difference betwee HFS3 and HRAP3

@kosh: aw nuts xD i was going to ask you for more detail if you could, since the thread i read on SRK is quite difficult for me to follow ATM. more so since i'm not familiar with the terminologies yet as well as the thread was laking some pics that i need more detail on.
The buttons of the HFS break very easily indeed. Overall it's not of very good quality.

I'd like to change for that stick http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-zl-49-en-70-2sxw.html

I'm also wondering why the play-asia site says "Compatible with PlayStation3™ Japan". Does anyone know if it could work for a US console ?

Any other comment about that one ?

I have that stick. The buttons are hori buttons, same as the HFS, the difference is the sanwa stick and the fact that the buttons aren't soldered in so if you wanted to replace the cheap hori buttons with sanwas it'll be an easy mod. To answer your second question, yes it works on a US ps3.

Heres a pic of mine modded with sanwa buttons and a matching balltop:

I just got the SCIV one.
I changed the button layout though.

G [L1][R1] [ABKG]

I like it like this.
Thanks oberallen for the heads up !

So overall what do you think of that stick and the offer at play-asia ? Is it worth the price ($129 + $80 shipping = $209!) ? Also where did you get it ?

I just got an email from Hori USA confirming me that this stick is NEVER gonna be released in the US...