Anybody playing Ninja Gaiden 2 at all?

I would give it a 8 out of 10 just because of some issues/glitches they don’t bother me too much but they shouldn’t be there that being said I liked it better than the first all the new stuff they added is awesome.
I have to rate this game 2 ways. How much I love it and the technical aspects of it.

I'd give this game a 10 on sheer enjoyment. It's hilariously gory. The weapons are all cool to use and Ryu is a total badass. If you found the first too hard then Acolyte mode should be better for you.

Now this game clearly has Microsoft's (who published it) touch of get this out the door and making us money. There are some framerate problems (which were unheard of in the original), rare but present game breaking glitches in chapter 10 (keep multiple saves just in cause, though I never ran into it in any of my playthroughs) and a general feel in lesser polish than the first. The mission mode update, which you need to download to play the pay to play mission mode (booooo) will ruin the single player game causing it to freeze and be impossible to finish unless you clear your HD cache.

Also if you play on higher difficulties the game gets retarded. I could pound the xbox originals. I could play through on Master Ninja fairly easily and actually had the number 2 score on the PSN leaderboard for Sigma (I think I'm still number 9 over a year later!!) but this game is brutal. Relentless projectile attacks force you to learn to link Obliterations and Ultimates as much as possible for the invincibility frame needed to stay alive. The bosses are mega cheap for the most part. I beat Shinobi on PS2 on Super difficulty and I gotta say this is way harder (maybe not the last boss though he's was just dirty in Shinobi).

Anyway just don't expect the same play style as Ninja Gaiden 1 and you'll be happy with this game. It's more fast paced and frantic, less methodical.
This game is quite fun but its not as hard as people make it out to be. The problem I been noticing people have is that the game is a defensive game. Usually going on offence gets you raped. Mostly on harder game modes but generally you block and wait for a opening. You can't be a turtle about it, cuz as with a fighting game you WILL be thrown for it. After getting a general flow for how the game plays you'll only have problems with the bosses. Most of the games content can be blown threw by simply spamming a double sparrow dive attack. Its been weakened alot from the pass games but still saves my ass alot.

One thinsg for sure this game makes Devil May Cry 4 look like childs game.
I should really get around to beating it. I do hate a few things about it. How I'll be doing fine and the AI just decides to somehow grab me even though I'm nowhere near them. Or the camera angles fucking up my flow of combos and shit. >:U
[COLOR=\"DarkSlateBlue\"]This game is quite fun but its not as hard as people make it out to be. The problem I been noticing people have is that the game is a defensive game. Usually going on offence gets you raped. Mostly on harder game modes but generally you block and wait for a opening. You can't be a turtle about it, cuz as with a fighting game you WILL be thrown for it. After getting a general flow for how the game plays you'll only have problems with the bosses. Most of the games content can be blown threw by simply spamming a double sparrow dive attack. Its been weakened alot from the pass games but still saves my ass alot.

One thinsg for sure this game makes Devil May Cry 4 look like childs game.

Actually if you play on Mentor or Master it's very hard and most people can't understand if they've only been playing on Warrior or Acolyte. I've played through Master twice now and done everything. Fought every fight done every Test of Valor and got Master Ninja on all levels with a final score of 44.6 million (which if the level boards weren't broken would be near the 50s I believe, though one could easily get 60+ million without cheating if they wanted to milk it). It's a cheap kind of hard so you need serious patience.