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  • I'm kinda bored, I got done playing some SC4 games and recording matches for Shadius, uploading them to my youtube now. I feel so tired right now :(
    we will definately souli it up again soon friend :), I should be online either tomorow or on sunday :), btw what other games do you play? I was thinking of downloading castle crashers to tide me over until my computer is fixed :) JOIN ME!! :p, and yeah I have no doubt you will get better over time.
    :) hey Taaaag!!

    Hey just wanted to say thanks for the add invite and as soon as I get my computer working again and get through this hurricane ( yeah hurricane gustav is currently taking a dump on muh cayman islands :( ), then I'll be on aim and we can SOULI IT UP AGAIN, btw you are a pretty pro kilik :). take care :)
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