BOOOM Street Fighter V exclusive to PS4 & PC

I love how when Microsoft gets something exclusive, it's the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. But when Sony gets something exclusive, you don't hear a damn peep.

Gotta love them fanboys.
Not having to buy an XBone is always good news. Come on now.

That aside, Sony actually payed to have this game MADE. Capcom couldn't have funded it themselves. This isn't like Tomb Raider where it was multiplatform then suddenly not.

Also, this is confirmed to have cross platform play between PS4 and PC. No player wasteland on Steam this time.
I'll be honest, after all they did with the SFIV I don't want to have anything to do with this series any more, I don't want another game that is one icomplete versión after another, I mean, even the Ultimate versión got new DLC, can't you have a fucking game in one single disc?

Same ignorant stuff said anytime SF get mentioned

You can buy entire Vanilla SF4 in a disc dude, it was worth his 60 euros

And for who chosen "fuck yes" the price of the updates was far from unfair, if you watch how much stuff they added

Whatever happen after, update or not is your choice

I wish namco given me the same option of choice with SCV, but they did'nt. Only a middle finger and ridicolous shit in da face SC Lost "cuz lose hurt feelingz" Swords, lol

Let's be real all the whinings about SF4 updates born from the same start: ignorance
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