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  • Hey there, can we play casuals at Devastation?
    U need a room to stay in? I'm hoping I can find people who are good practice to room with.
    Haha sounds good as long as we can get some sleep ;)
    I suck when I stay up all night.
    I hear ya. I only got 3 hours of sleep before grand finals last year. :\

    I was falling asleep on the chairs while we were waiting for them to call us up for Soul Calibur! They had to come wake me up haha.
    YO, great job at summer jam. Just saw your matches, I was suppose to go but the hurricane ruined my plans, but we will finish that ft5 some day. The score was 4 to 3 your favor lol.
    Great make sure to come out to Nec and I'll see u there. Without you in the scene, there is no tira representation at all and she's fun to play against. btw you were up 4 to 3 in the 1st to 5 match. You started out with the early lead and I started to catch up before we left. It's a good thing that i Didn't play you for money haha
    Ohhhh, ok i got the numbers switched then. It was amazing fighting all those good players. Tira will be represented at NEC and I will try my hardest to try and get top 5. But if you go i might get top 6 or worse lol. Its always fun to fight a good apprentice, because your the only one I played that represented him. Your the only one to win a tournament with him, so hopefully I will be the first to win it with tira.
    Yo, RTD, what's your PSN? We should get some games in some time. We should have a good 5 bar.
    it's RTD_ATL :) Add me yo. I'll start hopping online after the GVN Summer jam tourny when I don't have to worry about my JF timing.
    Awesome. Can't wait to lag you to death.
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