely...there is a probability of it but the there is a higher probability that the "low tiers" will be buffed. (seems to be a more simple solution and also easier for everyone to adapt to) Just be patient...that includes all you natsu players.
    I really hope you're able to make it out to the next session. It's been too long brother.
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