8WayRun Chat Logs

There was some great banter between Ou and Tag earlier too. Aw snap. Keep this thread stickied. I got a feeling it's going to get alot of posts :D
[IdleMind] 8:41 pm: Lets tackle three issues at once, binding extra A's to Serges cock should be banned with bubbles.
 [KowtowRobinson] 8:41 pm: lol I'm not binding anything to serge's cock
[Serge2HOT4U] 2:09 am: kowtow i can be chip, tidus can be dale and u can be monterey jack
[KowtowRobinson] 2:09 am: serge I'm not engaging in group gymnast furry sex with you
[AkazukinChaCha] 2:02 pm: the best kind of rage is where you get all red faced and scream with range then run over to someone's desk..AND........tip over their jar of pencils gentley
[Sacharja] 2:02 pm: those pencils are not to be fucked with
[AkazukinChaCha] 2:03 pm: thats how you rage man'
[AkazukinChaCha] 2:03 pm: they never see it coming
[OuTk@sT] 2:03 pm: who the fuck has a jar of pencils?
[RiBu] 2:03 pm: my pencils are made of guns
[AkazukinChaCha] 2:03 pm: once you do that, they have to respect your instability
[OuTk@sT] 2:03 pm: They'll never make eye contact again :P
[AkazukinChaCha] 2:04 pm: how about you get red faced, scream and then RUN TO THE CLOSET AND GRAB A LINT BRUSH, AND LINT BRUSH YOUR PANTS!!!! .....AGGRESIVELY!
[OuTk@sT] 2:04 pm: Do you rage alot?
[ZenXacred] 2:04 pm: ...did something traumatizing happen to your pencils, Rek?
[Rekano] 2:05 pm: you know how long I had those mother fuckers?
[Rekano] 2:05 pm: in that fucking jar
[OuTk@sT] 2:05 pm: you had em since they where little saplings?
[ZenXacred] 2:05 pm: they grew there


[8WayRun.Com]: IdleMind has entered at 2:52 pm
[OOFMATIC] 2:52 pm: CY you should make a list of who has balls or not and post it in the strat section
[emo_prinny] 2:52 pm: hahahaha
[ZenXacred] 2:52 pm: he's studying the characters' ball pattern
[Sacharja] 2:52 pm: his testicles are easy
[8WayRun.Com]: IdleMind has left at 2:52 pm
[emo_prinny] 2:52 pm: i expect a detailed analysis of all the women of SC balls
[CrazyYoshimitsu] 2:52 pm: where should i post this at matic?
[Sacharja] 2:52 pm: totally made him leave