"Biologically male/female" - an outdated (and harmful) notion

Wtf are you even arguing? That intersex people exist? I think most of us know that!

The opposite of intolerance isn't tolerance - it's understanding.

By what alien definition of "opposite?" Clearly the word "intolerance" is the negation of "tolerance," and one can understand something they dislike and still be intolerant of it.
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Male = member of a species that is capable of impregnating a female member of the same species and producing fertile offspring.
Female = member of a species that is capable of being impregnated by a male member of the same species and bearing fertile offspring.
Female seahorses give birth to the offspring, which are then carried by the male in a pouch. Seahorses aren't hermaphroditic (i.e. the males do not produce female gametes) so the male/female distinction still stands.
Just because you aren't 100% one or the other, doesn't mean the dichotomy somehow magically doesn't exist. It's a very fundamental component of SEXUAL reproduction.

Nature makes mutations, weird things happen. Exceptions to every rule exist (think Platypus)

Sometimes when you fill out a form, like an application for example, and they ask you which race you are, there is an 'other' category for people who aren't ones on that list. Why can't we have an 'other' category for sex? (and a little box to write specifics)?

Here's a kicker:

Every Male has some estrogen and every female has some testosterone. Does that mean that I am 98% male and 2% female? Just how much of a mess to you want this idea of 'sex' to be?

There's nothing wrong with making distinctions based on assumptions if those assumptions are true most of the time. 99% of the time, it's safe to say the person in the bar with facial hair is a dude :) You can't blame anyone for assuming that. Getting offending is just nonsense and pity party.