SaltyFist Jan 16, 2013 My poor Soul Calibur disk died just before hitting 800hrs. I'm not too mad about it, it lasted longer than any other game I've played.
My poor Soul Calibur disk died just before hitting 800hrs. I'm not too mad about it, it lasted longer than any other game I've played.
SaltyFist Dec 23, 2012 I'm in such a better mood on this game now that I'm playing more characters than just Z.W.E.I. It relieves a lot of the stress
I'm in such a better mood on this game now that I'm playing more characters than just Z.W.E.I. It relieves a lot of the stress
SaltyFist Oct 30, 2012 I love getting back on this game after about a 2 month break only to get beat and called a scrub repeatedly. Makes me wonder why I came back
I love getting back on this game after about a 2 month break only to get beat and called a scrub repeatedly. Makes me wonder why I came back
Solo Aug 8, 2012 Here is that video I was talking about, it's pretty sweet. The notation for the set ups is even in the description. xD
Here is that video I was talking about, it's pretty sweet. The notation for the set ups is even in the description. xD