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  • May not mean a whole lot coming from a 1 tourney, a few offline, mostly online scrub like me, but I appreciate what youre doing. Ive been trying for months to get some offline stuff going on down here with NO luck at all!! I got ahold of Duma, hes down! Hes working on getting pendragon and a few others to play. But he says they are all into Tekken6 and wouldnt really take SC4 seriously tourney wise.

    So my question is...Is it pointless to get these guys together if we are only gonna just do some offline casuals?
    I really wanna help out, but not sure how. Help me to help you!!

    yeah all that as happen so far was me being insulted & a rumor of me being a guy ect ect but i did meet some nice people
    ^-^ like E. . .something i forgot his name lol oh also ur friend texted me we talking about how u made a vist 2 his house and u 2 played had fun so on so on hes very nice
    I assume you don't own an Xbox360? I'm really bored and have nobody to play with.

    Babalook: Moved to Tekken6.
    Dragon: SSFIV
    Spurious: Tekken6
    KrayzieCD: Has xbox live but refuses to play on it

    The list goes on....

    whatsup S-U! have you given up on the Calibur? or will you still be attending tournaments and stuff this summer?
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