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  • Hey man I saw you posted on the Cervantes forums some time ago that you were going for a less heavy input character this time around. I'm looking for a second character to learn. Who would you recommend that meets that easier to input criteria? Pyrrha, Omega Pyrrha, etc?
    Pretty much anyone but Cervy or aPat lol. Nobody else in the game is completely reliant on hitting JFs. And I do mean 100% hit them or you will lose reliant on JFs. Because both characters are full of holes that they make up for with in other ways, but if you can't execute, they're mid tier at best.
    Thanks a lot for the advice! I saw you mentioned Pyrrha in a post thats why I mentioned her
    I'm going to pick up Mitsu next I think, just feel like his strong 50/50 game is gonna help in a game where people have psyched themselves out of moving because of the backstep nerf.
    I just saw the thing you wrote in the SC Tactics subforum years ago. If it's alright with you, I'm going to clean up some spelling/grammar errors, reformat, and then frame it for everyone to see because it is perfect.
    Only if you tell me where the spelling and grammar errors were, lol. Because MS Word missed them in that case. But yes, be my guest.
    hey not trying to be a bugger, but can you see if SCV empty prep is safe if the opponent sidesteps for me? it was in SC4.Does prep K space on block at tip and do prep moves have a delay still? Sorry for that, ....my ps3 is fried......please tell me?
    Not sure what you mean by prep moves having a delay, but empty prep lasts a LONG time in this game, and prep K definitely does not push back much at tip range.
    okay thanks, hopefully prep K will space on block. By the prep delay i mean that during the tiem he is in prep and you can input a move: EX: 3(B) (delay, like a moment) Bb or seomthing. havent messed with prep, i thought it would be simialr to the previous installment. it could be long because of QS. so much testing, so much fun lol
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