Talim JP
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  • Hey, I wanted to ask you, do you know if the JP Soul Calibur scene is still at least somewhat active for either 5 or 2?
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    Reactions: JAGTHEGEMINI
    Talim JP
    Talim JP
    Don't know about any separate side events planned for the same time but I could see gamez (esp ones in EVO) doin other comps/prac/get togethers. Those can be hard to know about (unless you are in that game's community).
    Alrighty then. Well if you find out anything let me know. I plan on going and it would be cool to get to play them while I'm there. Also maybe try to get some other US SC players to go.
    Talim JP
    Talim JP
    If they know a bunch SC playas are comin they may plan something (let me know who and how many).
    I'm learnin T7 and may enter EVO (just for 'fun') if I can play it by then.
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