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  • Hey djinn I'm back. My connection's like shit though, and my dpad's is faulty, but I think I can finally get some PSN games with you maybe :)
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    Reactions: RedDjinn
    Im on that ttt2 bro :( LOL Plus real life is hitting me hard right now I barly get to play but when I do Ill let you know ahead of time. thx :)
    Hey when they banned you. Had you gotten any infraction notices prior to that? Cause honestly dude Ive been trying to kick the admins into gear. But I cant get them to infract me for shit. I think they hate hillbillys that sound black but are actually white.
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    Reactions: RedDjinn
    Hot Rod Dave
    Hot Rod Dave
    yeah Im back. Took almost another week to be able to send and recieve PMs, post on profiles, like posts and even have my posts be pre-approved by a moderator. Im still pissed tho! I aint around here to much now. Shit Im barley posting at all. And I dont miss it!
    Wow sounds a little uncalled for, but thats what you get for not being a part of the "in crowd" I would imagine the leadership and arrogance of people on these boards drives many people away from the game. Luckily Ive never needed a forum to enjoy any game. Welcome back brah LOL
    Hot Rod Dave
    Hot Rod Dave
    Yeah this whole leadership thing is nothing but a bunch of Jaxels buddies trying to run the place. Unfortunatly they are a bunch of tennage punks!!
    redjinn is back!!! :D
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    Reactions: RedDjinn
    Yessssir LOL I guess it was a 3 day ban... a day for each letter in the post. Typical Noob Mod power trip. What up Justin?
    Nm been using raphael, ezio and aeon. Owning people who underestimate them :p
    Raph is fun... Im using Pyrrah now... LOL owning as well :P Im going to try ezio but f lizzy boy.
    you get banned or something bruh. Why is everyone flying "FREE REDD JINN" on their status?
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    Reactions: RedDjinn
    So what do you have to do? LOL I didnt read the thread?
    Hot Rod Dave
    Hot Rod Dave
    I just gotta donate money. no biggie. then I think Im done with SC5. Games kinda garbage and I aint got time to play anymore
    haha cant blame you... I think its fun though, i hated it at first but its grown on me now... You shouldve got ur xbox fixed... I play people in the UK like its offline. but hell i def feel you on the time thing!
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