Custom Costumes & Characters Thread

Thanks. Yeah, decals are what make customizations in TTT2 worth while. I think this method is way better than SCV's sticker placement. All it needs to be perfect is:

1. Give more control over the coloring of the images themselves. It seems to use some sort of hue filter on top, making some images not as useful as others. As it stands, the images that are pitch while are most useful. That's one part that I like better in SCV.

2. When placing a decal, add move Z-axis, rotate Z-axis, and scale Z-axis. This would give the user complete control over how a decal is placed and allow for things currently not possible. For example, put 1 decal on both the front and back of something, like you could on both left and right sides.

3. Add an option to place a decal using a cylindrical projection, so it can wrap around an arm or a leg evenly. Stretching a decal out over a limb currently smears the image on one or more sides.

4. I really hate how they put a cap on how many decals you can make. There should be enough slots to make 4 new decals for every custom slot for every character.

5. If possible increase the number of decal slots used for 1 custom from 4 to 6.

TTT2 and SCV are the only creations games I have. I'd love try WWE '14 creation though. Some of the stuff I see on VGCW looks awesome. I guess if I make something cool in Dark Souls 2 when I get it I could post it lol.

Will post some more later.
Just a heads up, the Customization in TTT2 is 90% using decals. The parts selection is pretty bad. Head, Upper Half, Lower Half. Then two wacky extra items. Then again, the game is super cheap now I think.
Here's some stuff I made referencing Avoiding the Puddle. Did them mostly to see if it was possible:



Some Feng:

Made to look like Souther from FOTNS.
